Human Spirit, and the Imagination Flying Free
© Bede Nix, 7 March 2018 (Revised on 18 May 2019). All rights reserved.
The Mind's Eye
© Bede Nix, 14 December 2016. All rights reserved.
That's All
© Bede Nix, 16 September 2017. All rights reserved.
There Where The Sun
(And all these flurrying thoughts, in my mind, are themselves like so much weight, and noise).
But then, once released, liberated, and grounded, how calming its quiet, soft, gentle whisper, and how reassuringly intimate, and warming, this smooth white blanket of snow.
And look there, then; do you see?
It’s so bright!
(There where the sun shines through).
© Bede Nix, 2017. All rights reserved.
Like My Breath, In Time
And, long day tired, back stooped, shoulders hunched, head bowed, the eyes drop down, in looking, seeing, not, upon a ground, too hard, and unforgiving; but the feet, walking on, even so, as if from habit, only; left, then right, left, then right, then left, and so on, and so on, and so on; left, right, left …
And I watch, as if in trance, thinking: if this were a dance, with whom, then, these steps?
There’s no one.
And it’s as cold as death; spine-chilling, mortuary, cold.
Except, looking up, then, once more, and captured, as if by some scent of beauty, some instinct, animal, I see again, in a jerk, or twitch, of life, and fresh, bright, eyes, how beautiful she is, the moon, this night.
And the moon, this night, drawn over there, between the branches of the silver birch, glittering, like a diamond in my teary eye, on a night, so cold, so beautiful.
And the moonlight, frozen, like my breath, in time.
Don’t you see?
© Bede Nix, 27 February 2018. All rights reserved.
© Bede Nix, Sunday, 8 April 2018. All rights reserved.
May Your Every Step, As If, In Prayer
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be love, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be love, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be love, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this loving heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this peaceful heart, be love.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
May your every step, may your every breath, may your every thought, this beating heart, be peace.
As if, in prayer.
© Bede Nix, 14 April 2018. All rights reserved.
All Yours
What is you, is not me; what is mine, is not yours.
What is yours, is not mine; what is me, is not you.
What then is you, if not me? And what then is mine, if not yours?
What then is yours, if not mine? What then is me, if not you?
What, in other words, is mine, and what is yours?
What is yours, and what is mine?
What’s mine, what’s yours?
What’s yours, what’s mine?
Mine, yours.
Yours, mine.
That, then, one supposes.
Does one?
That, that.
That is.
What that, then?
And who, you?
And that, am I?
Am I?
And who, if not you?
And who you, if not me?
And who she, if not he?
And who he, if not she?
And if not me, then, not you.
And if not you, then, not me.
Not me, not you; not you, not me.
And if not me, not you; and if not you, not me.
Not me, not you; not you, not me.
And if not me, not mine; and if not you, not yours.
Not me, not mine; not you, not yours.
And if not yours, and not mine; and not me, and not you.
Then who?
And whose?
Who knows?
And if not me, not you; or if not you, not me.
And if not yours, not mine; and if not mine, not yours.
Not mine, not yours; not you, not me.
You. Me. Me. You.
Me, mine; you, yours.
Me, you; yours, mine.
My love.
All yours.
© Bede Nix, Monday, 16 April 2018. All rights reserved.
Going With The Flow
And that’s good, for when we don’t relax, release, let go, go with the flow, open up, and share, as if simply riding, surfing, upon the wave of appearance, this our source of inspiration, this our stream of consciousness, this great flow of creative thought, and rich emotion, and vital energy, in mind, in heart, well, in heart, in mind, all our vital energy, all our rich emotion, all our creative thought, our consciousness, our inspiration, this whole expression of this, our appearance, our appearance of being, our being, as flow, as stream, as source, will simply fail to fulfil the fullness of its potential, its creativity and inspiration, its fullest and most beautiful expression, and then that appearance, that appearance of being, that being, flow, stream, source, energy, not shared, but shut away, shut off, shut down, closed up, locked in, held back, taut, in tension, tight, slows down, grows thick, as if coagulating, and becomes then painful, so painful, and diseased, and draws upon and drains us of energy, so much energy, and our potential, our creativity, our inspiration, our expression, all blocked, and all the energy of movement, in emotion, and the source, the stream, the flow, as if frozen, and the spirit, broken, and dying, but a shadow of both its future could have been and its former self.
So it’s good now that we can relax, release, let go, go with the flow, open up, and share, as if simply riding, surfing, upon the wave of appearance.
And it’s good that we can breathe freely, and fully, in the light, and be illuminated.
And it’s good that we can relax now, I think; that’s really good.
Now off we go.
© Bede Nix, Monday, 16 April 2018. All rights reserved.
Crane Dance
© Bede Nix, 14 February 2018. All rights reserved.
So To Speak
© Bede Nix, September 2017. All rights reserved.
Mountains of the Mind
And, the higher these mountains reach up into the sky, the greater the downward drop, below, of their shadows, into valleys, and lowlands, falling.
And, these mountains, and these valleys, these highlands, and these lowlands, feature time’s contours, and creases, which describe our landscape, in drawing, tracing, outlining, there, upon it, lines, so many lines, like timelines, to human eyes, upon the face, not of human history, exactly, but of something much greater, such as time’s own story.
And, part-blinded by the present’s fleeting moment, it may seem to us, at times, as if we were living again in an age of easy opinions and unthinking judgements, where we encounter but too little, in our daily lives, of the most basic human kindness, and consideration, and pity, and forgiveness, and compassion, and humanity; and where sometimes we encounter, instead, and too often, much misunderstanding, and mistrust, and anxiety, and fear, and frustration, and anger, and hatred, and violence; and as if we were living again in times, that is, of prejudice, and intolerance, and disputed identity, and persecution, and exclusion; and in times, that is, of indignity, and ignorance, and despondency, and darkness, and despair; and in times, that is, of barbed wire, and bullets, and bombs; and in times, that is, of conflict, and terror, and tragedy, and war.
And, in times, like these, these same mountains, and valleys, symbols at once of unity, and division, despair, and hope, may promise some protection, some safety, some security, as in a refuge, or a simple mountain cave; secret pockets of warmth, and comfort, which promise perhaps a home to homeless human hearts, and spirits.
And, these mountains, sometimes, often, offer also a point of far seeing vantage, and observation, where distances may begin to seem relative, entirely relative, and where all separation, and division, may likewise seem suddenly so small, and so petty, and so inconsequential, and so unimportant, and where suddenly the eye may be fixated not on difference, but be relaxed, rather, and fully opened, into the very fullest human vision, and like an open hand, and heart, of thought.
And, in this way, our landscapes may offer us sometimes a larger perspective.
And, sometimes, such an enlarged perspective may be of vital importance, as if a matter of human life, or human death.
And, imagining, for a moment, these mountains, of the mind, I find myself wondering, who among us can perceive the precise moment that separates human death, from human life, or the invisible, from the visible?
For, in observing these mountains, of the mind, the passage, from night, to day, may seem but as the dawn’s sweet unveiling of her face, in beauty; and the passage, from day, to night, but a lover’s soft, and gentle, caress.
Sleep easily, then, dear friend; and, in life’s fullest beauty, awake, as well.
© Bede Nix, Among the Cedars of Mount Lebanon, and in a Search for Understanding, 21-29 April 2018. All rights reserved.
In Search of Light
In search of light, I stood at the edge.
In search of light, I stood at the very edge.
In search of light, I stood at the very, very edge, and looked up, straining my eyes.
In search of light, I stood at the very edge, of the very highest clifftop, in those parts, and looked up, and looked up, and looked up, straining my eyes, seemingly to no avail.
In search of light.
For there were many times, and so many times, and so very many times, that the loneliness felt vast, and boundless, seemingly, like an ocean. And at those times the tiniest spark, or light, of creative impulse, divine, in each, and every, slightest, opening, and relaxing, of human hand, as if in wave, of heart, or crease, of cheek, or slightly parted crest, of teeth, white, smile, or fleeting moment’s fleetingly warm, kind eye, or gentle, forgiving, gaze, or tender touch, as if in love, defeated me, at once, in my loneliness, my profound loneliness, my lonely I … and in this way how surprised then I was … to be again surprised … yes, surprised … one more time … one last time … by these sudden, and unhoped for, promises, of freedom … and this giving rise each time to a feeling … these sudden, unhoped for, promises, of freedom … and a feeling that then would draw me back, again, and at once, into a seeming promise, rather, of a freedom, joyful, in life, itself, and a dream, remaining somehow alive, of a still tremendous future, and happiness, and a tremendous future, and happiness, and a tremendous future happiness, in living, life, in love, in living love, somehow, and this feeling, in fact, as if, living, again, in this life, as if, again, I were falling, in love, and living love, again, a little, and then again, and again, still more, and all over, and all over, and all over again, one last time, one more time, one more last time, with this person, beauty, passing, or that person, beauty, passing, this one here, then, or that one there, then, when, in truth, beauty, all are passing me, and all have passed me, without seeing, without noticing, beauty, passing me by, passed me by, completely by, unnoticed, and alone, and remaining, so I remained, my lonely I, in this, then, quiet, and still, my loneliness, my ever deeper loneliness, my profound loneliness, like seeming destiny.
And it strikes me now, somehow, that this too, too, pitiable, surrendered, defenceless, state, was a little like that of a man, perhaps, a little, little, like a man, too lonely, and only, convinced, fully, of his condemnation, and condemned, fully, by that conviction, that freedom, that freedom from his lonely solitude, and that freedom from his solitude’s lonely anguish, and anguished mind, would come, at last, only, in death, finally, and that, until such liberation, one were evermore condemned to live life like a prisoner, chained, in solitary confinement, and this his life sentence.
In search of light.
And so, in search of light, I thought again to take myself out, and to take myself off, then, on one more, if last, and final, journey.
And so, in search, then, of light, I stood at the very edge, of the very highest clifftop, in those parts, and looked up, and looked up, and looked up, straining my eyes, seemingly to no avail. And my eyes, then, soon tiring, I bowed, again, my head, my neck, and looked, again, and looked again, down, and again down, and again down, from there, to the sheer drop, dropping down, to the dark, roaring, sea, churning away, below. And from the sea’s depths, its very depths, the eye of the storm seemed to stare then straight back at me, unblinking, like a face, without a face, and, faceless, face, of the faceless, collective, all, in great bursts, of gnashing, biting, rawness, and bitter cold, and in flashing, sharp, teeth, white, of spray, and howling, wailing winds, and roaring gale, of gaping, open, mouth, crying out, in an ocean, seemingly, of meaning, that’s meaningless, no meaning, and meaningless, at least, to me, and so this whole vision, this whole life, were as if emptied, drained, drained, and emptied, totally, finally, of meaning, meaning, in my eyes, in this eye, of the storm, such that utterly dark, and incomprehensible, all below, and around me, it was, and as if all this were giving, in me, a twisted birth, to both a dizzying, sickening, nausea, and a feeling of profound and unredeemed, and unredeemable, emptiness. And something terrible.
And yet, at the same time, this mind’s descent seemed so devilishly inviting, that the risk, rather high, was also that one might, and might so easily, and all too easily, and willingly, offer oneself, or lose oneself, to, or in, that drop, such that, thinking to offer oneself to, or to lose oneself, in, that drop, for a little too long, just a moment, too long, it would come to pass, and one would dissolve, then, or be dissolved, and melt away, abruptly, eyelids closing, into a feverish, nightmare, dream, like some damnable, demonic, delirium, and an eternal night, of one’s, forever, extinguished, soul.
In search of light.
In search, then, of light, and lighter spirits, and to try to calm this terrible anxiety, and foreboding, this terrible feeling of fear, and trembling, this toxic taste of terror, I stood, still, at the very edge and, as if from instinct, pure animal instinct, I looked again up, straining my eyes.
And in search, then, of light, and lighter spirits, and to try to calm this terrible anxiety, and foreboding, this terrible feeling of fear, and trembling, this toxic taste of terror, I stood, still, at the very edge, and looked again up, straining my eyes, but I could not even recognize the sky, so dark was it, and brooding, and menacing, and mean, and ugly, and so very dense, and thick, with closed down, smothering, suffocating, thought, clouded tightly together in armies of angry thunderheads, clenched up, too tightly, as so many fists, fighting, taut, in tension, and the whole world but a raging storm; and there was no light to be seen here anywhere, or precious little.
And still I searched.
And still I searched.
And still I searched.
In search of light.
And still, at my back, some wild, unruly, instinct, nudged, poked, and pushed me on, such that – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – don’t look up! – don’t look down! – don’t think! – don’t hesitate! – in my absolute desperation, I stepped out, into my only remaining belief, my last hope, and refuge, which was my faith, finally, in the sky, in the sky itself.
And there, then, suddenly, in the sky, and as in the most extraordinary, and beautiful, dream, or under sway of some great magic in the human imagination, divine, or as if opening fully, at last, the mind’s eye, my spirits, taking wing, soared suddenly upwards, and flew.
For here, suddenly, she was, and is, to be seen, and to be fully seen, and to be truly seen, and to be truly and fully seen, at last, the sky.
(And, if only you knew, already now, that which, soon, you’ll surely come, to know, that what a feeling of freedom, this was, immense. And what a joy.)
And then, as in a vision, of a solitary, migrating bird, thinking, unthinking, that’s but an occasional glint, or fleeting, flaming, flickering, of light, silhouetted, in the eye, of the sky, and ray, of sun, and that flies on, alone, and entirely alone, across such vast distances, in space, and in time, one may ask, and asks, then, who might think, or who could think, or who might have thought, or who could have thought, that these long, hard, and seemingly never ending migrations, of mind, body, and spirit, and so many adventures, and travels, and so many flights of the imagination, and so many journeys, and across so many days, and nights, and in so many ecstasies, and agonies, and in so much pleasure, and so much pain, might yet one day still lead to such a magnificently clear blue sky, as this, and to this somehow delicate, gentle, forgiving, feeling, whispering, that all the long, great memory of former solitude, and loneliness, were itself, then, but an early morning’s mist, an ocean spray, soon passing, across the joyful, teary, eye, of a new day’s watery wonderment, and the mind, divine, bursting suddenly, into a great light, dazzling, like the sun.
And what light!
And what light!
And what light!
Look up, then, in search of light, in mind’s reflection.
As if we too were only that, ocean breath, and clear blue sky.
And how nice to bathe, then, my heart, if but for a moment, in bliss.
© Bede Nix, 18 May 2018. All rights reserved.
Tree of Life
How many branches has this great tree, of life, still to climb, perhaps, towering upwards, in this day’s glorious sunlight, towards the sky.
I look up, unseeing, into the sun’s gilded, dazzling, eyes, and still I cannot see the top.
One arm reaches up, even so – and then the other follows; two branches more, at least.
Go on.
© Bede Nix, 21 May 2018. All rights reserved.
A Moment's Reflection
© Bede Nix, 21 May 2018. All rights reserved.
Journeys of the Mind
We travel, through our mind’s eye, upon trains of thought.
Or is it that our mind’s eye floats, rather, as upon a flying magic carpet, above a sea of story that’s always there, in potential, and simply waiting, patiently, to be told?
John Berger reminds us that our most important labour may be a labour of the imagination.
Take your time, then, and think it through.
© Bede Nix, 21 May 2018. All rights reserved.
Make It So
It’s now time.
And now, in time, again, I have become thought’s trembling, vibrant, word, and, in word, again, thinking, time, I thought, and thought to reach out to, and realize, you, in sound, unspoken, that, unspoken, speaking, speaks to you, and unspoken, speaking, speaks you, as if this I, this, I, in my expression, in imagination, expanded, were also this you, this, you, in your expression, in imagination, expanded, and the both of us but then a shared reflection, now, caught out, timeless, in time, and moving, unmoving, like a twinkle of time’s starlight within a mind’s eternal moment, speed, of, sound, sounds space, and held there, sound, in space, as if, for always, and forever, spoken, unspoken, and quiet, and still, in that great beauty, adoring, of one mind’s eye, and singular gaze, unblinking, being, you’re, your, you’re, you, you’re, your, you’re, I, in thought, thinking, time, and time, and time, now, time, and again.
And so here I am : and here you are.
And here you are : and here I am.
A meeting, or perhaps, more profoundly, or accurately, quite simply, a making, or manifestation, a testing, or trying out, a texturing, and texting, a fabrication, or feeling, drawn out, taut, in string, or line, of threaded, woven, thought, sounded, plucked, and played, and fleshed out, embodied, ennobled, enrobed, from a single, seeded, splendid, beautiful, minding, mind, mind’s, mind, minding, mindful, imaginings, immense, and simply sublime, divine.
Perfect, like a diamond, mind.
And now I.
Now you.
Now we.
And now, as you read these words –you, we, I– you bring them back to life, as living thought, again, once more.
Do you see?
And, as you see, and you are, and you are, you are, reading, these words, these thoughts, clearly you are, you are, you, too –if supposing, that is, that your intelligence is natural, not artificial, as indeed, one supposes– and you are, you, also, are, like these thoughts, like these words, coming alive, and living, again, then, now.
And these words come alive, in you.
And you come alive, in these words.
And, as you, you are, you are reading these words, these thoughts, and bringing them again to life, as living thoughts, sustained, for a moment, held, within your mind, you intuit, perhaps consciously, perhaps unconsciously, that, your, mind, too, is being sustained, for a moment, held, in living, thought, within, and within some, larger, thing, thinking, thinks, imagination, thought, and, as you breathe –breathe– breathe, in, and as you breathe –breathe– breathe, out, then, there, again, you are, in wave, upon wave, of inspiration, and exhalation.
And, in inspiration, clearly, there is you, thought.
And, in thought, clearly, there is you, desire.
And, in desire, clearly, there is you, and some sense of incompleteness, something missing, or lacking, something wanted, perhaps, or needed, perhaps, and perhaps to be sought out, still, and found, or simply remembered, and recalled.
And, in the silent sadness, or dissatisfaction, or loneliness, or melancholy, of that which misses, still, its completeness, in a state of longing, perhaps, or perhaps, nostalgia, one recognizes, or knows again, calls out for, or simply recalls, and finds, or re-finds, and refines, that basic, human, or sublimely divine, or basic, human, summons, stretch out, reach forth, grow, expand, explore, so as to come to know, that this, is, was, will, to be, be, to be, a new, departure, in a sense, as if, in search, and to embark, upon a quest and, as if, in seeing, to undertake, a voyage and, as if, in light’s eternity, to begin, a journey, now, in time.
And so, if you are reading, thinking, and not only reading, thinking, these words, but also reading, thinking, between the lines, that attempt, to contain, shape, channel, and direct, these words –yours, ours, mine– my congratulations, my dear friend, for you are not only alive, but you are also intelligent; you are an intelligent life form, so well done, and that’s superb, that’s excellent, and let’s go on.
And I ask you:
If now you are not only living, breathing, being, but also reading, thinking, mindful, mind, then, what, then, now, will, you do?
Let me say this.
(We. You. I.)
If you have a heart’s beating pulse, dance generously, and grandly, to its rhythm.
If you have a dream, dream it big.
If you have a vision, step into your vision, and realize it.
If you have a talent, express it.
If you have a voice, sing out with it.
If you have a vocation, follow it.
And if you have something to say, say it.
Now, at once.
For you are the perfect expression of yourself.
And if you can, you surely must.
Breathe in – inspiration, inhalation; exhalation – breathe out.
If you can, you surely must.
If you can, you surely must.
If you can, you surely must.
Breathe in – inspiration, inhalation; exhalation – breathe out.
And, if you can, you surely must.
Who, me?
Yes, you.
Yes, you.
Yes, you.
It’s time now.
Make it so.
© Bede Nix, 31 May 2018. All rights reserved.
Light In Eye
And yet, everywhere I look, even then, somehow, I do see you, or at least, sense, or feel you, or perhaps it’s that I intuit you, recognize, and recall, you, or perhaps only that I imagine you, somehow, asking, what, then, might it mean, if even, only, in my thoughts, I can form, or formulate, of you, some idea, or some conception, and, in some sense, at least, begin, thereby, to find you.
And, how infinitely sweet, and intoxicating, this, the perfume, of your presence, and how infinitely gentle, and soothing, this, your touch, upon my skin, and how very warm, this, your whispering breath, within my seeking heart, forlorn, from lonely longing, help, to heal, and how infinitely tender, this, your eye’s adoring gaze, in my reflection, and how infinitely dear, this, your smile, quite simply, naked, upon my lips.
And come bathe with me, then, my love, if but, for a moment, eternal, in this, this ocean, of bliss.
For the light of the morning has given birth to me, once more, and the sun shall surely shine, this day, in my heart.
Light in body, light in spirit.
Light in mind.
Light in heart.
Light in eye.
© Bede Nix, 1 June 2018. All rights reserved.
Yourself Again Afloat, A Human Flow
© Bede Nix, 3 June 2018. All rights reserved.
Gifts, To Share
And it’s perhaps that cutting away, and separating, with its resulting sensation, seemingly inevitable, of pain, and loss, and that experience of feeling oneself at once frightened, scared, then scarred, by life, that opens one up to being separated, seemingly, from something, of oneself, of value, and to share that precious, separated, part, by simply giving it away, in an opening of the hand, and of the heart, and of the mind, so as to let it all go, and, letting it all go, to be again liberated, and free.
And yet, as with many a seeming sacrifice, it’s only then, and precisely then, paradoxically, at the moment of letting go, and sharing, that one is opened, also, to receiving something back, in return.
And it is in this way, in giving, and receiving, and sharing all, that all then grow richer, and happier, and wiser, too, and root themselves in fabulously fertile soil, and grow tall.
For the earth shares of her abundance, is generous, and giving; and should we not be likewise so?
Express yourself, then; and, in this way, and by this practice, come to allow yourself, and to discover, for yourself, little by little, your very fullest expression, such that, one day, on point of departure, you’ll realize yourself to have been fully expressed, and something magnificent, noble, beautiful, and whole.
Open up, then, and share.
It’s the only way.
© Bede Nix, 5 June 2018. All rights reserved.
Best of All
How do you judge others?
How would you wish to be judged?
And how do you judge yourself?
Are you the very best, in your view? Or not quite yet, the best?
In any case, if really you wish to be the best, and to be the very, very, best (that you can be), the winning formula is surprisingly simple: to be the best, just keep doing your best, and do so over and over again, beginning right now, then simply going on, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever; Amen!
Be the best that you can be, that’s all; the very best!
And just try to do your best.
Always your best.
Always your best.
Always your best.
Do your best, my friend.
And I know you can. And I know you will.
(You will).
So don’t judge others, if you can help it; but also don’t mind too much when others judge you, if really they wish or need to do so. I mean, who really cares? For a person quick to pass judgment on you may in reality reveal very little about you, but a great deal about themselves, and that not flattering. And a person’s judgment does not in any way define who you are even if it may offer an important insight into the person themselves who is passing judgment. In other words, a person’s judgment tells you something of their story, but not necessarily of yours. Similarly, a person’s judgment is not a truth, necessarily; it’s just someone’s opinion, or point of view.
And so, while always welcoming the wisdom, the teachings, the generous guidance, the constructive criticism, the helpful instructions, of one, and all, as teachers and guides genuine in their intention to help and to educate you, don’t ever, ever, ever, lose sleep over, or take to heart, an empty, shallow, miserly, carping, criticism; rather, let the judgment go, quite simply, saying, in the last analysis, well, who are you to judge? And, given the ugliness of your tone, who really cares, what you think, at the end? Who really cares?
And, if you yourself feel summarily dismissed by the harsh judgment of your fiercest critic, dismiss likewise him, or her, in turn; and, in summary, just let it go.
In the familiar text of the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 7, we read “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is there in thine own eye?”
Perhaps the following is not a bad attitude, or response, or rule of thumb, to adopt, or make, or offer, when facing a person somewhat quick to judge; it goes like this, “Before you judge me, make sure you’re perfect”. At the same time, do try to apply this rule also to yourself, too, meaning that, unless you are unquestionably perfect in some way, which I doubt – and even then – try not to evaluate yourself too generously; don’t show off, in other words; don’t boast, and brag; don’t be big-headed, and arrogant; don’t be such a fool, and such a bore, and all talk, put simply; for, in this way, at least, you’d really rather better leave others to be the judge – don’t you think so?
And, in any case, whatever you do, don’t worry about being the best – that empty vanity; it’s nothing but a distraction, and a nonsense; forget it!
At the same time, know that those who really are the very best, or very, very close to being so, and advancing well, in their ascent, to such mastery, and to such Olympian peaks, focus always, and only, on still more, and still deeper, study, and learning, and practice, and ever deeper study, and learning, and practice, so as just to go deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and deeper, into their craft, into their subject, into their passion, into their vocation, into their calling, and, in this way, they ask, and will, only to develop the training, and the understanding, to go farther, and deeper, and ever farther, and ever deeper; in short, their attitude is one simply of focus, absolute focus, and discipline, and determination, and dedication.
Searching online earlier today for additional inspiration on the subject of judgment, I came across a wish, or perhaps a prayer, that reads as follows: “May we have compassion first, love always, and judgment never”. And it seems that the Dalai Lama once observed that “love is the absence of judgment.”
And so, instead of passing judgment on others, let’s offer them instead our open hands, and hearts, and to aspire to be the best that we can be at being present, and empathetic, and compassionate, and understanding, and forgiving, and, that’s to say, not “not” caring at all, but rather, being one who cares about everything, absolutely everything, everything, everything, and everyone.
That’s clearly to be the best; the best of all.
© Bede Nix, 8 June 2018. All rights reserved.
To Call, These Thoughts, My Soul, To You
© Bede Nix, 12 June 2018. All rights reserved.
The Heat of the Desert Sun
© Bede Nix, Thoughts in Oman, 26 June 2018. All rights reserved.
The Candle of the Self, Burning Bright
You, you are.
You are the light.
You are the light of my fire.
You are the light of my fire, and I, enflamed.
You are the light of my fire, and I, enflamed, flicker this way, and that.
You are the light of my fire, and I, enflamed, flicker this way, and that, upon your breath.
You are the light of my fire, and I, enflamed, flicker this way, and that, upon your breath, in seeming animation.
And shadow play.
Night, and day.
Darkness, and light.
Light, and darkness.
Day, and night.
And shadow play …
A play of shadows, that is, which is cast and acted out upon these cold cavern’s ancient inner walls …
Play, in animation.
And animations, in the flickering light that, burning, now, suddenly, so bright, appear, if all to briefly, for a moment, as if a dance, eternal.
And you are the light of my fire, and I, enflamed, flicker this way, and that, upon your breath, in myriad animations of light that, burning, now, suddenly, so bright, appear, if all too briefly, for a moment, as if a dance, eternal.
You, you are.
© Bede Nix, 27 June 2018. All rights reserved.
Playing For Time - Thinking It Through
Brain, brainstem, backbone, spine …
Personality, character, cast of mind …
And yes, perhaps a person’s personality, character, and cast of mind (whole mind), is formed rather as traditionally one forms a candle, dipping it repeatedly into a pool of sensation, perception, and emotion, which is fluid but at the same time thick, and dense, as heated wax, in a process, perhaps, that, from our beginning (however we date that), comes to shape our inner geography, our mental landscape, our sense of self, and then, little by little, also our “self” culture, and our sibling culture, and our family culture, and our tribe culture, and our regional culture, and our nation culture, and our language culture, and our world itself, or at least, our own understanding of “the world”, our subjective vision of “the world”, and, in doing so, forms then, little by little, a cast of mind, a character, a personality, and this personality, character, cast of mind, as if forever sealed, seemingly, in wax, as who we are.
I recall Edna St Vincent Millay’s immortal rhyme, “My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends — it gives a lovely light!”
Indeed, made well, our candle’s light burns warm, and bright.
Snuffed out, sooner or later, even so – although when, quite when, exactly, for the moment, thank goodness, who knows?
(Let’s play still for time).
(Pray for time).
© Bede Nix, 27 June 2018. All rights reserved.
Please, In Prayer
So, please …
(Please. Please. Please.)
Please …
Don’t hold yourself back, again, any more, ever more; but rather, bow down your head, ever so little (in prayer), to your ground, and lift your eyes, ever so little (in prayer), to your sky, and open up your arms, and heart, and mind, wide, wide open, like a landscape, a seascape, a skyscape, or a sunrise, or a sunset and, stretching out, vast (in prayer) (fullness of light) (light of sun) (light of moon) (filled with sky) (in space) (time) (and space) (time) (now) (here) (in) in your heart, your arms, your mind, to horizons, stretching out, far, far out, to offer yourself … to offer yourself … and simply to offer yourself, in surrender (your entire being, your being, entire, and whole) wholly, entirely, in surrendering, in offering, yourself, to the world, to will, and to its will, its flow, its course (in prayer), such that, trusting, now, totally, your path, your vocation, your calling, you respond now, finally, and fully (no doubt, no longer, no more), to that intuitive, inner, voice, inner knowing, inner understanding, whispering to you “yes”, by answering “yes”, answering “yes”, answering “yes”, and whispering “yes”, and yes, and yes, and yes … and … yes, yes, let’s, and yes, yes, let’s, letting go, let’s go, yes, let’s, let go, assenting, relaxed, trusting, confident, and open, so that, from here, and now, and now onwards, and now here, and now, and now, in these, these words, going on, and going forward, firm‑stepped, faithfully, upon your path, your destiny, to realize, in this way, then, that, that, of which you dream and, that, that, going onwards, and going towards … is you … and that, that, of which you are dreaming, going onwards, and going towards … is you … and so that, that, too … is you … and so, that, then, too … is you … and so make it, you, yes … and make it, you, yes … and make it, you, yes … and yes … and yes … and yes … and yes, to all … and to make it, you, yes, and all, and all, yes, you, you make it … so … and so … and so … yes, to all … yes, you … yes, make it so.
And I perfectly know that you know what I mean; no need to say so.
But, if I may say so:
Go on, my friend; simply go on, go on, go on.
Go on, going onwards, going towards.
On, onwards, towards.
(And this text, this text, of textiled, woven, golden, thread, in interwoven fabric, story, intertwined, of life, and life’s voice, vocation, calling, sung out, in musical lines, melody, harmony, textured, here, again, in words).
So that, my friend, please …
If you can, you must; you will; you surely will; and that, that, this, then, too, surely, you, you also, will; and you also will, surely; and surely, you also; will, surely; and will, your will; and your will, surely.
For now in doing, being done.
And now in doing, being done.
And now
In doing …
In doing, being, done.
Doing, being, done.
(You, your will, be done).
My friend, please …
My friend, please …
My friend, please …
© Bede Nix, 6 July 2018. All rights reserved.
The Last Time, Sooner, Or Later
One day, gladly, or sadly, there will of course be a last exchange of looks, a last touch, a last word, a last greeting, a last farewell, a last second, last minute, last hour, and a last day, and a last time; and, until that time, whenever it will be, soon, or sooner still, or still some way off (sooner, or later), do try, simply, and simply try, try your best, still, still, to enjoy your time; be calm, patient, forgiving, gentle, generous, and kind, if you can; relax, and be well – while there’s yet, still, time, yet, left, to last.
© Bede Nix, 6 July 2018. All rights reserved.
In Mind's Eye
© Bede Nix, 14 July 2018. All rights reserved.
Speaking One's Mind
And onwards, then, still, I journey, through these, my days, of life, and onwards, then, still, I journey, even as my journey, somehow, at the same time, grounds me, too, as I travel, and work upon, this sound of sculpted earth, this land, this language, this tongue, this tone, of time, and these time-tuned, time-tested, time-trusted, and repeated, so very often repeated, thoughts, sounded, as language, in words, to tune a universe of neural pathways upon the tongue’s terrain, and the mind’s expanse, even as that tongue of land, and language, and mind, seeks always, in its journeys, and in its travels, both to find and, at the same time, to lose itself, as if in yearning for both its own formation, and creation, and at the same time, its own destruction, and dissolution, and as if wishing to wash oneself away, that is, this way, as land gets washed away into the sea—and tongue of land, washed away, into sea—and as if there to find, or perhaps to dissolve into, some greater meaning, and that, then, not only the meaning of the mother’s tongue, but also the meanings of the tongues of all our mothers, and all our mothers’ tongues, and mother languages, and motherlands, too, and beyond, then, all words, all language, to a land, on the tip of one’s tongue, of only feeling, and sensation, and emotion, like a vast, boundless, infinite, sea, or a vast, boundless, infinite, ocean, of meaning—and feeling, and sensation, and emotion—untranslatable, unnameable, unutterable, so to speak, yet sounded, still.
And so to speak.
And so, yes: speak, and speak easily, my friend, in ease, and trust, and confidence, your mind, being mindful by nature; and let your thoughts, and words, in trust, effortlessly, flow out, and be free.
And tell me, too …
(No need for us to hold our tongues, now, or our breath; rather, let’s be freed, now, of any and all pent up and held tight tension, and anxiety).
And tell me, too …
(Let’s let it all go; let’s be open, and free).
And tell me, too …
How do you feel now?
How now do you feel?
How now?
© Bede Nix, 27 July 2018. All rights reserved.
Blood Moon
And yet I know that you’re out there, floating, somewhere, not only in my mind, but really there, in the night, of time, this perfect time, in all your seemingly fleshy, blood-filled, swollen, skin, of beauty.
At least, I think so; but my head is again in the clouds, again lost, in the clouds, and I understand nothing of all this, absolutely nothing.
I cannot even see; I see nothing, feel nothing!
Where is my heart? Can I know that, at least?
I don’t know!
And–oh God!–I’ve lost my body, too.
Where am I?
Where are my limbs, and organs; where my breath … and spirit … and voice?
(And these words are not my words; this voice is not my voice).
(Whose words? Whose voice?)
And am I then the very storm itself–and my mind, thick, with clouds of dense, confusing, thought–ripped open only momentarily, brief blink of eternity, brief flash of light, then sound.
(After which, the silence).
(Whose sound?)
(Whose silence?)
And I try to draw you in the night sky of my mind, but find no words adequate to describe your beauty, either real, or as I yearn to imagine it.
And are you beyond, then, beauty, and beauty’s many words – brief blink of eternity, brief flash of light, then sound, mere sound, of human word?
(After which, the silence).
(Whose sound?)
(Whose silence?)
(Yours again).
For I so want to find you, but cannot.
And I so want to describe you, but cannot.
And I so want to draw you near, but cannot.
And I so want to embrace you, but cannot.
And I so want to see you, but cannot.
For you–you, you are hidden behind those same thick clouds, thick clouds of confusing thought; and I cannot nor will I ever–in this time, in time, in this time–see you.
And yet somehow, I know, I really know, that you’re out there, floating, somewhere, not only in my mind, but really out there, somewhere, floating, in this night, the night, of this time, of time, of this perfect time, in all your seemingly fleshy, blood-filled, swollen, skin, of beauty.
And in this great expanse of space, dark and blind–my thought, my mind–I search for but do not find you, I look for but do not see you.
I see nothing, feel nothing.
And it’s somehow still extraordinary.
© Bede Nix, 27 July 2018. All rights reserved.
This Present Moment
Beauty, then, for me, if you ask me now, this minute, drawing breath, and trying, at the same time, to draw shape, in answer, to the many traces of thought, swirling around in my mind, in response to this question—that makes me think of a door, opened, upon a long‑closed, now sunlit, room, and the dust, disturbed, now dancing, blinking-eyed, unsettled, in this sudden glorious light, itself so wildly beautiful—is perhaps—right now, as you ask me, and in response to your question—just this, then—and this, then, only—and just this, then, the thought of you, and only you; and this, my first answer, then, as it arises, in thought—the thought of you; the thought of you; the thought of you; and, lost, in your eyes, the sight of you, the vision of you; and the approaching proximity of you, coming closer, coming nearer; and the smell of you, too—the shape, and sense, of you; and at last (at breathless last), the touch, and feel, of you—your texture, and taste; and the breath of you, felt fleetingly between shared lips, touching—and held for as long as one’s thoughts can contain it, warm, upon the tongue, and in the mouth; and held always, and forever, in the heart, this thought of you; this thought of you; this thought of you; here, in the heart, and in beauty, appearing now—in the blink of an eye, and the beat of racing heart—as if a wordless, but fully written out, inscribed, material, embodied, answer, to an eternal, timeless, question, impossible, in this, my opened hand, of thought; and this, my opened heart, and chest, and neck, and throat, and voice, to sing of you, and to you, of my desperate longing, and desire, to lose myself now, in you, and you, in me, and my desperate longing, and desire, at the same time, to hold back, now, a moment longer, from the ecstasy, and confusion, of such a loss, and the desolation, and sadness, too, in losing myself, completely, and utterly, in you, when I could instead remain eternally here, and now, thinking, speechless, about how to answer your question—you, not you; me, not me—while gazing upon, and lost in, this present moment’s perfect vision of this, your perfect beauty, in my own beauty’s broken-open-heart, and broken-open-eye, pounded back, then washed away, in a sea of tears, and an ocean of love, and bliss, sublime, surely divine, and oh so exquisitely, perfectly, beautiful.
It’s the joy of now, this present moment.
Don’t you see?
© Bede Nix, 27 July 2018. All rights reserved.
As If A Teardrop, I
Sitting by the river of the heart, and listening to her song, I see in mind’s eye a small circle of stones, in which a combination of coal, and wood, oxygen, and heat, create fire, burning warm, and bright; and then, lifting higher my mind’s eye, I see, too, something that strikes me as somewhat comparable, namely a small stone cottage, once a tenant farmer’s modest home, up on the slope of the hill, where surely another fire, similarly marked out, set apart, and sheltered, is here named the hearth-a temporary place of, and home to, the heart-and the hearth, that is, on which a kettle again holds water boiling for hot tea, and with it the promise of warmth, and comfort, and possibly, even, some company.
And these words now swirling around in my imagination are as if themselves rising up with the smoke, and the steam, of this great heat of thought, burning up, upon fire’s scorched ground, and hearth’s scorched ground, and heart’s scorched ground, and all life’s energy in this way simply burning up the heart, my heart, life’s heart, my heart, the heart, in such emotion, so much emotion, all emotion, as if life itself were simply evaporating, sublime, into thin air, seemingly, sometimes, except sometimes, occasionally, also, if, only, some, time, later, lifted upwards, again, in heat of heart’s memory, to form, and fall, finally, into thought, and word, cool, as rain, from this single sky’s mind, upon the mountainside, in the mountain’s shadows, and lush green valleys, and sitting by the river of the heart, and listening, only listening–this air, glistening, fresh, upon my ear, and in my eye, as if, from heaven, fallen, divine, her song, and but a teardrop, I.
(Or so, at least, I see it, momentarily, beneath this sky, mind’s eye).
And so, sitting by the river of the heart, and listening to her song, I, too, take these, my thoughts, and words, wept written out, in inky poetry, on rain-smudged paper, and drop them, as if again, and for a second time, into the stream in which the heart’s fast-flowing current may carry them back, perhaps, to their true source, I hope, tears of the river, these words, and but a clumsy, inadequate, imperfect, impression, of poetry, longing, imperfectly, for poetry, and from where, then, there, at river’s source, these words may some day be carried back, and returned, to me, cooled, from heart’s lifetime’s flow-of such emotion, so much emotion, and all emotion-we call it love, often-call it love, so often-expansive-boundless-infinite-and so far beyond-so far beyond-this meagre talent, impoverished-and self, so small, and limited-too often solitary, and alone-and the why, not understanding, always-flowing through, flowing out, flowing back-at last, at last, at last-and, at last, perhaps, one day-at last, perfected.
(*Note. This text gathered into word and reached me in this “final” form towards the end of a wonderful and very happy holiday in Wales in the summer of 2018 but the text had already begun to form in my mind some weeks before, after watching the Oscar-nominated 1992 film biography of the Welsh poet, Hedd Wyn, written by Alan Llwyd and directed by Paul Turner, and starring Huw Garmon as Ellis Humphrey Evans (“Hedd Wyn”)**. There is a sequence in the film where Hedd Wyn is seen throwing a paper with one of his poems into a stream near his home, to send the poem “to its source” from where it might one day return strengthened, and with greater force. During our trip I too, once or twice, enjoyed the privilege of sitting by a fire near to a fast-flowing Welsh stream, with also a little time there to listen to, and hear, the stream’s lovely voice, in song. And then, on 14 August, we visited Hedd Wyn’s family home at Drawsfynydd, “Yr Ysgwrn”, which is now a wonderful museum dedicated to Hedd Wyn. It was raining rather heavily but still I would find it a challenge to imagine a more magnificent vision of nature’s immense and inspiring, shining, and luminous, beauty than the view that day from Yr Ysgwrn. Such was the majesty of that vision that I barely even noticed the rain, or perhaps I experienced it as a Welsh blessing, for which these words, in gratitude. A rain of blessings.)
(As detailed above, this text is inspired above all by the Welsh poet Hedd Wyn, a man of great peace in a world at war; but my heart dedicates it to my own dear son, for a peaceful safekeeping).
© Bede Nix, 14 August 2018, Drawsfynydd, Wales. All rights reserved.
**”Hedd Wyn” (S4/C film, 1992); www.sainwales.com
(Revision of 3 December 2019)
On Barmouth Sands
It occurred on Barmouth Sands, of all the unlikely places
(Or so to me, at least, it seemed),
And entirely unexpectedly, when we’d imagined that we were only passing through, and all was incidental, the time, and place; and yet it was, at the same time, and as I later understood, surely, and certainly, meant to be,
Spilling out, spontaneously, from hour’s journey, upon the almost-deserted beach, in the late afternoon,
On that day, towards the close of summer, and summer’s holiday,
And shivering, nevertheless, and a little fresh, and cold, in rainbow light, of rain, that
I came to be there,
With my family, far, not far,
And I as if a third, in quiet witness, observing
This, my son,
And this, my dear son’s mother, dear
(A living poetry so far beyond my words, my heart)
And both, so dear, too dear, to me,
To know them, too, too near, at just that moment,
For love, too, needs sometimes distance, and a great expanse of distance, too, even,
For its true measure, meaningfully, to be taken,
And some perspective, cool, to be found, from where to draw, far off, far out, in gesture, swift, a line of horizon, thin, and fine,
And from where also to recognize, too, again, where sky, and sea, separate, if all too briefly, in this the late day’s sun, and sun-blinded, blinking eye,
And to chart from there some future horizon, distant,
Far off, far out, and far away,
And in the hope there to find, perhaps, some direction, maybe, too.
And perhaps it was for this reason, then, that I, too, instinctively, fell back,
Absorbed, in thought,
And thinking, too, then, I was, to my own father, behind whom I too had once walked, on other sandy beaches, as a boy,
And of my mother, too, who held me many times, no doubt, in dimmed memory’s slender arms, warm-towelled, from sea,
And there, then, it was, as if waiting for me, this moment, in that softly setting sun’s so very gentle, and golden, light,
So that, somehow, beyond me,
In golden sands, and sun, still bright, enough, to see,
This light,
And my son’s arms,
And my wife’s arms,
Swinging, happily, side to side, as they walked,
Heads high, and eyes to sky,
And joyful as the day’s last light,
Relaxed, and open,
Breathing oceans, so deep, so buoyant, and so free,
And simply brimming over, brilliantly, with life,
There they were, the two of them, side by side,
And as if dancing, together, delightful,
In my sunset’s ocean eye,
My love.
And indeed, what a fullness of love, then, there, I knew
Upon those slipping sands of time, halted, seemingly, suddenly, and stopped, still, too, as if time were revealed, then, briefly, and recognized, and known, if but for a moment, as boundless, timeless, infinite, and eternal,
In this,
This perfect moment, that …
In its eternity, awaits you, then, it seems, and always will.
And what happiness, my heart, be still.
© Bede Nix, 16 August 2018, Barmouth, Wales. All rights reserved.
Character Building
And it was just like that, the first time.
And it was just like that, the very first time-can you imagine?-the very first time, training to become a paratrooper, in red beret, that I took off, and flew, awash with blood, and beating heart, and the noise of the aircraft’s engines almost, but not quite, deafening me, or so it felt like, for I could hear, still, the subtle sound – still – of my breathing – still – between my eyes, and in my nostrils, wide, awake; and I knew myself, then, and well, I can tell you; I felt so immensely alive!
And I was, like, right, okay, why not?
Let’s go!
(All character building, after all.)
And I simply stepped off, and gently fell, through weight of air, until the ground.
And I simply stepped off, and gently fell, through weight of air, until the ground; and repeated this sequence of actions again, and again, and again, until the end.
And I simply stepped off, and gently fell, through weight of air, until the ground.
Until one day, some four or five years later, I knew at last what it felt like not only to take off but also to land in an aeroplane; and that first experience of “landing” in that way seemed somehow so strange to me because I had until then only ever jumped out, at varying altitudes, of every aeroplane I’d ever stepped into and taken off in; I’d jumped out from every single one!
And I was like, alright, okay, nice; so that’s how it feels.
(For Mick, in great gratitude for our meeting, and our walking, and our conversation.)
© Bede Nix, 8 August 2018, Black Mountains, Near Brecon, Wales. All rights reserved.
Do visit:
A Curry Night, With Pleasure - Just Got To Goa
My friends,
Ladies, and gentlemen,
Distinguished guests,
And all the riff-raff rest of you:
Be off! Be gone!
(Don’t come too near, I mean; go far).
For I am blocked.
I am blocked – and blocked, again – blocked yet again.
(Bother it, damn it, and blast it).
The plumbing, probably.
It takes sometimes so much time, too much time, too slow, to drain.
A lifetime, or two – to say the least; and not what once it was.
But for the saucy invitation, my Chicken Vindaloo …
(Karma Why – Karma Who)
(How I do).
And for your patience, too; I thank you.
And know that, if I could, I’d simply love to; I’d simply love to, first long, then longer, then longer still; first long, then longer, then longer still, that drink; that lassi long drink, longer, longer, longer, longer still, so thirsty am I, I think I will.
So do let’s, let it, flow, and pour it all–splish-splash–down, and out, these warm, monsoon, rains, of adoration, upon our heads, bowed, and somewhat sodden, in gorgeous, gaseous, gush, gurgling, glory, love liquids, down drainpipes, channelled, clear, as if, from heaven, before you; in short, a rain of blessings.
And I say again to you this, that love’s poetry flows eternal.
(And then some).
(But just a little tipple here, and a lot of topple there; no harm).
Even so, so sorry; can’t stop now .
There’s too much gnawing indigestion, and acid, burning, my dear, dear heart, in flames.
And assorted repetitions, intolerable – the rest unmentionable; no time to lose.
So no, I know, I can’t stop now, even, no, no, so … ; and so, so, so, so, sorry!
Rolling eyes and fidgety toes, just got to Goa.
© Bede Nix, 13 June 2018. All rights reserved.
An Ear For Silence
© Bede Nix, 26 September 2018. All rights reserved.
Breathe In, Begin, Go On
Seemingly breathing.
Seemingly breathing, and so alive; simply alive, breathing life.
Simply breathing, being.
So it seems; yet, seemingly, doing nothing.
Sitting, doing nothing; doing nothing, seemingly; just sitting – an activity standing surely pretty low on the grand scale, and rank, and scheme of things; and an activity boasting so little activity, in fact, that it amounts, put bluntly, to near total inactivity, meaning that it must surely come at the very bottom of the human activity scale; and yes, that’s right, right at the very bottom of the scale; for it’s of such shockingly low standing, this, this non-active activity of just simply sitting there, on one’s bottom, the pun, indeed, intended, that I ask you: who, then, could disagree? I mean, really; what is this? Just sitting around on your arse all day! You should be ashamed, I hear them cry! The wastrel! The layabout! The lazy good for nothing! The lazy bastard!
(On your bike, mate!)
(Breathe; calm down; take it easy.)
Seemingly breathing.
Seemingly breathing, and so alive; simply alive, breathing life.
Simply breathing, being.
Or so it seems; yet, seemingly, doing nothing.
And doing nothing does nothing.
Or so it, thinking, seems; but then, really? Does it really?
And who, here, then, is lazy; who, here, is being lazy; and who, here, is here, to judge?
And: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”, writes Pascal.*
Sitting, doing nothing; doing nothing, seemingly; just sitting.
And a thought, a word, in any case, simply arises, in time, over time, and words you, in melody of breath, and rhythm of heartbeat, breathing life into your mind, your universe; and with one thought, one word, soon comes another, forming sentences, that begin then to shape around your heart, and your world, in layer, upon layer, of vibration, emotion, and language.
“The heart has its reasons, which reason knows not.”
And I’m sitting here now and thinking about something, the full shape of which I’ve not yet perceived or understood; it’s only a sketch, that’s to say; a first draft; an essay; and an attempt, simply, quietly, to open my mind, to reflect, and to think. And, as I do that, would you care to join me, and to sit with me, perhaps? Perhaps we could drink some tea together, or coffee, and think through this thing together. And why don’t we? And so please, yes, come; do come; sit, be seated.
And it begins, I think, like this.
A thought, as if embodied, becoming physical, material, and something, perhaps, that matters, rises up, from the heart, or else drops down, mysteriously, plump, and moist, from the mind’s sky, upon the tongue, wettened, and slippery, from where, from there, it’s spoken word, and spoken word, that embodies, gives expression, form, and life, not only to a vibration of breath, but also to an energy, intelligence, and attitude, that speaks to intention, and then, eventually, sooner or later, to action; for thought leads surely to action.
This might make us think of a process of cooling, as if a warm thought becomes fluid upon the tongue before hardening into the delivery of thought in spoken word, and then, still more so, in action either taken, directly taken, or else, described, in word, by word.
And for a moment I hold, then, a thought, examining it in my mind; it’s a thought that in words I could express perhaps in this way: “The hardening of thought, in word.”
(And where is the heart, in the word, “hard”; and where, in word, and where, in deed?)
And we know that there are some words (so many) that fall heavily, so heavily upon the ear, and upon the heart; and I am quite sure that we can all recall the dullness, insensitivity, or sometimes, also, cruelty, of such words; one reacts to them almost physically, as if recoiling, pulling away, and closing up, and feeling, fleetingly, a contraction, infinitely subtle, of the heart, all too painful.
And such words are words that fall like stones into the emotional well of the heart.
And, like stones, they fall to the bottom, and remain; it’s not always so easy to loosen them in a flow of happier and more positive energy and emotion; rather, they must be thrown off, and thrown away from oneself, to a distance, and this takes great emotion, great energy, great courage, great strength.
“A stone is frozen music”, observed Plato – or rather, perhaps he heard this thought; and even when the energy of a word feels heavy, or ugly, energy, and emotion, it surely contains, even so, that heavy, hurtful word, and much of it. But how then to release that word’s energy, and emotion, and to hear again its potential for melody, and music?
(In other terms, how to touch someone who is tired, nervous, stressed, and irritable, frustrated, and angry, unfriendly, or cruel, aggressive, and mean, and tell them; lighten up, my friend! It’s all okay. And how then, perhaps, to free them, in this way, to hear them sing?)
And, at the same time, reflecting upon this question, and this theme, and worrying over it, I worry also beads, between my fingers, as if in prayer.
And perhaps it’s this action of “worrying” that makes me think of being outdoors, in nature, standing now by a fast-flowing river, now on a beach before the ocean, weighing stones, collected, in my hands, before readying myself to throw those stones as far distant as I can.
Plop! Plop! Plop!
Each stone, even the very lightest, drops heavily through a liquid, watery world; a world that is fluid.
And so it is, perhaps, with words, and even with the very gentlest of word; for, even the very gentlest word can itself, all too often, fall unexpectedly heavily, and hurtfully; the pity, and the sadness, of it. Should we then be silent, saying nothing?
(And I try to articulate this thought so very cautiously, with great care, and speaking, as it were, with great reserve, and ever so slowly, and gently, and softly.)
Or could it be that words themselves, chosen carefully, might lead us on a path, where our words become fewer, but more meaningful, and our meaning somehow condensed, distilled, and where our expression is concise, and clear, and to the point, and to the heart of the thing, and to the heart, then, of a shared inner stillness, and a beautiful quietness, and, eventually, perhaps, a wisdom, well, of silence, profound?
And again I picture myself with these stones, in thought, in word, in deed; but this time, as I think again to throw a stone far out, into the water, I briefly pause, this time, this time, and choose instinctively, this time, to review, and to adjust the picture, and to change the picture; for this time, no, I am not now going to throw the stone with a great and explosive, unbridled, undirected, uncontrolled, energy, and force; instead, I am going to try, this time, to see, simply to see, if I cannot place my stones where in fact I would wish them to be placed, swinging them gently from underarm; and almost just dropping them into the water, like this, like that; a fluid, and graceful, movement of thought; for I can try, at least.
And I ask myself, if each of these stones, in migration of thought, in word, in deed, were arranged imaginatively, nd gracefully, with care, and attention, beside other stones, fallen here, fallen there, dropped here, dropped there, in thought, in word, in deed, could they not then, together, lay down a weird, erratic, path, across a stream, a stream, of thought, a stream of thought, in sands of time, to form eventually a sentence, like a line, then, of thoughts, in words, and deeds, that grows, then, soon, to be something like a story, or at least the beginning of a story, with each sentence, itself, a story, in miniature, written from emotion, and of emotion, and in emotion; and each emotion, in short, a sentence; and the telling of an emotion; and each string of sentences, a story; and each sentence, story, text, a tapestry, interwoven, of thought, word, deed, calling out, in emotion, from emotion, to action, here, and now.
Think, then, of a sentence; then write it down.
And a sentence, then (trying to think it through), is the exhaled, sounded, impulse, breath–fast, or slow, short or long–of life itself, as if in line of song, breathed in, taken in, contained, released; and often contained, released, too fast, it’s true, or else repulsed, rejected, too quickly, and violently, as if it were all somehow too dear, and precious-all too terrible-too dear, and precious, or else not dear enough, not precious, quite, enough-and life’s experience, emotion, expression, not great enough, too great, not deep enough, too deep, not close enough, too close, not dear enough, too dear, not near enough, too near, and not enough, enough, and such emotion, such love, rich, and poor, bewildering; and goodness, my goodness, how mercy, her face again covered, with her hands, weeps, and weeps, and weeps, on history’s shoulder.
And from quietness, and silence, a thought, a word, in any case, simply arises, in time, over time, and words you, in melody of breath, and rhythm of heartbeat, breathing life into your mind, and your universe; and with one thought, one word, soon comes another, forming sentences, that begin then to shape around your heart, and your world, in layer, upon layer, of vibration, and emotion, and language, and story; and also, sometimes, for the most fortunate, perhaps, among us–and the least fortunate, too, paradoxically—those who have suffered most, and surrendered all—in song; in story, lifted, risen, inspired, to melody, and to music, in song; in story, in song.
And upon the melody of a breath, and the rhythm of a heartbeat, this, then, my music, my song; and this, then, my prayer; breathe in, begin, go on.
Seemingly breathing.
Seemingly breathing, and so alive; simply alive, breathing life.
Simply breathing, being.
And it begins, I think, like this.
Do you not think so?
© Bede Nix, 29 September 2018. All rights reserved.
*Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French Philosopher, Author of “Pensées”. “The heart has its reasons, which reason knows not” is also a line from Pascal.
Migrant Mind, In Thought, Alive, In Thought, Afloat
(And no Christian, Muslim, or Jew, was he; no true believer, heart warm, and loving, surely, in his simple faith, that much, was clear.)
(He knew the market, though; a splendid entrepreneur! And, I ask you, how could he possibly let such an opportunity pass by? And how proud and rich he’d make his children be!)
But what a ship of fools we were, quite honestly; astonishingly, even after, astonished, we’d seen the “ship”, and even then; naïve, so very naïve, so desperately naïve, we were, and innocent; either that, or damned, and desperate; and just thin scraps, and scratchings, left, of hope, there were, to nourish us, believers, somehow, still, in human kindness, human nature, human value, valuable, still, as walk that plank we did, up to our boat, if you can call it that, that crock of filthy, holy, shit.
(And I’ll pour out my wrath like water.)
And look at me now; the last alive, the only one.
And cough up the swallowed saltwater, if you can; cough it up or, if you can, better still, just keep it out, just keep it out of your mouth, and your mouth, even gasping, short of breath, keep shut, and closed; just keep your mouth shut; and even so, keep your head, if you can, above water, treading water; and be then like some bloody miracle worker, calm, and carrying on; don’t go under, at any rate; don’t lose your head; keep breathing on.
And it all floated by so fast, as in a dream, accelerated; your life re-lived backwards, as they say, going forwards, in reverse.
And, adrift on open seas, I reached out, reached out, reached out for it, then, in hope, as if it were a buoy, or rope; a lifeline keeping me, another moment, another breath, in thought, alive, in thought, afloat.
And a line of words formed then so suddenly, spontaneously, surprisingly, desperately, in mind, my mind, in mind, in foaming wave, on wave, of memory, spat, salted, sprayed, in teary, brilliant, blinding, sun, cresting, white, and paper, thin, in fading, fast emptying, dissolving, drenched, drowning, memory, on wave, of memory, in skin-numbed blue, to freezing, flailing, ink-spilled, body, black, and that, then, that, and beautiful, strangely, still.
And this line of words formed then so suddenly, spontaneously, surprisingly, desperately, in mind, my mind, in mind, surfacing there, and floating up, in reflection, as if, from nowhere, known, or recalled, or recognized – ocean’s rippling memory, a mystery, maybe, who knows – whosoever, wherever, whenever, whichever, whatever – why who; and these words, then, as it were, asked, then, asked, and, asking, me, myself, asked, if, behind, or perhaps underneath, or perhaps within, all life’s noise, and agitation, and emotion, in mind, there was, and there existed, somewhere, somehow, here, in the heart of the thing, in the heart (the heart), in the heart of the thing, a great quietness (of poetry), and an ear, to hear, then, there, the silence, deep, and still; an ear for silence. And so I lifted up, then, beseeching, heavenward, my eyes, and breathed, again, although breathless, panting, saying, why, and why, again; and, in reply, that sky, sky’s song, sounded silence, and only silence, and only silence, only, all; sky sounding silence, and all that, and more, oh my, my soundless cry, as if, in moment’s happiness, momentarily, to myself, that moment, this, and this, and now, momentarily, in moment’s happiness, now, were I, I wish, to die. And there, then, too, to look, to listen, to see, to hear, and to know; and to know, this, now, that, where, every, there, and, every, ever, here, and there, and here, again, and again, and again, so free, to be; in death, in death, in death; in death, live on. And all mind’s eye, quiet heart; so far, and yet, so near; come hold me dear.
And a line of words formed then so suddenly, spontaneously, surprisingly, desperately, in mind, my mind, in mind, in foaming wave, on wave, of memory, spat, salted, sprayed, in teary, brilliant, blinding, sun, cresting, white, and paper, thin, in fading, fast emptying, dissolving, drenched, drowning, memory, on wave, of memory, in skin-numbed blue, to freezing, flailing, ink-spilled, body, black, and that, then, that, and beautiful, strangely, still.
And, adrift on open seas, I reached out, reached out, reached out for it, then, in hope, as if it were a buoy, or rope; a lifeline keeping me, another moment, another breath, in thought, alive, in thought, afloat.
And it all floated by so fast, as in a dream, accelerated; your life re-lived backwards, as they say, going forwards, in reverse.
And this, then, almost the last thing, floating away, from life, and me, that I could see: a tiny baby, bobbing, bloated, by me; bathing, I briefly thought, bizarrely, and all washed up, and off, and away, as if, seemingly, fresh, and new; and this my own dear child, this baby, blue, but still no strength for me to take, or hold this baby, mine, again, to beating heart, my breast; for this, my child, is dead; and I, myself, now, as one, as if, awash, and again, new born, in newborn’s screaming, selfish, dim lit, heartbeat, beating, fearful, drum, and dreaming, now, only, of my own, dear father, mother, sister, brother, home.
(One day a sanctuary, I thought, named home.)
(And come now home, come home.)
(And make yourself at home.)
(And be at home.)
And then, in all the dreamlike, nightmare, unfamiliarity of it, lost, disorientated, drowning, and delusional, something strange, occurred, most strange of all.
In this, my darkened vision’s final breath, my death; for this tiny child, my baby, floating off; I see, is, somehow, also, me.
This baby, too, is, somehow, also, me, I see, is you.
And I, then, in death, who sees, my breaking heart, my child, am He.
(For in dying, all eternity.)
And oh, my God.
And oh, my God.
And oh, my God.
God, can it be?
© Bede Nix, 26 September 2018. All rights reserved.
(Once In (Fortress) Europa – If Not A Promised Land, Betrayed)
And I Call It Here Love
And how, then, I loved you, once, my love;
And how, then, I loved you, once, my love;
And how, then, I loved you, once, my love;
And how I love you, still.
Again out of sight;
Always out of sight;
Out of sight, but not, of mind.
(Out of my mind.)
And I call it here love, my heart, in thought of you, a joy.
© Bede Nix, 4 October 2018. All rights reserved.
In Silence, Still
He asked, himself, again, and again,
(The repetition, strangely restful)
If he were perhaps the one,
The one, the one, the one,
The one and only, to hear,
His desperate cry,
This night, so dark,
So very dark,
And lonely.
And am I not, then, the loneliest man alive?
And am I not, then, the loneliest man alive?
And am I not, then, the loneliest man alive?
But in reply, came only silence, loud,
In echo, shrill,
As if his cry itself had gone unsounded,
Or, at least,
Again, once more,
But something returned to him, in the stillness, even so;
A thought.
And, dwelling, long, in this thought,
He opened, wide, his lonely heart,
And found there, in solitude,
A solitude, so vast,
That he made of it a home,
At last,
For all who wished to rest there, for a while,
In love’s quiet whisper, welcoming,
And alone, he thought, no more.
And alone, he thought, no more.
And alone, he thought, no more.
In silence, still.
© Bede Nix, 4 October 2018. All rights reserved.
Like This, Divine
Not even in thought,
A heart’s fleeting impulse, feeling,
For I float far out, alone,
(In agony, in ecstasy–in ecstasy again–again, in agony)
In sea of emotion,
Upon an ocean,
Of tears, that,
Human, once, they were,
And so I sense, there,
I feel,
I see,
So far above me,
Welling up,
In Heaven’s sky,
My lonely eye,
Like this, Divine.
© Bede Nix, 4 October 2018. All rights reserved.
Heart to Heart
I sing from the heart, my love.
I sing from the heart, my love, to you.
And sing, I must.
And sing, to you, I must.
And sing, to you, my heart, this night, I must, my love.
And sing, to you, I must.
And sing, I must.
And sing, I simply must.
And shall.
My love
My love
My love
And sing to you, then, this night, I must, and shall, for my heart’s fit, crying out, to burst – fit, simply, crying out, to burst – as if my life, my very life, depended on it.
For I’ve been singing to you, softly, so softly, from afar, now, seemingly, for eternities.
And the nights, and the days, life, going, on, and on, were, like eternity, this time, alone, in longing, too long, too long, too lonely; and that, by far.
Until to music, in song, my heart, finally, this night, cries out; and begins to cry out, and hand of thought, at last, to open, and let go, and all emotions, pent up, hardened, and heavy, in anger, despair, sadness, sorrow, to flow and, liberated, to go lightly, now, and easily, away, from me, and us, quite simply, and simply to go away, from me, from us, and simply to go, from me, from us, and simply to go, such that, in singing, and singing, and singing, so much emotion, freed, at last, in vocation’s sounded voice, and in music, sounding, song.
And if needs be, needs be; and if needs be, must.
(Although this present night, paradoxically, may not now be long enough – never long enough – for sure, too short – for this lovely new line of melody, and sweet-sounding song, going on).
And sing, then, I must, I shall, with all my heart, and soul, as if, in this, this breath of inspiration, too, to open, and, at once, to close, my song, in sigh, a breath, a breath, of inspiration, my inspiration, my final inspiration, at the last and, in last, final, breath, at last, to die; and if, then, to die, then to dedicate all my life to it, in this, heart’s inspiration, sounding, my love, to sing, this night, to you, I surely must, or must, to die.
And let me, weeping, weep your tears for you, too, for you;
And let me cry, instead of you,
And let me cry, my love, for you,
And in this way I’ll wash clean away, in oceans of tears, not only this, my own heart’s loneliness, and sadness, but also yours; yours, too; yours too, as well.
And let’s listen, now.
Listen, now.
Let’s listen.
And come, my love, and place your hand, here, warm, upon my heart, and then your ear; and then, with your own heart, draw near, and nearer, still, my love, in love’s embrace, and this, forever open heart, my heart, for you, to be, forever, a dwelling place, a sanctuary, a home.
And can you hear now this, my heart’s story, and song?
And this, my heart’s story, and song, I tell, and sing, my love, to you, and you only – for you are it — and it, is you — heart calling:
And be opened to me!
And be opened to me!
And be opened up to me, then, my heart, my love,
And be opened up to me, wildly, and in freedom, heart’s, surrender, enjoined, with me, this night, in blood of my heart, my heart, my love, in dance, and song, as wine, divine,
Your hand, in mine
Your heart, in mine
Your voice, in mine
My hand, your hand
My heart, your heart
My voice, your voice
As one —
And sing now, let’s, together,
For before this night ends, my love, you’ll hear, my heart, how our two hearts, singing together, may sound, as one;
So sing on, my love, with me, my heart, my heart, to heart, my heart, my love, sing on;
And by morning, we’ll be as reborn, you and I, refreshed, anew; and tender, gentle, sweet, and true.
And, my love, by morning, we’ll be married, too.
© Bede Nix, 16 October 2018. All rights reserved.
(My heart, and ears, once again in Anatolia; with deep gratitude to the wonderful music and song of Canan Domurcakli, with Ozan Cagdas’ underlying harmony; and with my very warm appreciation, too, to Alain Bittar of l’Olivier Arabic Cultural Centre for organizing and hosting another wonderful “soirée musicale”; thank you.)
I Saw You Too
© Bede Nix, 29 October 2018. All rights reserved.
A World of Beauty - Walking Mantra
A world of beauty.
A world of beauty.
A world of beauty.
A world of beauty, quite simply.
A world of beauty.
A world of beauty.
A world of beauty.
That’s all.
© Bede Nix, 20 August 2018. All rights reserved.
In Beauty, Breathing, Being, Be
Breathing, being, be.
Breathing, being, be.
Breathing, being, be.
Beauty, breathing, in sun’s new day’s morning light,
Beauty, breathing, in sun’s new day’s morning warmth,
Beauty, breathing, in sun’s new day’s morning sound,
In lapping waves,
————– music
As if in echo, answer, to light’s singular vibration,
Coming, from far, afar, so far,
Such distance,
Such, that, our imaginations, great–not yet, quite, great, enough,
And barely, still, imaginable,
To me, to you,
As if, still, unreachable,
Yet somehow, still, reaching, out, now, there, to here, now, somehow, still,
This light, in species, so, from longing, eternal,
And the infinitely far, drawing, infinitely, near,
My love, come, hold me, please, now, close, and dear, and
Breathing, being, be.
Breathing, being, be.
Breathing, being, be.
Breathing, being, be.
In lapping waves,
————– music
And all this motion, emotion, but
An ocean, vast, of
And – I too – this morning, bright – this fresh-eyed day – breathing, seemingly, sound, in sight – appear
– gently, gradually – slowly, surely –
Again, to be, becoming, human, being, be,
And yet –
How strange, once more, as if,
In mirror’s light,
This human shape,
This human form,
This human life,
This human path,
This human way,
To come, again, this day, and
New day’s morning light, and warmth, and sound, and sight
– Glorious, quite simply – and simply, sublime –
And a vision,
In blinking,
Light, in eye,
To breathe, in beauty,
In so much beauty,
And in beauty,
To breathe, in beauty,
To breathe, in, beauty,
To breathe in beauty,
In so much beauty,
Breathing, being, be.
In time,
New day,
This beauty, breathing, being, be,
In joy,
In joy,
To sing.
© Bede Nix, 15 December 2018. All rights reserved.
Thought Sounds Simply So
I always trust, and follow, and flow with — simply, sensing, now — and so subtly — my own, one, now — so subtle, inner, sense — and call it, then — my intuition, if you will.
(And yes, I will.)
And I always trust, and follow, and flow with, and express, my feeling.
And I always trust, and follow, and flow with, and express, and share, my inspiration, and passion — compassion.
And, in this way, then, I always trust, and follow, and flow with, and express, and live out, and realize, completely, this, my dream, of life.
In confidence, trust, and faith.
And I always trust, and follow, and flow with, and express, and share, and live out, and realize, my intuition, my feeling, my inspiration, passion, compassion, and this, my life, my dream.
And I trust, and have confidence, completely, in my clear, inner, sense, and, inner, truth.
And I believe in myself; have faith.
And this, then, I do.
Open eyes
Now gently closing
Gently closed
Open eyes
Now gently closing
Gently closed
Open eyes
Now gently closing
Gently closed
Be, breathe in, believe in (belief)
Be, breathe in, believe in (belief)
Be, breathe in, believe in (belief)
Be breathe in, believe in, believing, belief
Be breathe in, believe in, believing, belief
Be breathe in, believe in, believing, belief
Be breathe in, believe in, believing, be living, belief
Be breathe in, believe in, believing, be living, belief
Be breathe in, believe in, believing, be living, belief
In confidence, trust, and faith (belief)
In confidence, trust, and faith (belief)
In confidence, trust, and faith (belief)
Confidence, trust, and faith (believe)
In confidence, trust, and faith (belief)
Breathe in
Breathe in
Breathe in
Open eyes
Now gently closing
Gently closed
Thought, now, letting, go
Thought, now, sounding, so
Thought letting go
Thought sounding
Thought simply
Thought so
Hand opening
Heart opening
Mind opening
In breathing, simply
Simply, simply, simply
© Bede Nix, 22 December 2018. All rights reserved.
Into Your Hands
And i catch myself sometimes thinking it, and sometimes saying it; and I’ve heard you say it, too, I think, and not just sometimes, but often; at least, I think so. So I think that we both of us know, now, full well, that, when we speak, of knowing … we speak … of knowing … well, what .. and that … of knowing, what, then, well? … if not … not knowing what, that, this, then, is, that — “it” — a this, a that … some, place, some, thing … what? … or, more curiously, of knowing “them” (as if one ever could) … who? … a person, perhaps … presenting, male, or female, he, or she … or I … or you … okay … so that we know, then, that … or that we know that, then … and that we know … it … or them … or you … or I … and … just like this, then … just like that … so to speak … and … just like the back of our hands …
And now I turn to you my hands; here, gently, take them, my hands, in yours; and, if you look at them carefully, these hands, long, and hard enough … and well, I wonder … would you come then fully to know, and to understand, and to read me, like, a book, and to be then attuned to me, in harmony, and at home with me, would you think? Or, taking your hand, now, in mine, I, you?
And so, supposing, then, that, in this way, I do come, then, really, to know, and to understand you, and you, me … just like the back … held gently … of our own hands … and these, my hands … and these, your hands … own hands … as if here extended, in friendship … and as if there held, now, tenderly, and dear … in thought … and in mind … your hands … in mine …
And turn, now, my friend … turn, and turn, and … turn, then… twirling, swirling … around … and around … as in a dance … a choreography, circling, in here, then, these, these dancing thoughts, these dancing hands …
And, slowing down, now, too, in turn, and turning back, little by little, to the matter, stirring, in hand, and so to please, and so to please me, here, love, and to please me here love, and to please me here love, again, and to love again, and to do love, too, again, your lovely face … as it’s appearing here, so beautiful … now … and here now, so handsome … turned, towards me; and do come lend a hand; do help me think this through; and let’s together, do.
For the answer, my friend, and the solution, is surely here, at hand; at hand, still, surely, here, in these, these hands, of nature’s mind.
And still now, still, and still … for still now we’ve time; and still some time, on our hands; still time; for these, our hands, our hands, are hands of time, and history — story — time — yours, and mine — ticking, beating … pulsating, too, our time … like heart’s clock’s mortal, finite, human, time; and your hand, your hour hand, and minute hand, ticking along, tick-tock, tick-tock, in second, by second; and like the sands of time, slipping, slipping, slipping, through, one’s fingers; and the sands, and shores, and the lands, and seas, and the suns, and skies, sailing us, passing, by, on watery time’s deep rippling oars, in rhythm, repeatedly, again, and again; and in mind’s fluid, floating, ocean, in inky wave, of blue, then wave, of black; and this hand, that; and either, either, hand; now, taken, and shaken; in hands on, in hands off; in hands down, in hands up; so that, taking life now in your own hands, be now a free hand, hand picked; and strengthening a hand; and sharing a hand; and extending a hand; and giving a hand; and joining now hands; and holding hands; and hand in hand; and hand upon hand; and hand upon heart; and healing hands.
And it’s as if the knowledge were somehow, somewhere, hidden, here, then, at hand, and simply concealed here, in plain sight, or else absorbed, maybe, into the skin, perhaps, in flesh, of hand, and ingrained there, invisible, to naked eye, and in hand’s here visionary, all-seeing, eye’s, awareness, in time, invisible, warm, like flowing sand, through fingers, relaxed, and free, like mine, there, here, where the ocean’s distracting, vast, and the sun’s light’s blinding, brilliant.
And, upon this, the length, now, here, of your breath’s stroke, extended, you move me, reading, thoughts, to thinking, what, that, this, the land, hand written, out, of love’s attention, home, so warm, and comforting; and like the gentle summer’s hint of breeze, this breath, this breadth, this breath, of thought, in open hand, and open heart, and open, this, then, too, this hand, and this, then, too, this hand, this hand, of thought, of opened thought; and, hand shaking free, so free, hands free, this hand, of tension, all tension, and, all, anxiety, hands up, surrendered; such that, these, then, now, our hands, now fully opened, and relaxed, turn, an eye, to take, and dwell, in them, do, if but a moment, there, in peace, and to discover, there, then, and to read, there, then, too, in our palms, in our hands, as in a mirror, clear, just, such, immensities, simply, so, of such energy, intelligence, and beauty, expanded, extended, extreme, to our extremities, and to our branch-like fingers, spread, and to our leaf-like fingertips, light leafing, reaching, out, into the world, to touch, to touch, to feel, to touch, reach out, and touch, and feel, the world, ourselves, and you, then, here, and now, and now, then, me.
And … you know, then … how it is … when something you needed, or wished for, simply seems suddenly to fall into your hands, as if from the heavens above … as if, the sky … for …
Here, then, you are; here too, am I.
And here; here, take my hand.
Let’s trust for why.
© Bede Nix, 9 January 2019. All rights reserved.
And It All Began With You
And a cosmos, as if, contained, in this, your breath — so that, in this, then, breathing — well — and — well, finding, then, in this — finding, then, in this — this, single, singular, breath — this, then, that — one — finds — here — finds here, too — this — this inspiration, we — and, in inspiration, then — in inspiration, drawing, then — and, in inspiration, drawing, these — and these, these too — these too, my parted lips, and tender tongue, on — one — one time, then, once more, again — to speak, to sing — and these, these, too, my eyes, to see — and these — these, too — these hands, to take a pen, and write — these words — and, well, finding, drawing, me — in breathless, impatient, panting, eager, breath — my heart, my I — in love — to love — so, I am — for you, and — to you, and — with you, and — in you — you, only — only — you.
And so that, in these, then — in these — these, too — these lips, this tongue — these eyes — these hands, these words — this heart — uplifted, and — in this, love’s longing glance, and loving gaze — lifted, upwards, unthinking, unblinking — unblinking, time — in moment’s unthinking haste — and taste, eternity — then, and there; here, and now — an ocean, open, vast — in heart’s beat, beating, fleeting, first, to last — and then, to open, truly — and, truly seeing, then — were now, as now, now were — in this, in this — a sparkling glimpse, my love, divine, of this — of you.
And so, then, that — in love’s gaze, longing, lifted, lightly, upwards — were these, then, seeing, seemingly, my eyes — but if for a moment — and — for the first, and only, time — always, time — were fully, truly, opened — and fully, truly, seeing — heart’s ocean, open, vast — and looking up, the sun, the sky — and my spirits, lifted, too — in sparkling glimpse, this fleeting moment’s glance, unthinking — unblinking, time — of seeing — you.
And yet, if looking out, and out, and out, in words, into, worlds, outside, or in, and in, and into, words, and worlds, within, towards, my own, true, inner, self — a dream, this we, this me, must be — and — this, then, that — I knew — yet knew not, neither, too, nor understood, nor ever truly could, nor would, nor should — as now, in this — in this, this vision — vision — now — and — vision — seeming bliss — in seeing — you.
And so it was, then — then, that, in these — in these, your eyes, so bright, and beautiful, and in this, then, this, this such sweet smile, beaming, blinding, bright, that this, then, this, the sun’s own brightness, seemed, then, somehow, there, beside you, slight, and, secondary, and, blushing, even, too, as if, too shy, too shy, too shy, and shied away — or so, at least, time’s memory — fading, fathoms, deep, and deeper, still, for, ever, always, after — afterwards — and fumbling, after, words — or so, then, seemed it, so — or so, then, seemed it, so, as if, through you, a way — it seemed, as if, through you, a way — through you a way — it seemed, at least, to me.
And my eyes, then — then, and now, and there, and here — here bathed, then, now — there, in oceans — open, vast, and deep — heart’s memory and, seeking love, then losing — I — I, too, I too, at least, at last — at least, at last, at least, at last — I too, at least, at last — at last, at last, to finding — you.
And these — these, too — these, too, these words, I write — these, too, these words — began, right here, with you; and this, then, why — this, then, the reason — this, then, the reason, why — I kneel, before you, now, and thank you.
Inspired, this day, once more, by Arabic language, and culture;
Inspired, this day, once more, by Arabic poetry, literature, philosophy, and art.
Inspired, this day, once more, by Ibn Al-Arabi.
Inspired, this day, once more, by You.
And always.
© Bede Nix, 16 January 2019. All rights reserved.
The Question, That Is
If not, then breathe, once more, more deeply, deeply, still; be mindful — mindful, be; and, mind open, mindful, mind it, not; just let it go; let it all go; for silent, stillness, drawing, near, in face, to face, and heart, to heart, sounds, simply, this, that, here, and now, at last, at last, my love, with you, I am, at last, at last, to be.
© Bede Nix, 23 January 2019. All rights reserved.
This Heart, In Love, Be Still
And …
How can I, then?
And this – these lines, these words – but just a tear to wet the earth; a line of poetry, perhaps – no more; a word, seed, planted here, upon this page, as if in search, salvation’s light, of solace, hope. And this, then, a time of need, that’s all, asking:
How can I, then, go on?
Yet …
Go on …
Can I … ?
Will I … ?
Yes, yet; be still.
And these words, now, winter’s waiting, to see, one hopes, in us, again, a spring.
Or so, at least, one hopes.
One hopes.
One hopes.
This heart, in love; be still.
© Bede Nix, 10 May 2019. All rights reserved.
Words Unheeded, And Thoughts, Unheard, Elsewhere
(And so you find yourself either repeating everything, over, and again, in louder voice, to no avail; or else, loud in resignation, and defeat, you find yourself lapsing, exhausted, entirely, into silence, deafening.)
And a person who has only a limited – perhaps a very limited – capacity, to listen, is a person, surely, who has only a limited – and perhaps a very limited – capacity, to hear, and to understand; but, faced, and at once affronted, by such a person, you succeed, then, in keeping, sagely, even so, your tongue, quite still, at rest, mouth closed, and lips, now, firmly, sealed; and, instead, then, of losing, squandering, wasting, your words, you simply, patiently, courteously, rather sweetly, indeed, adopt, now, a smile, soft-eyed, and gentle, still, and, as if, all were, in advance, all things considered, by you, forgiven, in any case, and even so – and yes – yes, even this – and even that – that too, as well – as well you know; and so, from half a sigh, you breathe in, deeply, gently, slowly, through the nose, and then, through the nose, and ever so slowly, gently, you, yourself, breathing, breathe, emptying, entirely, out, now, fully; and, breathing out, exhaling, you begin, then, now, so slowly, so ever so slowly, subtly, to release, now, then, your inspiration, here, such that, your energy, all your energy, then flowing, and expanding, powerfully, out, and out, and out, and, as if, then, to hold, now, nothing, back, such that, of all you have, you release, entirely, and, entirely, let go; and, in this way, you come, then, to know yourself, both emptied, as nothing, and completely complete, completed – as, here, now, there, you go, and, as, here, now, there, you let go, and, as, here, now, there, you let it all go and, letting go, and, letting it all go, quite simply, and, quite simply, simply letting it all go, you come, then, to recall, then, there, to here, to now, yourself, your own true self, relaxed, entirely – and released, let go – and – no tension, no irritation, no anger, any more – no more of that – for here, now, you are – are now we – again, so completely, so entirely, free; and, in silence, saying, then, quite simply, no more, then, now, than, simply, nothing, here, to this person, standing, there, before, you, who has, seemingly, such a limited – such a very limited – capacity – to listen – and this person, standing there, before you, who has, then, seemingly, such a limited – such a very limited – capacity – to hear, and to understand; and so, in such bright light of understanding – dim light of such a one – and – quite simply, solid, steadfast, still – and ever so quietly, reservedly, deservedly, resolutely, in your quietness, and in your silence, silently, in silent sanctuary – peaceful, calm – you, as if, surrendered, and resigned, now here, remain; and from here, then, there, to this, that person, rude – not listening, not hearing, not understanding, and, in this way, not being, even, in the slightest bit, present, to you – and to them, in short, short shrift, you turn away, and leave, likewise, nothing, but your absence, absolute; and so, not saying – tongue still, mouth closed, lips firmly sealed – you wish this person well, upon their journey, now, to elsewhere, far from sight, and mind – forgotten, indeed, already – gone!
And a person who has only a limited – perhaps a very limited – capacity, to listen, is a person, surely, who has only a limited – and perhaps a very limited – capacity, to hear, and to understand.
(And so you find yourself either repeating everything, over, and again, in louder voice, to no avail; or else, loud in resignation, and defeat, you find yourself lapsing, exhausted, entirely, into silence, deafening.)
And what was that you were saying?
(Silence, deafening.)
© Bede Nix, 17 May 2019. All rights reserved.
Some Peace of Mind, Maybe, Perhaps, One Day
© Bede Nix, 18 May 2019, Blue Flowering Moon. All rights reserved.
Heartbeat Time
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
Listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
“Cardiac coherence” , I’ve heard it called; another word that may, perhaps, serve well—serve just as well, maybe, perhaps — courage, in, your hands—open, up – and, open, out – is confidence.
Hand, then, in hand—and heart to heart—our hearts—in this, this ocean, heart, of love, divine—in rhythm, in harmony, in time.
And together, simply, being, be.
And together, being, be.
Being, be
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
And in time’s beating heart; and in heartbeat’s, beating, time.
In being, be.
Beating, –heart
Beating, –heart
Beating, beating
In time, of time, to time.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time.
And in courage, in confidence, breathing, beating, being, heartbeat, be.
And in confidence, being, be.
And be, being
Being, be
Being, be
Being, be
One step—heart—beat—at a time.
One breath—heart—beat—at a time.
One thought—heart—beat—at a time.
One thing—heart—beat—at a time.
One step—my heart—at a time.
One breath—my heart—at a time.
One thought—my heart—at a time.
One thing—my heart—at a time.
One step—heart—beat—at a time.
One breath—heart—beat—at a time.
One thought—heart—beat—at a time.
One thing—heart—beat—at a time.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time, in time, to time.
And in courage, in confidence, breathing, beating, being, heartbeat, be.
And in confidence, being, be.
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time).
Being, be.
Beating, –heart
Beating, –heart
Beating, beating
Listen—only–listen—listen—listen .
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
Listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
And listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
Listen—only–listen—listen—listen .
And heart to heart—our hearts—in this, this ocean, heart, of love, divine—in rhythm, in harmony, in time.
And together, simply, being, be.
And together, being, be.
Being, be
Seconds, minutes, hours; nights, and days; so many, too few.
And each second, minute, hour, each night, each day, a match, to light, in vision, a flame, to start—in company, and change—a fire, ablaze, to catch, to spread, to travel, far, in blazing light, expanding.
And this, then—perhaps, maybe—to love.
To telling, to time, to beating, hearts, our beating, hearts.
Heart, hearing, prayer.
Our hearts, in love, aflame.
Our hearts, in love, divine.
© Bede Nix, 8 March 2019. All rights reserved.
Our Hearts, In Love, Divine
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
Listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
“Cardiac coherence” , I’ve heard it called; another word that may, perhaps, serve well—serve just as well, maybe, perhaps — courage, in, your hands—open, up – and, open, out – is confidence.
Hand, then, in hand—and heart to heart—our hearts—in this, this ocean, heart, of love, divine—in rhythm, in harmony, in time.
And together, simply, being, be.
And together, being, be.
Being, be
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
And in time’s beating heart; and in heartbeat’s, beating, time.
In being, be.
Beating, –heart
Beating, –heart
Beating, beating
In time, of time, to time.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time.
And in courage, in confidence, breathing, beating, being, heartbeat, be.
And in confidence, being, be.
And be, being
Being, be
Being, be
Being, be
One step—heart—beat—at a time.
One breath—heart—beat—at a time.
One thought—heart—beat—at a time.
One thing—heart—beat—at a time.
One step—my heart—at a time.
One breath—my heart—at a time.
One thought—my heart—at a time.
One thing—my heart—at a time.
One step—heart—beat—at a time.
One breath—heart—beat—at a time.
One thought—heart—beat—at a time.
One thing—heart—beat—at a time.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time, in time, to time.
And in courage, in confidence, breathing, beating, being, heartbeat, be.
And in confidence, being, be.
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time).
Being, be.
Beating, –heart
Beating, –heart
Beating, beating
Listen—only–listen—listen—listen .
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
Listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart.
To learn—to listen—to hear—your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn—listen—heal—your beating heart.
Listen—only–listen—listen—listen .
And “cardiac coherence” , I’ve heard it called; another word that may, perhaps, serve well—serve just as well, maybe, perhaps—courage, in, your hands—open, up—and, open, out—is confidence.
And hand, then, in hand—and heart to heart—our hearts—in this, this ocean, heart, of love, divine—in rhythm, in harmony, in time.
And together, simply, being, be.
And together, being, be.
Being, be
Seconds, minutes, hours; nights, and days; so many, too few.
And each second, minute, hour, each night, each day, a match, to light, in vision, a flame, to start—in company, and change—a fire, ablaze, to catch, to spread, to travel, far, in blazing light, expanding.
And this, then—perhaps, maybe—to love.
To telling, to time, to beating, hearts, our beating, hearts.
Heart, hearing, prayer.
Our hearts, in love, aflame.
Our hearts, in love, divine.
© Bede Nix, 8 March 2019. All rights reserved.
One Heart, In Love, Aflame
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
Listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart; listen to your heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
“Cardiac coherence” , I’ve heard it called; another word that may, perhaps, serve well—serve just as well, maybe, perhaps—being courageous—taking courage, in, your hands—is confidence.
Such that, the air, now, we’re breathing–fresh air, more or less–more or less, for free–here, together—you, and me—(we)—is this—this telling, in time, of time, to time, and—and, this, this telling, in time, of time, to time, and—and, this, this telling, in time, of time, to time—two beating hearts, to beating hearts—two beating hearts—to beating hearts, two beating hearts—to beating hearts; in but a heartbeat, fleeting, swift, upon time; and but a heartbeat, fleeting, swift, upon time; in but a heartbeat, fleeting, swift, upon time; on time, in time, of time, to time—on time, in time, of time, to time—on time, in time, of time, to time—time; time; time; time; time; time; time; time; time–beating hearts, to beating hearts—two beating hearts—to beating hearts, beating hearts—to beating hearts–here, nearing, hearing, home—dear you, to me—to we—at last, to being, be; and attuning, now, our hearts—heart to heart—our hearts—in this, this ocean, heart, of love, divine—in rhythm, in harmony, in time.
And together, simply, being, be.
And together, being, be.
Being, be
Being, be
Being, be
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
In time’s beating heart; in heartbeat’s, beating, time.
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(In) (Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
(Heartbeat) (Time)
In being, being, be.
Beating, –heart
Beating, –heart
Beating, beating
In time, of time, to time.
And in courage, in confidence, breathing, beating, being, heartbeat, be.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time.
In courage, and confidence, being, be.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time.
In courage, being, be.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time.
In confidence, being, be.
Be, being
Being, be
One step, at a time.
One breath, at a time.
One thought, at a time.
One thing, at a time.
One step at a time.
One breath at a time.
One thought at a time.
One thing at a time.
One, step at a time.
One, breath at a time.
One, thought at a time.
One, thing at a time.
One, step, at, a time.
One, breath, at, a time.
One, thought, at, a time.
One, thing, at, a time.
Being, be
Being, be
Being, be
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time, in time, to time.
In confidence, being, be.
One step—heart—beat—at a time.
One breath—heart—beat—at a time.
One thought—heart—beat—at a time.
One thing—heart—beat—at a time.
Being, be
Being, be
Being, be
One step—my heart—at a time.
One breath—my heart—at a time.
One thought—my heart—at a time.
One thing—my heart—at a time.
Being, be
One step—heart—beat—at a time.
One breath—heart—beat—at a time.
One thought—heart—beat—at a time.
One thing—heart—beat—at a time.
Being, be
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time, in time, to time.
In confidence, being, be.
And, in confidence,
And in confidence, being, be.
One step at a time.
One breath at a time.
One thought at a time.
One thing at a time.
One step.
One breath.
One thought.
One thing.
At a time, in time, to time.
And in confidence, being, be.
In confidence, being, be
Being, be.
In time, to time.
Beating, –heart
Beating, –heart
Beating, beating
One step
One breath
One thought
One look
One smile
One touch
One taste
One kiss—once more
Once more, my beating heart, in breathing joy, to sing—to sing—to sing, in breathing, joy, my beating heart, once more
One kiss — once more
One time
And what a time, of time, to time, in time
One time
Time still
In confidence, being, be.
Listen—listen—only–listen—listen .
Listen—listen—only–listen—listen .
Listen—listen—only–listen—listen .
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
Listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Learn, then, to listen, from here, to here, to hear, your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart—your, beating, heart.
Listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart ; listen to your heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—hear—your beating heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn, then, to listen, to hear, your heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn–to listen–to hear–your beating heart.
To learn—listen—heal—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—heal—your beating heart.
To learn—listen—heal—your beating heart.
Listen—listen—only–listen—listen .
Listen—listen—only–listen—listen .
Listen—listen—only–listen—listen .
“Cardiac coherence” , I’ve heard it called; another word that may, perhaps, serve well—serve just as well, maybe, perhaps—being courageous—taking courage, in, your hands—is confidence.
Such that, the air, now, we’re breathing–fresh air, more or less–more or less, for free–here, together—you, and me—(we)—is this—this telling, in time, of time, to time, and—and, this, this telling, in time, of time, to time, and—and, this, this telling, in time, of time, to time—two beating hearts, to beating hearts—two beating hearts—to beating hearts, two beating hearts—to beating hearts; in but a heartbeat, fleeting, swift, upon time; and but a heartbeat, fleeting, swift, upon time; in but a heartbeat, fleeting, swift, upon time; on time, in time, of time, to time—on time, in time, of time, to time—on time, in time, of time, to time—time; time; time; time; time; time; time; time; time–beating hearts, to beating hearts—two beating hearts—to beating hearts, beating hearts—to beating hearts–here, nearing, hearing, home—dear you, to me—to we—at last, to being, be; and attuning, now, our hearts—heart to heart—our hearts—in this, this ocean, heart, of love, divine—in rhythm, in harmony, in time.
And together, simply, being, be.
And together, being, be.
Being, be
Seconds, minutes, hours; nights, and days; so many, too few.
And each second, minute, hour, each night, each day, a match, to light, in vision, a flame, to start—in company, and change—a fire, ablaze, to catch, to spread, to travel, far, in blazing light, expanding—head held high, warm heart, aflame.
And this, then, love.
Telling, time, our beating, hearts.
To learn–to listen–to hear–to heal–your beating heart.
Learning, listening, hearing, heart, of prayer, our prayer.
Your heart, your prayer; our heart, our prayer; my heart, my prayer.
Heart, hearing–listening–prayer.
One heart, in love, divine.
One heart, in love, aflame.
© Bede Nix, 8 March 2019. All rights reserved.
Tongue Tones, New, And Language Lands
Version of 19 May 2019
(1)(Listening, then.)
(2)And, my friend, let’s try, then, now, to imagine, what, ever so quietly, it could mean, as it were, spiralling, to go into, and to nestle deeply, curled up, in, to, and, within, our ears, and to rest there – listening – our beating hearts – and to try, then, too, there, now, to fathom – and to hear – our timeless, turning, time – eternity.
(3)And now to study, then, there, and to learn, there, then – alone – and yet, as if, seeming, somehow, still, together – in this, our language, together, still – quiet, and still – my heart – and heart’s understanding – and from where, which, little by little – to discover, to hear, and to realize – ourselves – as if – alone, now – and yet, now, not – no more – and never more, now, here – alone – at home, again – and – as if, then, truly, ourselves – anew.
(4)(Listening, then.)
(5)And, now, then, my friend, let’s, ever, so, ever, so, quietly, listening, inwards, in, to, hear, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and let’s close our eyes, and cup our hands, our heart’s blood, pulsating, circulating, flowing, around, and through, upon, our liquid ears, as shells, to listening, hearing, whispered, whispering, humming, murmuring, echoes, echoed, echoing, singing, sighing, streaming, sea, sounds, sounding, out, and sung, so, softly, songs, in breeze, bright, fresh, this new day’s sunrise, thinking, thought, arising, arise, to rise, and, in rising, gently, out, in, breathing, hearts, in, breathing, hearts, heart’s breathing, inspiration, longing, love, to love, in love, to love, in love, love, love’s life, song, to try, at least, listening, inwards, in, to, hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, be, now, here, then, there, wherever, were, we, could, be, ever, so, could we – ever – were – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, stirring, moving, turning, then, around, towards, our, motions, emotions, motioning, emotioning, selves, in, swirling, twirling, whirling, round, and round, around, aground, in, in, sides, out, and out, sides, surrendered, surrendering, in, to, love’s, life, song, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and not here, then now, not there, then, here; not there, not here, not now, to, there, then, here, and now – harmony – melody – hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and this, then, now, our hour, of time, in time’s one, thinking, thought, to fall, to rise, and in rising, arising, arise, eternal, self, absorbed, absorbing, self, absolved, absolving, self, absent, absenting, self, empty, emptying, self, surrendered, surrendering, here, in, learning, love’s life, song, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, gently, falling, then, to fall, in falling, gently, in, in, breathing, in, in, breathing, out, out, in; and, in, breathing, in, in, breathing, out, and love’s life, music, here, upon, the ear, once more, again, to hear, to sing; and, here, then, hear, hearing, here, heart’s vibrant, inspiration, thought, in, breathing, in, in, thinking, thought, thought, thinking, breathing, out, heart’s breathing, in, in, inspiration, vibrant, vibrating, pulsing, pulsating, hearing, heart, beat, beating, heart beating, heart beating, beating, heart, hearing, here, heartbeat, beating; and heart beating, beating, counting, accounting, time, in time, eternal, longing, love, to, timeless, time, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, this, then, this, this, time – hear beating – time, and time, again, to time, on time, of time, in time, to this, this now, this here; and, this, then, this, this, there, where, we, our we, are, truly – you, and me – in heartbeat, hearing, here, to hear – in hour, of timeless, time – one song, of self, eternal, absorbed, absorbing, absolved, absolving, absent, absenting, empty, emptying, surrendered, surrendering, and one day, too, in death, then, decaying, deceasing, dissolving, dulling, dying, diseased, decayed, deceased, dulled, and dead, dissolved – in oceans, oceans, oceans’ meaning, vast, and deep, as we – but merest you – but merest me – but merest, drops, to bathe, and, bathing, seeming, seeing, see; and, in appearance, then, begin, beginning, borrowed, being, becoming, breathing, freeing, feeling, free, to hear, to sing, begin; and free, then, no, not quite, yet, free; free, not free – a mystery; and all separate, distinct, and one, by one, in name, by name, no name, no, nameless, one, the same, inseparable, indivisible, invisible, visible; and not one, then, but one, and only, one – and open, liberated, free – to all – all one – and one – all one – one mind, one heart, one hand – in hand, and thought, of love, my love – as this, in this, this you, this me – in love’s life song – in time, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(6)(Listening, then.)
(7)And, now, then, my friend, let’s, ever, so, ever, so, quietly, listening, inwards, in, to, hear, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, quietly, listening, let’s, then, together, turn, in, turning, around, across, under, over, one hand, the other, passing, placing, touching, facing, to join, in joining, enjoining, enjoying, together, heartbeat, hearing, here, to hear – heartbeat, hearing, here, to hear – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, here, then, our arms, entwined, intertwined, connected, interconnected, enjoined, joined up, united; and our hands, and hearts, in harmony; and let’s, then, curl, up, close, and, settle, settling, down, in, turning, inwards, in, and attuning, tuning, in, to, quietly, listening, hearing, hearts, our minds, our spirits, selves, to rest, in, timeless, time, pulsating, vibrating, beating, sounding, sounds, this love’s life song, my love, to hear, our hearts, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(8)(Listening, then.)
(9)And, in, our, ears, hearing, to hear, then – now, here, now, there – these, far away, minded, memories – minds, of memory, minded, minding – sands, sounds, time – in oceans, seas – and in rising, falling, wave, upon ocean wave, of thought, thoughts, thinking, still, still thinking, thinking, still; thoughts, thinking, still; still, stilled thoughts, unmoving, moving, not breathing, breathing – and – then- time – be – only – still – stilled breath, stilled thought – and – yet, still, thinking, still; still, breathing, still, still, being – still – still – still – only – still – in, sensing, seeing, hearing – you, alone – to hear, our hearts, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(10)(Listening, then.)
(11)And, sensing, then, this, this feeling, then, then this, this hearing, then, then this, this seeing, then, then this – and this, surely – as, it, is, is, it; this surely – as, it, it, is, is it – is, all; and the coming to sense, and feel, and hear, and see, and recognize, understand, speak, know, flow, and the coming to be, then, this, to hear, our hearts, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(12)(Listening, then.)
(13)And, let’s, then, breathing, calmly, patiently, hearing, sensing, seeing, feeling, beginning, becoming, being, be; for, surely, when, learning, a language, a new language, and, when, discovering, a new, and expanded, world, of words, one needs, must, and, above all (listening) patient, being, be; but not only the word (listening) “patient”, meant modestly, and modestly understood; but the word, rather (listening) “patient”, meant, to mean, and meaning, deeply, and profoundly, and deeply, and profoundly (listening) patient, being, be; for, this, surely – quietly breathing – deeply, and profoundly (listening) patient – patient, being, be; and all language – the word, this word, the word – strange, and mysterious – and possibly, perhaps, divine; for there, to wait, then, patiently, patiently, quietly, and quietly, patiently, patiently, then, to wait, therefore; and here, then, there, alone – little patience, much suffering – to patience, then, developing – and suffering, a little, less – then suffering, then, no more; and the ear, then, then, the mind, the brain, now bathed, instead, in word, in words, in word – in language – and in language, enlightening, lucid, light-filled, vibrant, vibrating, resonant, sound-waved, lovely – and alive, in love – and- love’s life song – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning become, becoming, being, be – possibly, perhaps, divine; and the brain, then, bathed, in language, bliss; and not, then, and never, more, alone, not understanding – but rather, each day, understanding, more – and patiently, becoming, being, be; and now, at last, within, upon, the ear, to listening, hear – humming, vibrating, pulsating, human, heart, sounding, this – love’s life song – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(14)(Listening, then.)
[Pulling emotion’s thought, in memory.]
(15)And, as this, then – alone – all, one, in, one – one – one sound, in, infinite, numbering, of countless, counting, heartbeats, beating, pulsating, humming, vibrating, all-hearing, ear, now, here, in tiny, pulses, pulsating, memory, and fractions, fragments, timeless, time, in time, of time; and to listen, somehow, better, then, and more intensely, and more deeply, and more profoundly, then more intensely, deeply, and profoundly, still, still more, more still, still more, more still; and, keeping your mind, then, quietly, still, be calm, now, calm, and quiet, still; so that this, then, this, the mind – minding – mind, may come, again, to be open, porous, absorbent, like a sponge, sea, brain, and ocean, mind, and entirely receptive, now, to, hearing, these, these new vibrations, sounds, and rhythm, music – long, and short; open, and closed; consonants, and vowels; of this, your new language, and this, your new language, self, and this, your new self, quite simply; and, on this, then, your new language, adventure, be at first, if you can – of course you can – like a humble, respectful, guest, invited into a land, and home, not yet, quite, feeling, a little, like, your own – a land, and a home, in short, not yet so much even as a little, like, your own; and, that is, as one who at first meekly listens, only, listening, only, listening, keeping, the ears, and the eyes, open, to open, observation, keenly, seeing, all, and as if, wishing, all, to hearing, all, to seeing, all, in beauty’s fullest motion, emotion, delight, of heart, heart’s memory, gently held, in happiness, some future day, one day, to encourage, to apprehend, to comprehend, and understand, and review, and resound, and recall, yet, not understanding terribly much – not much – too much – not much – at first – and perhaps not understanding terribly much – not much – too much – not much – at first – and perhaps not understanding anything at all, indeed – not so much as a single word, at first – and for a long time after, too; no word, that matters – no matter; only, waiting, ever, quietly, patiently, listening, patiently, quietly, ever, waiting, only; and, quietly listening, and listening better, and better, and more, and more, and more and more intensely, and more and more deeply, and more and more profoundly, and then more and more profoundly, still, such that, only listening, listening, listening, one, word, one, thing, some, thing, so slowly, so very slowly, so slowly, but surely, and absolutely, adjusts, and attunes, upon your ear, such that your ear, then, begins, so slowly, so gradually, so subtly, at first, at last, to hear, and to hear, upon your tongue, now, too, as all the subtle musculature of your lips, and face, begins, to echo, like neurons, mirroring, and to twitch, then, at last, to sound, and, sounding, right, sounding, true, in tune; and, waiting, then, for this feeling – for the feeling of this tone, this sound, this sensation, of this new language, upon the ear, the tongue; to taste, and enjoy, there, its vibration, and as if your ear, and tongue, were afloat, now, in dream, as in a d ream, upon a sea, upon an ocean, of sound, and, then, only, then, very slowly, and only so extraordinarily, slowly, yet, surely – still, listening, stillness, listening – always listening, so carefully, listening – into floating, afloat, upon a sea – of sound – an ocean – of meaning – your ear, your tongue – towards a tongue, at last, of land – and an instrument, a music – a voice – again, to call; again, to call; again, to call, your own; and a tongue of land, then, that, is, upon which, little, by ever, so little, you begin, to sound, and feel, finally, now, so well, and as if, at long, long, last, in this, so extraordinary, world, of sound, new sound, and tongue, new tongue, and music, new music, and language, new language, you are hearing, here, again, and, hearing, this, your little, by ever so little, miniature, tiny, self, once more, again, in proportion, in harmony (listening, then), to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(16)(Listening, then.)
(17)And, let’s, then, breathing, calmly, patiently, hearing, sensing, seeing, feeling, beginning, becoming, being, be; for, surely, when, learning, a language, a new language, and, when, discovering, a new, and expanded, world, of words, one needs, must, and, above all (listening) patient, being, be; but not only the word (listening) “patient”, meant modestly, and modestly understood; but the word, rather (listening) “patient”, meant, to mean, and meaning, deeply, and profoundly, and deeply, and profoundly (listening) patient, being, be; for, this, surely – quietly breathing – deeply, and profoundly (listening) patient – patient, being, be; and all language – the word, this word, the word – strange, and mysterious – and possibly, perhaps, divine; for there, to wait, then, patiently, patiently, quietly, and quietly, patiently, patiently, then, to wait, therefore; and here, then, there, alone – little patience, much suffering – to patience, then, developing – and suffering, a little, less – then suffering, then, no more; and the ear, then, then, the mind, the brain, now bathed, instead, in word, in words, in word – in language – and in language, enlightening, lucid, light-filled, vibrant, vibrating, resonant, sound-waved, lovely – and alive, in love – and- love’s life song – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning become, becoming, being, be – possibly, perhaps, divine; and the brain, then, bathed, in language, bliss; and not, then, and never, more, alone, not understanding – but rather, each day, understanding, more – and patiently, becoming, being, be; and now, at last, within, upon, the ear, to listening, hear – humming, vibrating, pulsating, human, heart, sounding, this – love’s life song – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(18)(Listening, then.)
(19)And, sensing, then, this, feeling, then, this, hearing, then, this, seeing, then, this – this, surely – as, it, is, is, it; this surely – as, it, it, is, it – is, all; and the coming to sense, and feel, and hear, and see, and recognize, and understand, and speak, and know, and flow, and the coming to be, this, then, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(20)(Listening, then.)
(21) And, in, our, ears, hearing, to hear, then – now, here, now, there – these, far away, minded, memories – minds, of memory, minded, minding – sands, sounds, time – in oceans, seas – and in rising, falling, wave, upon ocean wave, of thought, thoughts, thinking, still, still thinking, thinking, still; thoughts, thinking, still; still, stilled thoughts, unmoving, moving, not breathing, breathing – and – then- time – be – only – still – stilled breath, stilled thought – and – yet, still, thinking, still; still, breathing, still, still, being – still – still – still – only – still – in, sensing, seeing, hearing – you, alone – to hear, our hearts, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(22)(Listening, then.)
(23)And, now, then, my friend, let’s, ever, so, ever, so, quietly, listening, inwards, in, to, hear, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and quietly listening, let’s, then, turn, turning, there, to, over, across, under, in, one hand, the other, passing, placing, touching, facing, to join, joining, in joining, enjoining, enjoying, together, rejoiced; and arms intertwined, interconnected, hands, hearts, connected, compact, curled up, close; and let’s, then, curl, up, close, and, settle, settling, down, in, turning, in, and attuning, tuning, in, to, quietly, inwards, listening, our hearts, our minds, our spirits, selves, to rest, in, timeless, time, there, inwards, listening, pulsating, vibrating, heart’s, beating, sounding, sounds, this love’s, life, song, my love, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(24)(Listening, then.)
(25) And, now, then, my friend, let’s, ever, so, ever, so, quietly, listening, inwards, in, to, hear, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and let’s close our eyes, and cup our hands, our heart’s blood, pulsating, circulating, flowing, around, and through, upon, our liquid ears, as shells, to listening, hearing, whispered, whispering, humming, murmuring, echoes, echoed, echoing, singing, sighing, streaming, sea, sounds, sounding, out, and sung, so, softly, songs, in breeze, bright, fresh, this new day’s sunrise, thinking, thought, arising, arise, to rise, and, in rising, gently, out, in, breathing, hearts, in, breathing, hearts, heart’s breathing, inspiration, longing, love, to love, in love, to love, in love, love, love’s life, song, to try, at least, listening, inwards, in, to, hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, be, now, here, then, there, wherever, were, we, could, be, ever, so, could we – ever – were – to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, stirring, moving, turning, then, around, towards, our, motions, emotions, motioning, emotioning, selves, in, swirling, twirling, whirling, round, and round, around, aground, in, in, sides, out, and out, sides, surrendered, surrendering, in, to, love’s, life, song, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and not here, then now, not there, then, here; not there, not here, not now, to, there, then, here, and now – harmony – melody – hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and this, then, now, our hour, of time, in time’s one, thinking, thought, to fall, to rise, and in rising, arising, arise, eternal, self, absorbed, absorbing, self, absolved, absolving, self, absent, absenting, self, empty, emptying, self, surrendered, surrendering, here, in, learning, love’s life, song, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, gently, falling, then, to fall, in falling, gently, in, in, breathing, in, in, breathing, out, out, in; and, in, breathing, in, in, breathing, out, and love’s life, music, here, upon, the ear, once more, again, to hear, to sing; and, here, then, hear, hearing, here, heart’s vibrant, inspiration, thought, in, breathing, in, in, thinking, thought, thought, thinking, breathing, out, heart’s breathing, in, in, inspiration, vibrant, vibrating, pulsing, pulsating, hearing, heart, beat, beating, heart beating, heart beating, beating, heart, hearing, here, heartbeat, beating; and heart beating, beating, counting, accounting, time, in time, eternal, longing, love, to, timeless, time, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be; and, this, then, this, this, time – hear beating – time, and time, again, to time, on time, of time, in time, to this, this now, this here; and, this, then, this, this, there, where, we, our we, are, truly – you, and me – in heartbeat, hearing, here, to hear – in hour, of timeless, time – one song, of self, eternal, absorbed, absorbing, absolved, absolving, absent, absenting, empty, emptying, surrendered, surrendering, and one day, too, in death, then, decaying, deceasing, dissolving, dulling, dying, diseased, decayed, deceased, dulled, and dead, dissolved – in oceans, oceans, oceans’ meaning, vast, and deep, as we – but merest you – but merest me – but merest, drops, to bathe, and, bathing, seeming, seeing, see; and, in appearance, then, begin, beginning, borrowed, being, becoming, breathing, freeing, feeling, free, to hear, to sing, begin; and free, then, no, not quite, yet, free; free, not free – a mystery; and all separate, distinct, and one, by one, in name, by name, no name, no, nameless, one, the same, inseparable, indivisible, invisible, visible; and not one, then, but one, and only, one – and open, liberated, free – to all – all one – and one – all one – one mind, one heart, one hand – in hand, and thought, of love, my love – as this, in this, this you, this me – in love’s life song – in time, to hear, to sing, begin, beginning, becoming, being, be.
(26)(Listening, then.)
(27)(And be listening, then, again, still more.)
(28)(Listening, then.)
(29)And, hearing, this, and, seeing, this, this, surely, as it is, is, it; this surely, as it is, is it, is all; the coming to sense, and feel, it, the coming to hear it, the coming to know it, the coming to understand it, the coming to speak it, the coming to live it, and the coming to be lived by it, as if the coming to be it.
(30)And how then to hear you, sensing, sound, in sounding, oceans, seas, sand dunes, sands, skin breeze, enchanting, chanting, singing, speaking, tasting, tongue tones, new, and language lands, in this, your music, my music, your song, my song, your language, my language, your voice, my voice, such, that, the echo, of this, your voice, my voice, sings, within, us, you, and me, to form here, in mind, your mind, your mind, my mind, not only the sound, but also the form, and sight, of you, and me, your language, sensed, sounding, within us, within you, within me, and making, sounding, sense, as vivid, real, alive, and true.
(31)And, now, then, my friend, let’s try to imagine, what, ever so quietly, it could mean, as it were, spiralling, to go into, and nestle deeply, curled up, within, our ears, and to rest there, in, to, timeless, listening – our beating hearts – and to try to fathom – to hear – our timeless, turning, time – eternity.
(32)And to study, learn, together – this language – heart – in understanding, which, little by little – to discover, hear, and realize, ourselves, at home, again, anew.
(33)(Listening, then.)
© Bede Nix, 19 May 2019. All rights reserved.
A Person, A Place, In Play, In Call, In Prayer, In Question, Why
© Bede Nix, 24 May 2019. All rights reserved.
Light In Eye, In Heart, In Mind, In Hope
(So what to do?)
(I do not … yet … and … )
And yet, and yet, and – yet much as I cannot, yet, quite, see you, clearly, and fully, and recognize, brightly, this, this light, this lovely light, your lovely light, for what it is; so, surely – or, so now, at least, I think – am I, myself, in turn, not ready, not yet ready, quite, in this, your light, this light, so fully – fully – seen – and understood, maybe – forgiven – loved – accepted, all, and all, allowed – for all, I am – quite simply, me – for me – to simply, breathing, here – here being – be.
And so I turn from you, again, my eye, stone-hearted, cool, away – as if, uncaring – and contemptuous – to hide, in truth, again, within, my shadowed face – self’s dim lit suffering – long tensely held – long dearly cherished – anxieties, insecurities, trauma, sadness – pain.
(I turn away.)
And how I reacted, then, to you, disappointingly – a reaction, that, now, if late, I see, was so, somehow, so miserable, miserly, poor, pathetic – and well, this reaction, disappointing, deeply, and – deeply – disappointed – hurt you too, and much, I’m sure. And later, I regretted this; for something of your human warmth, and light – light in eye – in heart – in mind – in hope – stayed with me, even so.
(Even so.)
(Even so.)
(Even so.)
(Light in eye – in heart – in mind – in hope.)
And light travels fast, but I’m so slow.
And next time, then, I see you, even so, I’ll be, I think – perhaps, somehow – more ready, prepared, and steady, still.
And I’ll open these, my hands, and heart – look you (gently) in the eye – and see you – see, in you – as you, I trust, in me – see me – a friend; and then I’ll smile, that’s all, quite simply – a smile, yes, of course, for you – and a smile, yes, too, for me, internally, within – in happiness, gifted, you – and in happiness, too, arrived, at last, in simple smile, to light an eye, to me.
And warm, gentle, smiling, eyes, you are – now – all – in heart, in truth – I see.
And warm, gentle, smiling, eyes, in happiness – present – here, with you, again – in heart, in truth – I too – I see – am I.
For we’re surely all of us the light that’s shining through – or trying to.
© Bede Nix, 30 May 2019. All rights reserved.
A Merest Breeze, On Sands of Time
And – I’d need now, of course, no words – if I, myself – were this bright sun – still – dazzling – eye – this day – and clear blue sky – and sea breeze, lapping, sound, of sound, in wave, on wave, of wave, of ocean wave, of ocean waves – warm, waving, flow, and – sounding, so – in frequencies, imperceptible, afloat – in subtle sound, unheard – and subtle sound, of sands – sands, silent, slipping – time – warm sands – of time, once were – in this, then, now, which was, our time – heart’s memory – ending, empty, dry, in loveless, barren, desert – time – so little, now, remaining – heart – and time, that is, no more – no more, but memory – and – in this, then, now – time’s timeless, unthinking, thinking, thought – relaxed now, and at ease, now, not, at all – and heartbeat – heartbeat – heartbeat – heartbeat, softly, no more sounding, sounded, so – so, imperceptible – here, in this – this smiling, tender, gentle, gaze, as if, but distant memory, recalled, as if – in this, my dreaming, gimlet eye – my thirst, my hunger – all lonely longing – were, again, in this, this one last, dying, breath, now, sighing, sighed, exhaled, once more, again, away – and – evaporated, away, entirely – and, all, then, as if, dissolved – and all, as if, resolved – once more, again – in scent, and streaming, shining, sky-bathed, solar light, and sight, of you, once more, again, recalled – and still – still more – still more so – still more so, then – and – too much so – too much – in stroke, caress, or panting, breathless, kiss – my eye, in heaven’s beauty’s bliss – of such a memory – vision – this – as if, this time, as if, to end – this time – this time – this time – and this, this time, as if, to me, but memory, now – no more; and this, then, this – this, too – this sweet memory’s heartbeat rhythm’s footfall, falling, here, on time, in time, to time – and there, then, time, in time, to time, as if, to, being, somehow, still, together, now – here – once more – as if – as one – one time – together, here, and – one time – one – one time – more – and – one time, more – one time – as if – to end – to end, of time – to have, and hold – from this day forward – for richer, for poorer – in sickness, and in health – to love, and cherish – worship, and obey – till death do us part – and – so – from this day, onwards – this day, onwards, and always, and forever, so – and always, ever, on – on time – to end, of time – as if – all time – in time – to time – and time – and time – in time now, taken, here, again, once more – in this, heart’s memory’s forgiving, gentle, warm, and open, hand; and yet, time running, too – time running, still – my hand, in memory’s, yours – your hand, in memory’s, mine – and – interlocked, held warm, held tight, held fingers, fast – the past – and hour hand, minute hand, second hand, running, always, too, too fast – fast – fast – fast, even, through, even, our dimly remembered fingers, so – and fleeting, even, and – perhaps, even, and – especially – so – this scene – this scene, sensation, inspiration, then, recalled, such – that – such, that, if I, myself, were this bright sun, I’d need now, no words, of course – now, here – to recognize, or be recognized – you, by you – you – you – and neither your love, then, as me, to recognize, again, nor my love, then, again, to know, as you – dear you, now here, again, recalled, in these, these words, these thoughts, of you, as if, once more, again, you were, beside me – and for you – you – for you – as if – for you, your sole embrace – I would, then – all – and all around you – over, and under – above, below, atop, and beneath you – upon you, across you – in you, within you – around, and around you – and all, then, in everything, and everywhere – if, yet, still, now, nowhere, quite – or as if – now – nowhere, quite, then, yet – would I, in shining, sunlight, bright, in joyful, happy, heart, already – already – still – and still – still being, be – and – being, then, as you, and not you – intimate – to you, entirely – yet also, to you, alas, so well, as well, as, well, all, unknown – and invisible – and mysterious – and but a merest breeze, then – you – you are – of you – you were – and but a merest breeze, then – me – I am – of me – I was – and – merest breeze, then, in memory, now, to join us, here, in these – these words, these thoughts – – as if – from me, to you – from you, to me – blown gently, here, and now, recalled, and recollected, here, together, in time – time – time – as if, to meet – once more, again – as if – in meeting’s memory – you – and – you, coming, here, then, now – this day – where I stand, in memory, blinking, blind, before you, dazzled, still – together – to me – to intuit, to sense – an insight, into – this, then, or, only, that – as if – desire’s last final fullness, promising, fulfilment, completion, completeness, stillness, this – in tracing footprints – sands of time – my heart, my love – may be – in love’s sweet light – shining here, in memory, so bright – once more, with me – my love, my heart – as if – in bliss – sublime – divine.
And – I’d need now, of course, no words – if I, myself – were this bright sun – dazzling – eye – this day – and clear blue sky – and sea breeze, lapping, sound, of sound, in wave, on wave, of wave, of ocean wave, of ocean waves – warm, waving, flow, and – sounding, so – in frequencies, imperceptible, afloat – subtle sound, unheard – and subtle sound, of sands – sands, silent, slipping – time – warm sands – of time – in this, then, now, our time – and – in this, then, now – time’s timeless, unthinking, thinking, thought – relaxed, at ease – and heartbeat – heartbeat – heartbeat –heartbeat, softly, sounded, so – and imperceptible – here, in this – this smiling, tender, gentle, gaze, as if – in this, my gimlet eye – my thirst, my hunger – stroke, caress – or panting, breathless, kissing, sigh – in scent, and streaming, shining, sky-bathed, solar light, and sight, are you – my eye, in heaven’s beauty’s bliss – of such a vision, this – in this – this heartbeat rhythm’s footfall, falling, here, on time, in time, to time – and there, then, time, in time, to time, be still, together – here – one time – one – one time – together, here, just one more time – one time – to have, and hold –from this day forward – for richer, for poorer – in sickness, and in health – to love, to cherish – worship, and obey – till death do us part – and – so – from this day, onwards – this day, onwards – always, and forever, so – and always, ever, on – on time – in time – to time – to end, of time – all time – and yet, all time, in but a brief instant’s moment, here now – here, and now – and time now taken, here, again, once more, in hand – and, running, too – my hand, in yours – your hand, in mine – and – interlocked, held warm, held tight, held fast – time running, even so – and running, always, too, too, too – too fast – fast – fast – fast through our fingers, so – and fleeting, even, still, and – perhaps, even, and – especially – so – this scene – this scene, sensation, inspiration, such – that – if I, myself, were this bright sun, I’d need, no words, of course – now, here – to recognize, or be recognized, you, by you – you – you – dear you, now here, in these, these words, these thoughts, of you, as if, once more, again, beside me – for you – you – for you, your sole embrace – I would, then – all – and all around you – over, and under – above, below, atop, and beneath you – upon you, across you, in you, within you – and around, and around you – and all, then – in everything, and everywhere – if nowhere quite, still, noticeably, known – would I, in shining, sunlight, bright, in joyful, happy, heart, already – already – still – and still – still being, be – and – being, then, as you, and not you – intimate – to you, entirely – yet, also, to you, alas, so well, as well, as, well, all, still, unknown – invisible – mysterious – and but a merest breeze, then – you – you are – of you – and but a merest breeze, then – me – I am – of me – me too – and – merest breeze, to join us, here, in these – these words, these thoughts – from me, to you – from you, to me – blown gently, here, together, time – time – time – as if, to meet – once more, again – in meeting’s memory, recalling – you – recollecting – you – and – coming, then – here, and now – this day – together – to intuit, and sense – standing, blinking, blind, before you – an insight, into – this, then, that – and a desire’s final fullness, fulfilment, completion, completeness, stillness, this – in tracing footprints – sands of time – my heart, my love – may be – in love’s sweet light – shining here so bright – in happiness – joy – bliss – in eye, of you – sublime – divine.
And I loved you, once, so much; and do you still recall?
And if only you could also know – and realize – understand – maybe, perhaps – even if I’m myself not so sure if I know it anymore, quite honestly – and not sure, now, if – if – if, today – I love you, still – or if it’s rather that today I love you, if, if anything, perhaps, still more, even, than, before – and so, so much – so much – so much – so much more, even – even, than before – if that were possible – and – just – so much – so much – more – with all my heart, and life, and soul; and – how then could I – can I – let you go? How, then, just, like that, to let you go? To let you go – to let you go – to let you go; I just don’t know. Or is it I myself who must now go? To go – to stay? To stay – to leave? And is it really mine, the choice, in any case? And am I really the one who here decides, or chooses? It does not feel that way. But if not I, then …
But what, then, am I saying?
What nonsense, then, is this?
And no.
The heart’s a lonely hunter, though – that much, at least, is clear; and now I have no choice, I know – I simply must now let you go – to go your way – go on your way – and be, then, if, now, you must be, far from me – away!
For such is this, our human life – so flawed and fleeting – so tragically transitory; or so, at least, that is, am I, I fear, in all my seeming, sometimes, boundless, human, frailty – human, fragility – human suffering; and in this, this too, once shared, alone, in crying out, with you, I fear, am I – and broken-hearted – heart defeated – heart-broken, defeated, shattered, self, that is – if once, was human, too, like you – and once belonged – as me, as you – to this – a human family – shared hearts – humanity.
No wonder, then, that these, our simple, human, vows, which, taken, once, they were – now long ago – in all solemnity, are long since broken, betrayed, abandoned, neglected, ignored – or forgotten, quite simply – if sometimes, too, it must be said – but broken, betrayed, abandoned, neglected, ignored, forgotten, but temporarily – and somehow, still, not quite, beyond repair – not quite – not quite – not quite – and that, despite the pain, and anguished heartbreak – all the disappointment – the despair – all this, and more, may sometimes, somehow, be forgiven, still – and love, somehow, rekindled – vows renewed – love lost – and love then sometimes found, re-found, re-discovered, re-lived, astonishingly, once more again – as if a miracle of love; for is it not so, that our hands – each day more gnarled, and wrinkled, spotted, ancient, hands – and our hearts – our broken hearts – grow wise, and strong – and mellow, too – mature – in this, this life’s exhilarating, exhausting, giddy, confusing, disorienting, devastating, yet rich – so rich – and extraordinary – so rich – and so extraordinary – human – life – experience.
So come now, my heart, my love, alive, again; and, again, in love, find love’s sweet light, to shine here, heart bright, in bliss, my love, sublime, divine.
So come – again – let’s dance the merry dance – and laugh, and have some fun – while still, of time, there’s still some left, at least – let’s dance then still some more – and run along.
For sands of time, fast flowing, do, to death, in any case, indifferently – and indiscriminately – run.
And what, then, more, to say, to that, my friend?
But yes.
And yes.
And yes.
And yes.
And yes!
© Bede Nix, 10 June 2019. All rights reserved.
(And I.)
(You are not you. I am not me. Who me, then, here – this I? Who you?)
(Your love.)
(My love.)
(Our love, in love; a mystery, divine.)
© Bede Nix, 16 June 2019. All rights reserved.
(For You)
© Bede Nix, 16 June 2019. All rights reserved.
Heart Song
And I’m feeling – sometimes – often, too – you too? – so sad, scarred, scared, and fragile, lonely – vulnerable, unloved, alone – in being, broken, bare, in here, in heart, how much – where there, that little, left – so little left, now, seemingly, of spirit, once, was me – but only empty, silent, tear-cleansed, waiting, wondering – is – in asking, why, what for, and when, and over, and over, and over, and over, again – when, then – when, then – when, then – and –
(And – )
(And – )
(And – )
And when, then, that is, until – in longing, love, once more, of life, to come, again, you will, to fill me, heal me, hear me – sound, in heart – one heart, in harmony – sound, in heart – in heart, in you, once more, again, to sound – as one – in this, that is, in you – and your eternal, extraordinary, dancing, delighting, joyous, laughing, singing, song – love song, for life – that, then, your music, sounding, me, once more, again – surrendered, shaped, and willing, instrument, for you – that, then, from then on, too, and knowingly – in tune, once more, again, I’ll be; and one day, then, so soon – so soon – so soon – once more, again, I’ll sing – once more – again – my life, my love – of you – for you – with you – to you.
(And – )
(Once broken – down – in heart, I was, for sure; yet broken down now, in heart, now, no more, it seems, to me, am I. And rather – it’s as if – I’ve – here, in heart – been pieced, again, together – and reshaped, somehow – remade – and reunited. And such that – here, and now – it’s now, as if, I hear- I hear, as if, anew – as if, I’ve here, now, in heart, a so much richer, fuller, sound – in love song – life – my heart, my love – of you, for you, with you, to you – once more, again – to sing.)
(And you, then, too; dear, lovely, you – this heart, this song, this love, this life; why don’t you join me – join in, too?)
(Hearts – singing – well, again – and true.)
(Heart song.)
(Love me – love you.)
© Bede Nix, 22 June 2019. All rights reserved.
This Black Earth Rising
(This black earth rising.)
Here we are hidden, always, mercifully, together, as if, as one – one – as one, and all of us – you, and I – and all our ancestors, are somehow, here, with us, too – here too – and here together, connected, organic, whole – as one – one – as one – in silent, stillness – all – where once, we, all of us, were, so screamingly – from we ourselves, from us, each other, and from you – so cruelly, painfully, traumatically, separated, abducted, enslaved, sold off, sold on – and silent, lonely, lost, and, seeming, forgotten, erased, quite gone; and do you, still, recall?
I call out still.
(Black earth rising.)
And yet, no answer seems to come – none at all; or not at – listening – once, at least.
Wait, then, longer – then longer, still, if necessary.
Be still, and wait.
(Black earth rising.)
And still no answer comes – none at all – not yet.
A matter, then, of waiting, simply; and simply waiting, then – no matter.
And here, in any case, it’s always quiet – and timeless, dark, and peaceful – calm – as if, from forest trees, once standing, solid, tall, and proud, in spirit, strong – so many falling, fallen, leaves, now, here, on us, were raining down – rained down – on us, from heavens above, in endless night’s embrace – this endless night – and night’s embrace, not heard, not seen, but felt here, even, so, in gentle, weight, of time, pressed down, below – in father, mine – mother, mine – my child – all here, beneath, below, and under – these, our many skies – our sky – sky changing spirit, restless – restless, spirit, me – in soundless, silence, stillness, being, be; and here, then, we, then, are – in this, a nowhere place, where, nevertheless, we find at once ourselves, and you – in soil, here, and ground, so fertile, rich, in ages, aeons – and all our ancestors – all our people, passed, away – such that, if, if, if – if only – only – I – alone – and if – if I – and were I, could I, know, then, that – that wish, again – return – then how I’d wish, then – mineral, vegetable, animal – earthed, and rooted, to remain here, all the same – in all this matter – all that matters, still – and mattered, once – to matter, someday, soon, again – if then, perhaps, your will – in past and future – here, and present, now – to be, again, as once we were, we are, shall always be – no matter – spirit – energy – earth – and sky – as timeless, all eternity.
(Black earth rising.)
Yet still no answer – no answer, still; yet, still, still waiting …
(Black earth rising.)
(Black earth rising.)
And yes, my friend, my heart, my love, I know, I know, I know – for don’t forget that every word and thought of yours was once – and is – already word and thought of sigh of heartbeat mine; and listen, here, and now, at last – I’m calling you, again, this night, to day, to see – and this call, of – calling – mine, in coming to be, you see, shall be, to you, as my reply, and your reply to me shall be your answer to yourself, you see – your answer to your call – as someday soon, perhaps, you’ll come yourself to recognize – and recall, yourself, again; and do you not then now hear – or begin, at least, to hear me, then, again – my voice – and inspiration – sounding – you – in you – to you – as impulse – pulsating – longing – loving – calling – calling out – to you?
(Black earth rising.)
(Black earth rising.)
And this, then, our night time sky, and rich earth, body, rhythm, blackest, black, to be, from which, from you, for you, as you, to start, to shape – black body earth – an ear, to hear me, now, once more, again – heart blood, now, beating, listening, hearing – this, your life – our life – all life – life’s lonely longing, rhythm, bleeding, red – again – again – again; and white up open eye, then, light, now, black, to red, to yellow, leaf green, blue – in spirit, life – and breathing, inspired – once more, again – become – becoming – embodied – being – be.
(And from spirit, breath – a word, a name – as if, made flesh.)
(Black earth rising.)
And …
Ears opened, now; now, don’t you hear?
Eyes opened, now; now, don’t you see?
And do now also touch – these garments, fabrics, here; and do taste – these delicious dishes, here, of slow cooked lamb, and vegetables; and smell, then, also, this – sweet-smelling incense.
And open wide your arms, and hands – unclench those fists, and loosen up – yourself; for it would be so lovely, and please me, now, so much, to see you dance.
And how it would please me, too, to hear, your voice, so sweet, to me; and may your heart, be opened, too, and wide, and large, vocation, voice, so clearly, and brightly, and beautifully, here, to sing.
And …
(Black earth rising.)
And this, then, here, again, ourselves, arising – from black, within, the night – and black night earth, green forest, dark – transformed – in sunrise, bleeding red, to yellow, dawn – in birth, again, of golden sun, and new day, coloured blue – blue ocean sky – to see, again, your white of opened eye, refreshed, and life, renewed, reborn, from this, your inner light – outpouring – overflowing – in – sun – sky – sea – shaped – lovely – thought – from me, of you – to you.
And here, now, I’ve reflected, long, and hard, on you, you see, and sensed, and shaped you, too, and listened, here, in beating heart, your heart, my heart, in this, your borrowed ear, called out, in word, indeed, divine, your name – your name – in word, indeed, divine – a spirit, sound – all breath, of mine – once more, again – to see you, here, and there.
(Black earth rising.)
(Black earth rising.)
And here, to you, then, I know, it may, I know, in – what – may – ever – so – ever – so – slightly, slight, slightest, separation – seem – once more, again, appear – it’s true, to be – is simply somehow necessary, you see – and unavoidable – inevitable – and destined – fated – final; and yet – yet still, and even so, you were, and are, to me, so very, very, close, you know – your breath, on mine, and mine, in yours – and you, who think you are, your you, is then, you see, but, but a tiny teardrop, falling liquid, parting, part, in weeping eye, and sigh, as if, the rain, and wind, of ocean breath, of sky, in light, my love – of me – my mind – eternity.
And now – now, do you hear? – your heart, then, beating, here, once more, again, to hear me, telling, here, to you, once more, again – time’s story – time, like this – divine.
(Black earth rising.)
(Black earth rising.)
And here, then, now, I am, your heart.
I am your heart.
And – my heart, then, now, as you – you – following, followed, follow, me – here – in voice – vocation – my voice – your voice – ours – wherever, there, you hear us, sing, and dance – if ever but a breeze, or sigh – for – know this, now, as true – that way’s your path – and there, along your path, you see, I’m never, far, away – too far away, from you – not now, not ever – but always – somewhere – near – beside you – waiting out – until the day you’ll recognize, and know me, once, again; and know then, too, that I shall lead you, then, in light, of day, and heartbeat, step, by step, by every step, and breath, of thinking, thought, to think it through, your heart, then, nearing, coming, closer, close, to me, your eyes, again – from looking up, dropped down – in seeking, searching, stepping blindly out, in faith, to come, now, closer, here, again, to me – and to come, now – find, again – and follow me – by this – this voice, this song, this dance – this inner light, this pathway, route – your heart – to beat – and step – and follow me – this way.
And, whatever you do – don’t hold back, my friend, in this; not even in the smallest part – and not one tiny single bit; but instead, in trust, let go, let go, let go – let yourself totally – ecstasies – go – as if, in thought, in mind, in act, and action, life, of faith – and courage – confidence – spirit – stirring – moving – you – once more, again, to rise – arise – arising – black earth rising – arising – arise – once more, again – to breathing – becoming – embodied – being – be.
And – my friend, my heart, my love … What an absolute joy, from out of night, you are, to me, once more, again, this day; as if, from milky morning whites, in such delight, divine, our eyes, flow tears of bliss, blue ocean skies.
And sky blue sunlit ocean eye in bliss, my love, I bathe, in you – now cleansed, renewed, reborn – in new day’s dawn.
(Black earth rising.)
And yes, I know, my friend, my heart, my love, too well, that price we all of us must once to pay; too well I know that price we all must once to pay – to pay for this great vision, and experience, extraordinary, and marvellous – sometimes terrible, and terrifying, true, but – still, more often, simply, magnificent – breath taking – sublime – brief blinking eye – of light – this human life – divine.
And in this way, too, I ask you, then, how can I – not me, I mean, but you, in this – this black earth rising – lead you, somehow, as separate, separated, still, you are, as know, for sure, I’d wish – and to lead you, then, in total clarity, now, to see, again, and understand – this only – only – this – and that’s that it’s not only, now, my breath, that breathes, in you, that, somehow, now, you sense, you feel, or fail, to feel, or sense, or see; and nor my body, here, in body, now, embodying, you, as you, as still you, as you, seem somehow, not to want to understand, or know; but rather – that – it’s still, yes, also, my blood, too, that’s flowing, too, too, deeply, red, you see, in you – blood bleeding red – and forest green – and yellow, golden, sunrise, light, of sun – in morning day’s new light – blue light – of heaven – sky – and ocean – blue – of bliss – reflected – now – again – in you; and that – that too, too well – in bleeding, crying, suffering, sometimes, so, so much, the sadness, sorrow, anger, hurt, and pain, I know – for – do you know what? – here, too, then, now, as well – with you – if seeming seemingly so separated, solitary, lonely, and alone – in this, this rock bottom moment, too – this moment, too – you’re not – and you were not, are not, nor ever will be, in fact, alone, at all – you’re not – and you were not, are not, nor ever will be, in fact, alone, at all – for all that you have ever felt – are feeling – will feel – all that you feel – I feel it all too, you see – yes, all of it – all of it – all of it – just the same – and it hurts me too – so sure – I’m with you – silently, heart hungry, suffering, desperate, hurting, crying, bleeding, there – there too – I am – and always – were – and will be – there – with you.
Until, that is, our hearts, at last, with life, grow full – too full – to be enlarged, now, any, more – and any more fully – fully – fully – expanded – for our hearts now ripe to burst – from bodies’ mortal flesh – and there then, reaching out, then, so, in opened mind, and thought, and heart – heart’s need for rest – as if, to play, then, one last time, the mountain, there – beyond, the sky – and pale blue sunset – day, again, to darkness, drawing, night – in quiet time, recalled – and recognized – once more – my friend, my heart, my love – in arms – now – open – wide – redeemed – in sheeted, sleeping, death – to be, as you, once more, again, no more – except – in my one heart and love – your rest – in me – a universe of energy – here – and there – both moving, and, yet, still – I am – as timeless – all eternity.
A night of great wonder, celebration, prayer, and healing – music, dance – inspired, divine – among, my heart, dear friends – the Gnawa.
Chez L’Olivier, Geneva.
© Bede Nix, 14 June 2019. All rights reserved.
What Do I Care?
“When did I last – or when, that is, was the last, most recent, time – that I – I myself – I – that, consciously, knowingly – I sat, and shared, freely, that time – my time – (your) time – and theirs – in fullest energy, and fullest presence, and fullest attention – heart questioning, heart listening – and understanding, perhaps – although, in fact, perhaps, not really understanding – yet really trying, all the same – and really trying, at least, in all good faith, to understand – (you) – standing over a stove – or sitting around a kitchen table – hot tea, or coffee – a cigarette, maybe – just details, in any case – and only details, which do not matter – not really – no matter – but yes, they do matter, even so, and every one, you’re right – all the details – faces – one by one – every one – (all details – all circumstances – all challenges – and all potential – all faces – everyone) – every one – and so sat, then, that’s to say, that is, with someone – a distant acquaintance, perhaps – or lowly, junior, colleague, ladder’s bottom – someone in the supermarket, at the cashout – counter – till – or at a fast food joint – or café – bar – or simply standing, there, alone – the street – like someone passing – lost, seemingly – and passing away – in anyway no details anymore, and no face clear in memory, no name – who stands there, way over there, and far away – silently – as if dumb, or mute – but a person, that’s to say, and nevertheless, who was currently living, then, or was currently trying to live – to manage – to survive – and doing so, or failing to do so, maybe, still – on the minimum wage, or just, or well, below it – not a one off sort of a person, and unique, of course – but rather a “one of”, a “one of many” – the global majority, indeed, that is – albeit largely disenfranchised, and voiceless – insignificant, as if – as if, forgotten – and that’s to say, then, something, then, like this – as if again to count them – yes, count them – yes – the bottom five billion?”
And then ask yourself this question, too, in fullest rhetorical flourish, as perhaps you’ve done already, many times, deep down, in darkened, dim lit soul, if quietly, so quietly, so very quietly, such that you yourself barely heard it asked, or said – now did you? – at least, not consciously:
“And what do I care?”
“And what do I care?”
“And what do I care?”
“And what then, really, do I (you) care?”
And then there – just there – right there – notice straight away, now, right there, at once, how that question begins immediately to tickle, there, a little, ever so little, and then to stick, a little more, then tighten, constricting, more, and more, and more, and more, and more, around your throat, as if your throat were locked now in the grip of a desperate, squeezing, tensing, tautening, tightening, furious, fist, to suffocate nearly the breath and spirit of you, and to strangle you nearly half to death, or simply to shake you, violently, into the realization that – do you know what? – hello! – we’re here, and human, too, you know.
(The bottom five billion.)
And then I ask you:
Have you got the slightest clue, do you think?
And have you really any idea about what our lives are really, really, really, really, like?
And if – quite honestly – and “honesty”, at last – it seems to you the answer’s “no” – then I ask you one last question, which is this: why then the hell, quite honestly, should we give a damn or care, either, too, about you?
Why should we care about you?
I mean, really; please tell me – tell me why!
Why then the hell should we care about you?
And why then the hell?
(And yet somehow, still, we do care; somehow, still. Or I do, at least. And I’m glad that now you’ve read this through, and may it now stay with you, here, and remain, and last, a while, to be – as if, now, your thinking, too – your thoughts – your own. And do now be gentle, my friend – show heart; I know you can, and shall, go well.)
© Bede Nix, 20 June 2019. All rights reserved.
Here Is Where We Meet
(Shorter version.)
© Bede Nix, 2017. All rights reserved.
Let's Call It A Day
As if, a calling out; a cry – despair.
And I ask you:
Are you also one of those – we, the fortunate few, that is, with jobs, some education – and all the trimmings, flabby, fat – and all the trappings, trapped – of this, our wealthy, western, lives, and lifestyles, privileged – or so, at least, we’re taught, and told, to think – not understanding – but rather, here, like me, late leaving, yet again, again, the office – as if from want, today, again – of, well, what? – imagination, perhaps – a feeling of alternatives – and one who – day drained, thus, this way, and tired, in blinking twilight, late – walks blinkered, blindly – distracted – here – as if, here, lost, absorbed, incarcerated, quite simply, shut away – in pixilated prison cells – unthinking thought – that screen out – all – in deep down dying death desire – as if – to screen out – that, which is – the little left – of natural light – and will to find it, fight – such – that is – and so – (which way?) – (don’t know) – that – stumbling on – one simply, soulless, walks, again, along a long and lonely road, weighed down, in heavy heart – and troubled mind – to place, again, of no place – no – no one – nothing – body – empty place – there – that is – where – no heart, no spirit – soul – where even fridge and cupboards, too, seem empty, lifeless, hungry, cold – unless, that is, a bottle – drink stiff, as death – some dried out cigarettes – a shot, at least – a burning smoke – might count, perhaps, on empty stomach, still, no appetite – as if, from feeling sick of it, no longer hungry – angry – hungry – now, no more – for yet – still more – of this – this so-called – walking, road long, lonely – life – towards a place that even I myself don’t recognize as “home” – and feeling “homeless”, then, that is – with only dreams and longings – for what? – of what? – to what good purpose? – (to) – too – too – too distant, love, and laughter – now, too, far – too far away – so far away, in fact, in memory – heart, of love – a home – to make, a home – a home – that – nearer still, by far, the wish, quite frankly, to end it all at once – this walk – and that, then, meaning, that – that with each step, wondering, how – quite how – quite how to do it, now – now once, and now, for all – for that way, that method – too, too complicated – and this way’s too unsure – and this way’s way too painful, slow – like life itself – and that way’s way too bloody, violent, ugly,meaningless – and it’s messy, afterwards – when gone to ground – the floor – not nice at all, for those who find you, finally – for those – (get off the phone!) – who get the call – but still you turn it, in any case, even so – thinking-over-thinking-it – this way, and that – around, and around, your thoughts, your mind – as if you were nervously fiddling – for all you care, right then – a knife, in hand – or pulling at a rope – or checking, anxiously, again, and again, the times, for trains, to find your best connection – when to leave – when to pack your things, and go – until, unconsciously, from force of habit, exhausting, exhausted, you’re there again, unthinking, now – wherever “there” might be – or is – not nowhere nearly home – and right there, in fact, where there, your day, began – such, as if, were life – the dream – were time – the here, the now – the long ago – each moment, dying, death, somehow, a life – a universal life, in you, reborn – but thinking, lost – lost, still – and – still entirely – at a loss – entirely still – yet somehow, still, still carrying on – still carrying on – and on and on and on and on – and what a business – carry on – and round and round and round, it goes – as if, somehow, a dance.
Tomorrow, in any case, it surely starts, again – but this time, perhaps – as if – one lives in hope – anew.
(Or not?)
(As if, tomorrow, one more time, again, to ask: What now the heaven? What the hell?)
Extinguish, then, the light; turn out the day.
For that, at least – at – least – this – you can, at least – perhaps – it seems – you will – each day – still do.
(And, eyes closed, thoughts turning, quietening, again, within – you’ll see now – quiet – even – steady – still, perhaps – in this way – farther – far – far better – farther, still – in insight light lit – as if, from night, to day – and – self – surrendered – streaming light – that light – your entrance – freedom – way – at home, with you, within.)
(Mind resting.)
Good day.
Good night.
Good day.
Good night.
Good night, then, my love.
(I know you’re out there, somewhere, still.)
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
© Bede Nix, June 2019. All rights reserved.
Our Lonely Eyes, Alone, Again
© Bede Nix, 15 July 2019. All rights reserved.
Words Whispering Me, My Love, To You
And here beneath the night sky.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, I whisper.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, I whisper … “you”.
(My love, where are you?)
(Echo, listening.)
(Words whispering.)
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, I whisper “you” …
And “me”.
And “we”.
(As if, devotions … )
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, words, whispered, whispering, love, my love, to me – words, whispered, whispering, love – love, too – love too – love, too – my love, to you.
(Words whispering me – words whispering you.)
And so, in words, I whisper, whispered, whispering, whispering words, my love, to you; and in words, I whisper, whispered, whispering words, my love, to you; and words I whisper, whispered, whispering words, again … my love … my love … my love … again, to you.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, these words, I whisper, now – like this – first – naming – you – my love – then – calling out – my love – to you – mind’s eye – the moon, my muse, and only company, again, this night – this night – this night – in love – and love’s devotions – whispering, murmuring, hungering, hurting, human, heart, in whispering words, words wording, words whispering, worlds, again – of love – from love – for love – in love – to love, and love, again – in musing, heart, my love – my love, at last – forever – whenever, wherever – whoever – you.
And yet – most strange of all – this lonely night – was that – just that – and only that – that, this – again, it was – as if, in heart, in mind, I were, somehow – in wonder – and perplexity – searching, still, some clues – and more than just these tantalizing hints – these glimpses, all too brief – of beauty’s vision, fleeting – breath, of air – like sigh – like song – through which to tell, and speak, and sing – of you – and really you – of you, that is – that is, that you, who were, and really were, or are, or one day could be, still, still yet, one day, to me – unveiled, uncovered, naked, free – and – such that, here, now, clear, at last, your face, then, there, revealed – my love, as you – who I am seeking – seeking, still – still drifting on, afloat, this floating world, a dream – in dreaming, lovelorn, longing – churning, yearning – oceans, deep, and wide – and ocean’s lonely longing – there, perhaps, to find, pick out, at last – perhaps – a word, belonging – there, in line – to line of meaning – beauty – poetry – from which, reciting this, this wish, this line, these words, to hear there, then, once more, again, heart’s healing – love – desire – in burning – burning – burning, bright – this brilliant light – and blaze of colour, light, in life – red, orange, yellow, green, and blue, and white, and black – black, too, closed eyes, in sight, night sky, within – that night sky, which, in million, twinkling, lights, lit up – and lights, lit up, illuminated, sparkling, still, my starry, insight, eye – in gazing up, night sky – and night sky, gazing down, on me – as I, this inner light, my eye – and heart, and mind – and spirit, soul – myself, this night, as if, my I, transformed.
(This night, divine.)
And so it was, that, suddenly, then, I realized, then, only, this, and that’s – to stop – and simply stop – stop trying, quite, so hard – so very, very, hard – quite simply – and trying, always, too, too, much – too much, at least – in too much, trying, tension, breath-thinning, heart-cramping, body-distorting, brow-knotted, effort – too much effort, still, by far – and too nervous, anxious, forced, by far, and foolish, too – and better, simply, then, instead, to drop, rather, the reins, completely – exhausted mind, entirely – deceptive, deceitful, delusional – falsely knowing – of control – and then, instead, and fully – absolutely – in faith, in you, alone – and only – trust – bow down – surrender, silently – simply – so – such that, then, perhaps, I could – and even me – could I, again, still play, one day, this role – devoted servant – patiently, impatiently – waiting, waiting, waiting – awaiting words – in wonder, wondering, in wondering – signs, and signals – messages, mysterious, yes – yet somehow, mysteriously, meaningful, still – and – still listening, and sometimes hearing, too – to start, once more, again, anew, in hearing, words, here rising, arising, rising up, and sounded out, and sung, from heart, my love, my love, to heart – too generous heart – to hearts, betrayed – heart lost, in love, my love, for you – glimpse, fleeting – mistress, inspiration, muse – to be, to you, again, a poet – heart simple, so – heart hopelessly alone – heart true.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, these words, I whisper, now – like this – first – naming – you – my love – then – calling out – my love – to you – mind’s eye – the moon, my muse, and only company, again, this night – this night – this night – in love – and love’s devotions – whispering, murmuring, humming, human, hungering, hurting, heart, in whispering words, words wording, words whispering, worlds, again – in love – of love – for love – to love – in musing, heart, my love – my love – forever – whenever, wherever – whoever – you.
And so, in words, I whisper, whispered, whispering, whispering words, my love, to you; I whisper whispered whispering words … to you.
(Words whispering me, my love – words whispering you.)
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, words, whispered, whispering, love, to me – words, whispered, whispering, love, too – love too – love, too – my love, to you.
(As if, devotions … )
(Who, then?)
(Words whispering.)
(Words whispering.)
(Words whispering.)
(Echo, listening.)
(My love, where are you?)
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, I whisper … “you”.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up, I whisper.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing up.
And here beneath the night sky, gazing.
And here beneath the night sky.
Silence, still.
© Bede Nix, 16 July 2019. All rights reserved.
In You, Yourself, Your Heart, Is Home - In House of Bright Being Body Light
© Bede Nix, 17 July 2019. All rights reserved.
World Wondering Why
And I wonder, too; I wonder too, too much, and how.
And I wonder – wonder – wonder – I, and –
Standing – here – alone.
I wonder if I could.
I wonder – if – I – could – just – end – it – now.
I wonder – if I could – if I would – just – end – it – now.
I wonder – if I could – and if I would – then, would I, really, then – just – end – it – now?
I wonder if.
I wonder if I could.
I wonder if I could just end it.
(No seeming sense, the world, wondering, why, to me, where here, alone, I am.)
And so I wonder if I could just end it – now.
And now just end it.
Just end it.
Just end it.
Just end it.
(No seeming sense, the world, wondering, why, to me, where here, alone.)
And I wonder, then, if, really, I will; or when, indeed, I could, or shall.
And end – beginning – wonder – now.
© Bede Nix, 25 July 2019. All rights reserved.
Lonely Tears
Looking up, my clouded eye, in storm, sky darkens, dense, descends.
My thoughts again turn back, turn black.
Memories, too, this sky black cloaked, and shrouded, swathe, and bury me, like so much bruised bloody broken body, rock, and rubble, ruined, dry, and thirsty, thin-cracked, rubbed raw, scabrous, rotten skin, and flesh, and fight, to bone, and tooth, and nail, for this – our fruitless, naked, bare, and barren earth, bathed grimy grey in sooty ash, and heave of sigh, exhausted, dying, here, to fall, to death, upon, and sound some splurt of spat out, splattered, spluttering, stuttering, voice, the dust, and dirt, of droning on, and on, life’s song, in blood ballooning, blown up, grown up, gurgling, thought bubbles, bursting, borne, surrendering – on blooms of wilding poetry, to the winds – crying out, to me, this night – the sky.
I clench my fists, as if in pain – then shake them in the air.
The gesture’s puny, pathetic, pointless – tiny, small – for – open, or closed – these hands – against this mighty sky – they’re no defence, at any rate, at all.
And, for all the talk of poetry, the sky, even so, lashes out in stinging rage at me – white laser burning blinding light upon the eye; light’s heartbeat blink, then sudden ear-cracking, shrieking, screeching, screaming, split-sounding sky, sky roars, hollers, bellows, yells, as if, to skin me, shouting, out, in whipped up, whirlwind, storm, tempestuous, righteousness, indignation, intimidation, incrimination, guilt, judgment, condemnation, sin, and scandal, scorn.
Yes, yes, say I; I am.
And so –
Unholy, vengeful, God of Sky – I cry, in echo, sound, blaspheming – or else is it, perhaps – heart’s tender ear – I hear – the sound of parents, desperate, frustrated, angry, menacing – too tired, untethered – fear – or else an elder sibling, bullying, schoolmate, gangland, moping, griping, groping, grouping, tribal, trooping, marching, shouting, shooting – in shots, sharp, of twisted, distorted, tortured, torturing tyrant’s tongue blades, terror, cruel, to cut me down, me down, cut down, again – again – again – closed eyes, to shrinking, mini, size – just bleeding, breathing – unbreathing – breathing, bleeding, just – in breathless, darkness, scare-silenced, dwelling, small – as if, I am, not now, I am, no more – and not existing, even – in, within – this blind, unseeing, eye – invisible – or were I, here, or am, as if – in screaming silence – now, at once – like this, the night, to die.
And, even so, what have I done, defiantly – I – I, whispering, whimper, cry – and why?
Why hurt me, bloody, lonely, so?
I do not understand.
I do not know.
But suffering is the breath of life, or so the new born screams, it seems – my beating heart.
And so then it is, that, heart beating, battered, bruised, abandoned, lonely, and alone, I crawl back, darkness, beaten, here, in heart, my lonely heart, my heart, to dwell – last hope of comfort, shelter, care – for warm heart, there, I think, there was – was once – if is not now – only empty shell of sorry self –all that’s left – deserted, empty, cavern – cold, as death.
And here again it’s raining in my heart now.
It’s raining in my heart, black night; and black night, crying out – in ashen tears.
And black heart crying, raining, lonely.
Raining, lonely.
Raining, lonely.
And here again it’s raining in my heart now – those lonely raining night time hearts of tears – those lonely raining night time hearts of tears – those lonely raining night time hearts of tears – lonely nights and lonely hearts of lonely tears – and all those lonely years – those lonely tears.
What choice then have I now?
And so I cling now, falling – thinning, cracking, crumbling – walls cut skin, dark cave of heart – in pressed up, pitilessly, compassion, close – against you, dear, once dear, so dear, in time – time, against me – drum dizzy, deafening, rainfall, falling – heartbeat hard of hearing, carefully listening.
And when then will the rain wash clean away the pain, and lonely tears, I ask – or me?
© Bede Nix, 19 August 2019. All rights reserved.
Footsteps Raining In My Heart
Looking up, my clouded eye, in storm, sky darkens, dense, descends.
My thoughts again turn back, turn black.
Memories, too, this sky black cloaked, and shrouded, swathe, and bury me, like so much bruised bloody broken body, rock, and rubble, ruined, dry, and thirsty, thin-cracked, rubbed raw, scabrous, rotten skin, and flesh, and fight, to bone, and tooth, and nail, for this – our fruitless, naked, bare, and barren earth, bathed grimy grey in sooty ash, and heave of sigh, exhausted, dying, here, to fall, to death, upon, and sound some splurt of spat out, splattered, spluttering, stuttering, voice, the dust, and dirt, of droning on, and on, life’s song, in blood ballooning, blown up, grown up, gurgling, thought bubbles, bursting, borne, surrendering – on blooms of wilding poetry, to the winds – crying out, to me, this night – the sky.
I clench my fists, as if in pain – then shake them in the air.
The gesture’s puny, pathetic, pointless – tiny, small – for – open, or closed – these hands – against this mighty sky – they’re no defence, at any rate, at all.
And, for all the talk of poetry, the sky, even so, lashes out in stinging rage at me – white laser burning blinding light upon the eye; light’s heartbeat blink, then sudden ear-cracking, shrieking, screeching, screaming, split-sounding sky, sky roars, hollers, bellows, yells, as if, to skin me, shouting, out, in whipped up, whirlwind, storm, tempestuous, righteousness, indignation, intimidation, incrimination, guilt, judgment, condemnation, sin, and scandal, scorn.
Yes, yes, say I; I am.
And so –
Unholy, vengeful, God of Sky – I cry, in echo, sound, blaspheming – or else is it, perhaps – heart’s tender ear – I hear – the sound of parents, desperate, frustrated, angry, menacing – too tired, untethered – fear – or else an elder sibling, bullying, schoolmate, gangland, moping, griping, groping, grouping, tribal, trooping, marching, shouting, shooting – in shots, sharp, of twisted, distorted, tortured, torturing tyrant’s tongue blades, terror, cruel, to cut me down, me down, cut down, again – again – again – closed eyes, to shrinking, mini, size – just bleeding, breathing – unbreathing – breathing, bleeding, just – in breathless, darkness, scare-silenced, dwelling, small – as if, I am, not now, I am, no more – and not existing, even – in, within – this blind, unseeing, eye – invisible – or were I, here, or am, as if – in screaming silence – now, at once – like this, the night, to die.
And, even so, what have I done, defiantly – I – I, whispering, whimper, cry – and why?
Why hurt me, bloody, lonely, so?
I do not understand.
I do not know.
But suffering is the breath of life, or so the new born screams, it seems – my beating heart.
And so then it is, that, heart beating, battered, bruised, abandoned, lonely, and alone, I crawl back, darkness, beaten, here, in heart, my lonely heart, my heart, to dwell – last hope of comfort, shelter, care – for warm heart, there, I think, there was – was once – if is not now – only empty shell of sorry self –all that’s left – deserted, empty, cavern – cold, as death.
And here again it’s raining in my heart now.
It’s raining in my heart, black night; and black night, crying out – in ashen tears.
And black heart crying, raining, lonely.
Raining, lonely.
Raining, lonely.
And here again it’s raining in my heart now – those lonely raining night time hearts of tears – those lonely raining night time hearts of tears – those lonely raining night time hearts of tears – lonely nights and lonely hearts of lonely tears – and all those lonely years – those lonely tears.
What choice then have I now?
And so I cling now, falling – thinning, cracking, crumbling – walls cut skin, dark cave of heart – in pressed up, pitilessly, compassion, close – against you, dear, once dear, so dear, in time – time, against me – drum dizzy, deafening, rainfall, falling – heartbeat hard of hearing, carefully listening.
And when then will the rain wash clean away the pain, I ask – or me?
And this, the night, my heart, the storm, the answer.
And this, the night, my heart, the storm, at first, the answer.
And this, at first, night storm, the answer.
(My heart.)
And beat of heartbeat, heavy, raining down; and raining down; and raining down; and down; and down; and down.
Until, that is, eyes closed – closed seeing still – closed still, heart still, a sudden, startling, unexpected, inner, gentle, light, and sight, flowing now fresh, and new, from black, brown, verdant, fertile, dewy, green, to spirits lifting sunlight yellow, ocean sky, of becoming, being, blue, and heart opening, bleeding, red, and human, still, as if this heart, my heart, this heart, alive, again, again, again, in flame, on fire, alive.
And beat of heartbeat raining down.
And beat of heartbeat gently raining gently down.
And slow, calm, beat of gentle heartbeat gently raining – footsteps – gently – pitter – patter – down.
And suddenly – so suddenly – and just as suddenly as it came – the storm has passed, it seems, to new day’s spirit sky, in tears of joy, at last, my soul, in love, again, to blossom, be – for love, in love, be love, you are – you are, again – in love, as one – from parents – family – living – ever – on – from generation – generation – generations – ancestors – as if, from you, you too, me too, we too, as if, forever – here, and now, in you, in me – youth’s spring and summer memories, retained, restored, returned, reformed – for you’ve faced down now – forgiven – all those caught up, tangled, traumas – memories – ghosts of trauma, ghosts of memory – dim – in sands of running time – in running sands – in time; and now, my friend, you too, as if, in time, as if, blown backwards, running backwards, now, away, from all this dimming darkness done – to run now, too, yes you, yourself, run too – run, swift, of foot, away – run, run, away – run on – for it’s not at all sure, for sure, too late – no, never, too late – to turn a page – set out anew, you see – so run, run off, run on – be on your way – our story – father, mother – daughter, son – new life, my child – be spirt, joyful, free, and light – as if in dance, in play – in time, of all eternity..
© Bede Nix, 19 August 2019. All rights reserved.
(Sitting with my parents in conversation, curiously.)
My Perfect Friend
And so then there it is.
And so then there we pass our lives in search of, longing, well, for … well, for what? … well … well, for … this, I guess, just this – to love, love’s mystery, mystery, this – in this, this so, so perfect friend, seeming always so elusive, out of reach, in sight, if always, spirit, still, perhaps, so near, so dear.
And so … so, perfect friend … I search you out, but … upon this earth … where are you, then?
And so I asked, in question, over, and over, again, and again.
Great longing, lonely; life looking on.
And I’m growing old, you know; my eyes tear up and my heart grows weak; I almost tire of always seeking you.
So come please, show me, if, you are, and, if, you are, then, tell me, who?
I yearn for you.
I yearn for you.
I yearn for you.
And then, there, suddenly, tired eyes now closing, closed, in inner sight, sun’s sunlight bright rippling reflection, face, now, river’s time, so suddenly, he, so suddenly, appears, this friend, he’s here! – or so, at least, it seemed to me, I thought; and so, indeed, I thought I saw him, seeming, then, that morning, day, so gorgeous, clear.
And so, so very warm, and kind, and gentle, generous, he was.
And behind him, seeming, timeless, then, in contemplation, mindful, there, flowed out, as if, from him, such stillness, body, lake, in tranquil, splendid, sea blue ocean sky, and bright, brilliant, blinking, sun, sun’s morning, magnificent, radiant, vision, eye.
And this, in all life’s travels, body, light, but fine, and intricate, reflection, mirrored, mirror, mirroring, here, a sky, in mind, a heart, as true, as yours, was seeming polished perfect then; and this no longer merely only I or he, at last, I saw, I see, but somehow, surely, also, also, You, now, You, You, too, as You, you are, to me, I thought, I thought, in broken, healing, heart, somehow, and you, you too, to You, I wished, and wished I could, and wished, was I, my perfect Friend, I thought, in time, one perfect day, perhaps, to be, perhaps, together, we.
© Bede Nix, 19 September 2019. All rights reserved.
In Calligraphy, Dancing Letters, Falling Tears
alone –
alone, then,
seeming, so,
as spirit,
in silence,
as spirit,
but deaf,
and deaf now, seemingly,
deathly, quiet,
and fearing, thin,
and yet, as if,
now not,
not quite, quite still,
as if,
not yet,
in this,
in this,
in this, the end, to my despair,
despairing, not,
and now,
not now, not yet,
the night,
the final night,
in quiet, rather, still,
and courage, resolute,
still not, yet,
here, now,
in this, this being, going, ever, on
as if, forever, never, done now,
i am,
as no one,
and nobody, now,
looking, listening, longing,
language, calling –
calling –
calling –
calling me, now,
calling, you,
or you, here, calling, me,
her, him,
he, she,
to where, then, there, together, they,
somehow, seeming,
to, be,
as we, free,
maybe, me,
I, too
to once, once, more, again, in dark night’s seeming blindness, sensing, seeing, sees, sight, seen, unseen, from in, within, to inner seeing’s light, far-seeing sight, far-sighted intuition’s impatient, patient, impulse, sighing, sighed,
away, again,
once more,
in this,
in this, recalling
breath breathing spiralling spirit circles,
inhaling, in,
in breath, exhaling, out, out
going, wanting, waiting, longing, lonely, and alone,
alone – alone – alone
knowing, still unknowing, knowing, no one,
to there, where, even silence, singing, sound, was seated, heated, still, aground, in fire of ignorance,
bright, burning, blind
i see
to see
no more
illiterate, uncomprehending, unknowing,
darkness, breathing,
stealthy quiet,
the doubt,
in writing out now, right, away,
this mirror’s beauty, beloved, mistress, master, mine,
in this, these, letters, words, and lines, becoming,
perfect, polished,
diamond, brilliant, dazzling, mind,
in calligraphy’s loving lines, to here
reach out, as if,
as if,
to dance, describe, right here, upon, a page,
in arms outstretched, and hand
to heart’s life’s lines
in opening
eyes, to see,
of these, your fears
fear’s anxious face, of faces, facing, now,
in this, our language, learning,
lines, letters, gently stroked,
in ink now flowing
flowing, tearful, forgiven, stroke,
so that,
from tearful thought’s thick textured tapestry,
turn now your cheek, my friend,
my love,
to be here only this,
dark inky threads, of thread torn, thread worn, poetry,
patterning, pulsing, rhythm, rhyming, reading, writing,
all that matters, words, in vision, tired, and starry, fiery, hot,
eye’s gaze of galaxies,
and children, laughing, crying,
dancers, dancing,
lovers, loving,
fathers, mothers,
mysteries, marvellous, and marvelling,
here, from this,
your heaven’s contours,
celestial mind,
dome, divine, of boundless sky,
in dancing letters, words,
of poetry, perhaps,
or simple songs
of love, a tune,
to sacred geometry,
and through,
time telling tongue,
tongue telling,
touch, divine,
the tears, the years,
the sadness, struggle, joy, confusion, pain, and suffering, sighing, heaven’s journey,
well bloody dipped,
depth’s dark,
here, heart,
in hearing, inspiration, fall,
and falling, hearing,
inspiration’s tears,
wet fecund earth, moist,
welling, up, my eye, the sky, to you,
to you
to you
for whom
this I
I cry out,
why, why
why, again, again, again,
and why, I cry, once more, again,
i cry again,
i cry again,
i cry again, from sky, still stirring, occurring, this
this heartbeat, beating, hearing
sound of
music, mind,
in soul, my love,
my love,
my love,
alone then seeming this, no more, but this,
in one perfection, love, now,
this moment, floods of tears,
you are, indeed,
rain’s blessings, bliss.
(Learning To Write – If Beautifully, If Well, I Do Not Know – In Calligraphy, Dancing Letters, Falling Tears – Thinking Only, Lonely, This, Perhaps – To Cleanse, Confused, My Inky Heart, Poured, Worded, Written, Bloody, Bitter, Out, Once More, Again – Once More, Alone – Upon, This Burned and Blackened Earth Beneath My Feet, My Soul, But Breeze of Breath, As If, The Sky, An Empty Page, Of Text, Unwritten, Still, Unwritten, Now, As Yet)
© Bede Nix, 3 October 2019. All rights reserved.
Kind Eye, and Gentle Glance – A Glimpse of Human Heart, A Home
And do you see the kindness?
And do you see the kindness in my eye?
– Look again.
And do you see now the kindness dwelling gently in my eye?
– Now look again.
And do you not now see the kindness now dwelling gently in my eye?
– Now look, then, again; then look again, again.
The kindness dwelling gently in my eye …
– Look again.
And do you see now the kindness dwelling gently in my eye?
– Now look; now look, again.
Do you see the kindness in my eye?
Do you see the kindness?
The kindness.
Kindness, that, you see.
And do you see?
Look to me.
Look to me.
And look to me, again, as here, no more a stranger, passer-by.
But look to me, here, now, rather, as I, glance, kindly, gently, look, to you.
And call me friend.
Do you see?
The kindness in my eye, my friend.
– Now look again.
Do you see?
And now, then, do you, seeing, see, now, then, the kindness, dwelling gently, here, then, now, within, within, within – within?
(Within me.)
And do you now see?
And understand, now, who I am?
(To you.)
I am but a mirror, now, my friend, quite simply, simply understanding, gently, you.
And see me, now, as I do – mirror’s reflective, reflecting, eye; and I see you now so well.
See me – now – see you.
See you.
See you.
See you.
See me.
Now, as I do.
Dear human face, warm welcome, seeing, being, well – my glance, my gaze, my open, smiling heart – a place, hospitable, of welcome shelter – hearth, and home; that is, relax, then, here, and now, my friend; rest your eyes, be well.
© Bede Nix, 11 October 2019. All rights reserved.
Calling Out, The Sky
And, listening,
Listen, here,
To hear me, now,
For I am there, in that,
The silence, which,
Silence, listening,
You hear now, breathing,
Breathing, gently, in,
Within the quietest, the very quietest, of places,
Quiet heart,
And quiet, breathing, open, mind, now,
In the gentle whispering of the breeze,
Sway of branches,
Rustling leaves,
And call of sky,
And sky bird, lifting up, in silent flight, its wings,
To light of eye, in stars, from
Journey’s night,
From seeming so far off,
To nearly nearing home, now, here, once more, again,
Heart, and
And me,
To sit, and dwell, in starry silence, spirit, space, within,
Where, quietly,
Ground of being,
Quietness, patience, there,
Awaiting, me, myself,
In filtered light,
Extended time,
Once more, again,
This seeming Universe,
So silent, still,
And vast,
© Bede Nix, 13 October 2019. All rights reserved.
I have not met you – yet – yet you – so very mysteriously – are always, seeming, present, here, with me; although I always, somehow – often – miss you, too; a paradox, that’s true.
And true, too, that my thoughts turn to you so often that to me it’s clear – entirely clear – you’re somewhere, somehow, very close, and very near.
(Thoughts turn to you so often.)
(Thoughts, turning, here, to you.)
So close, so near, so present, dear, indeed, I wonder, if, in fact, it’s your hand, now, that gently strokes away, my cheek, these tears, and touches, gently, me.
(As if, hands held.)
And I rub my tired eyes, look up, look, looking, all, around, quite sure, there, then, to find, now, you, and see you, seeing, body, being, living, here, as I, as I am, me.
Yet no, and …
But no, so – somewhat, surprised – I do not, sadly, see you.
And yet.
And yet.
And yet.
Yet, still, I feel you, sense you, hear you, looking, listening, heart, within.
And how to call you, then?
And when, when I …
I never even knew your name; you, mine – or, it must be said, you, me, for all that matters – and all that matters – no matter, now, perhaps, and – let’s then – for – we can, I think – in simple trust, and faith, and confidence – ground, and lay, to rest, our anxious, restive, restless, troubled, thoughts, within – and here, instead, in deepening quietness, silent, stillness – simply be.
And so, again, it is, that, now, I hold you, simply, in my thoughts, as, simply, you hold me, maybe, love’s tender heart, so peacefully.
(Hands open, spirit, free.)
© Bede Nix, 2 November 2019. All rights reserved.
Full Moon Mind
© Bede Nix, 12 November 2019. All rights reserved.
Breath Recalling You
Recalling breath.
Recalling breath.
Recalling breath.
Recall your breath.
Recalling, breath, to me.
Breath, to sing, a song, recalling, you.
Your song, recalling …
My song.
© Bede Nix, 15 November 2019. All rights reserved.
Children of Bambara
(Sabali : Patience)
Breeze whispering, wind blowing, knowing; word of you.
(Sabali : Patience)
Breeze whispering, wind blowing, knowing; word of you.
(Sabali : Patience)
And if you listen carefully now you will hear.
Come, settle, sit ; here grounded, earthed, a while, with us; why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Come, settle, sit ; here grounded, earthed, a while, with us; why not?
Breeze whispering, wind blowing, knowing; word of you.
(Sabali : Patience)
And if you listen carefully, you will hear.
And why not, earthed, grounded, sitting, settled, breathe now, here, with, breathing, us; breathe us.
Breathe us, my cradled baby, born, and warmth of firelight, night; soul, eyes, and shining stars, and far off light.
Come, sit, be, with us, a while; and quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly sitting, being, still, here, present, now, the dimming light, the night.
Be still.
Be still.
Be being still.
Be still, with us.
And then, when, still, still, being, breathing, here, with us, with you, with us, will you, in being, smoke, swirling, incense, rising, weightless, thought, inspired, no effort, nothing, needed, spirit lifting, uplifting, reaching out, the light, on upturned eyes, within, hearts, heavens, skies, now come to join us, melody, harmony, verse, and chorus, here, as one, our freedom song, our freedom story.
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
And yes; of course you know us; fear not, my friend, no need.
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my friend; come home.
Come, join us here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
For here, indeed, you are.
My daughter.
And sister.
And your place, too, is here; your heaven’s home.
And we’re waiting here for you.
And why not, earthed, grounded, sitting, settled, breathe now, here, with, breathing, me, my love; breathe me.
Breathe me, my cradled baby, born, and warmth of firelight, night; soul, eyes, and shining stars, and far off light.
Come, sit, be, with me, my love, a while; and quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly sitting, being, still, still here, the dimming light, the night.
Be still.
Be still.
Be being still.
Be still, my love, with me.
And then, when, still, still being, breathing, here, with me, my love, with you, will you, in being, smoke, swirling, incense, rising, weightless, thought, inspired, no effort, nothing, needed, spirit lifting, uplifting, reaching out, the light, on upturned eyes, within, hearts, heavens, skies, now come to join me, here, my love, in melody, and harmony, in verse, and chorus, all here as one, this freedom song, this freedom story.
Struggle’s over, slave to love no more; love’s freedom’s heaven’s home.
And yes; of course you know me; fear not, my love, no need.
Struggle’s over, slave to love no more; love’s freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my love; come home.
Come, join me here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
And I’m present, here, for you; and I hear you, recognize, recall, and know, your voice.
I’m here, my love; present, still, for you.
My daughter.
And sister.
And I’m present, here, for you; and I hear you, recognize, recall, and know, your voice.
I’m here, my love; present, still, for you.
And yes; of course you know us; fear not, my friend, no need.
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my friend; come home.
Come, join us here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
And why not, earthed, grounded, sitting, settled, breathe now, here, with, breathing, us; breathe us.
Breathe us, my cradled baby, born, and warmth of firelight, night; soul, eyes, and shining stars, and far off light.
Come, sit, be, with us, now, here, a little while; and quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly sitting, being, still, still here, present, now, with us, the dimming light, the night.
Be still.
Be still.
Be being still.
Be still, with us.
And then, when, still, still, being, breathing, here, with us, with you, with us, will you, in being, smoke, swirling, incense, rising, weightless, thought, inspired, no effort, nothing, needed, spirit lifting, uplifting, reaching out, the light, on upturned eyes, within, hearts, heavens, skies, now come to join us, melody, harmony, verse, and chorus, here, as one, our freedom song, our freedom story.
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
And yes; of course you know us; fear not, my friend, no need.
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my friend; come home.
Come, join us here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
And yet …
And yet …
Yet …
Is it you?
Is it really you?
And, can it? Can it?
Can it really, now, be true?
Can it really, now, be true?
And can it really, now, be truly you?
And is it?
Is it really you?
(My love.)
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my friend; come home.
Come, join us here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
And my tears, my love, are sadness.
My tears, my love, are absence, grief.
And distant darkness, distilled, my tears are fears; fears fuelled, my burning heart, aflame; and yet …
And yet …
And yet …
Yet …
Could my tears, too angry, be, for you?
Tears to make you cry, cry out, as I, crying:
And why?
And why?
Why, then, my tears, my love, so far, so long, so separated, longing, lonely, lost, from you?
Such, then, that, asking …
My love.
Why you?
My love.
Why you?
My love.
Why you?
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my friend; come home.
Come, join us here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
And yet …
Such tears, flow on, and on, my love, like love for you, this river, tears, of life, as if …
My tears, my love, are all that’s, seeming, left, of me; my tears alone now, ocean, drowning, all there is; my tears now all of you.
Each tear, to tear apart my heart, a tear, of thought, of you.
Each tear a tear, my love …
Each tear a tear for you.
Still all the more the reason, then.
Struggle’s over, slave no more; freedom’s heaven’s home.
Come home, my friend; come home.
Come, join us here.
And be grounded, earthed, a while; be well.
And why not, earthed, grounded, sitting, settled, breathe now, here, with, breathing, us; breathe us.
Breathe us, my cradled baby, born, and warmth of firelight, night; soul, eyes, and shining stars, and far off light.
Come, sit, be, with us, now, here, a little while; and quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly sitting, being, still, here, present, now, with us, the dimming light, the night.
Be still.
Be still.
Be being still.
Be still, with us.
And then, when, still, still, being, breathing, here, with us, with you, with us, will you, in being, smoke, swirling, incense, rising, weightless, thought, inspired, no effort, nothing, needed, spirit lifting, uplifting, reaching out, the light, on upturned eyes, within, hearts, heavens, skies, now come to join us, melody, harmony, verse, and chorus, here, as one, our freedom song, our freedom story.
Breeze whispering, wind blowing, knowing; word of you.
(Sabali : Patience)
Breeze whispering, wind blowing, knowing; word of you.
(Sabali : Patience)
Breeze whispering, wind blowing, knowing; word of you.
(Sabali : Patience)
And if you listen carefully now you will hear.
Sing out! Sing out! Sing out!
Our land of spirits, breath of sky, sing out!
Come sing with me, with us, this song, our song, which, singing, sings, to you.
We’re there for you.
We’re there for you.
We’re there for you.
For here, my tears, my love, eye liquid trembling mirror, sight, call soul as if to surface, see you, beauty, light.
For now I see, and understand, at last, but this, that:
I am.
© Bede Nix, 21 November 2019. All rights reserved.
(Thank you to the “Gnawa Vibrations” for the magic of their music and inspiration this night.)
Hands Held Heart
(Or this my thought, at least.)
(And wish.)
(Wish whispered softly as a dream.)
(In lips sealed closely, closer, closed, together, tight, with you, this night.)
(Hands held heart.)
(A prayer.)
© Bede Nix, 21 November 2019. All rights reserved.
Love's Flame
Where on earth, then, shall I find you?
(My heart; heart’s refuge; home.)
And how?
I ask, again, again, again.
And nowhere, seeming, left, now, here, to turn.
A path, a road, a crossroads, railway track, and train, to catch, on time, fast, running, on, against, the clock; and my time, your time, our time, running, out.
And then?
What next?
Walk on alone, perhaps?
Or take a next train; if, that is, there is one, still.
Or else, take wing, upon a bird of thought; take flight.
(God knows.)
(At least, I hope God knows; for I do not.)
And I am searching, heart, and soul, for you, my love; and caught, in body, trapped, my heart, and soul, to you, enslaved, cries out, to ask:
Are … you …
Are you?
And are you searching, too, my love, for me?
A passing glance, a look, a lovelorn longing, smile, in greeting, reticent, tender, tentative, truth to tell, to call, at first, exchanging names, to name a stranger, as, acquaintance, then, and then, as friend, as friends, and then, as best friends, too, and then, so soon, so, swiftly, lovers, lovers, soulmates, simply, inseparable, and souls, united, we, wedded, one, become, until, at first so gradually, imperceptibly, and then, so suddenly, we turn, return, to two, becoming, separated, estranged, and strangers, here, unloved, unseen, unnoticed, and alone, once more, again.
And so it goes, going on, and on, and on, wheel turning, life, to death.
And will I ever see you, then, again, I ask; and, if so, when?
For my heart’s burned up, a star, exploded, burst, into a thousand burning cinders, sparks, of light, to fall, once more, one hopes, one day, divine, to light, from night, the day, itself, that, beauty, sees you, then.
And this heart’s poetry, it seems, not yet extinguished, quite; yet not quite sounding right; and so imperfect.
(Bleeding heart, bleed on; you bleed a lovely poetry, in song.)
(And break now the heart, again, then make it new.)
For love one day ends.
Love never ends.
Love ends.
Let’s start again, okay?
Let’s make it new.
For next time, this song, for sure, I’ll sing it right.
The candle, burning, self, the night, love’s flame, so bright.
© Bede Nix, 23 November 2019. All rights reserved.
My Heart Sings Too
© Bede Nix, 10 December 2019. All rights reserved.
Sad Song
Why so sad.
And why, my heart, this so sad music.
Why, my heart, this so sad music, playing; playing, always, on.
Why, this so sad music, playing, always, in my heart.
Why, my heart, so sad, and singing always – on and on – this same sad song.
Why, my heart, so sad; same sad song.
Why, my heart.
My heart, please; please, please tell me; tell me why.
Why so sad.
Why so sad, my heart.
My heart, please tell me why; explain it; make it clear.
(My need to understand.)
And tell me why, explain, make clear, what once it was that must then once have clashed against, and with, and through, upon, my carefree, childhood, song, so long ago, to tune these heartstrings, cut, from, longing, loose, to lose, all pleasing tune, and soothing melody, all hope of hearing harmony, and song, and this, the music, sound, no more, as if, screamed out, mouth shut, and silenced, shouted down, oppressed, repressed, and memory, sweet, of memory, music, mine, must maybe murdered, be, or so, at least, it sometimes, darkness, seems, since then, to me, whenever, wherever, whoever, and whatever, without agreement, or accord, without a music, song, or voice, indeed, at all, for me, to call, my own, and answer echo’s ghostly, silent, call, in here, and now, becoming, wondering, why, as then, I ask, am I.
(And true, of course, that sometimes – some days, some nights, if few, too few, by far, and rarely – I’ll barely register, or hear, this song, at all – not even notice it, indeed – as if it’s drifted off, to land far, far away, a music, time, far off, that never was, nor ever had, perhaps, as if, forgetting, been, in memory, remembering – if memory, remembering, at all, it was – as if, at most, a far off, dull, dim, distant, nightmare, dream.)
(And what, then, there, was that?)
(There, then)
And yet.
And yet.
And yet.
Yet still, most days, most nights – too many, far too many – this song of yours, it keeps me, singing, on, and on, and I, your prisoner, song – and so you keep me singing on, this song – this song, you keep me, singing, all day long – singing, all day, and all night long, to you – and, singing, on, to you, this song, as if, indeed, it really were, your song, your sadness, shadow, and your slave, all into music made, for singing out, accursed, in sadness, pain, as if, my own song, somehow, shadow, now – shadow, somehow, me.
Singing – sadness – song.
And so, day after day, night after night, your dark song shades my light, and turns my day to night, my night, to wide-eyed, noisy, nightmare, day.
And night or day – either way – I am, in this, your sadness, singing, such sad seeming songs, heart dark, alone, in minor key, now singing me, and melancholy; and how they turn my thoughts – turn me – my heart – this sadness – and despondency – and despair – clock back, again, as if, somehow, to put me, press me, down – dilute me – make me fade – my anguished, troubled, spirit – weary, tired – the bloody, streaming, screaming, screenshot, eyes – eternity – and spirit, soul, dead lights, as if, turned out, turned blindly back, turned memory black.
And why?
And why?
And why?
I ask.
And why?
Why must you sing me, so, this way – night after night, day after day?
And, when, then, will, at last, you give me answers – when, then, to tell me – tell me, why?
(Please tell me why.)
And when, at last, to hold me, intimate, and close – reveal, perhaps, your secrets, then, to me?
And when, at last, to hold me, intimate, and close, like death, in birth, sky’s rain, like mother’s milk, to ground, to earth, reveal, perhaps, your secrets, in the darkness, in the light, again, of you, once more, to me?
When, then, to let me go?
And asking, why, my heart.
Why so sad.
And why, my heart, this so sad music, playing, always.
Why, this so sad music, playing, always, in my heart.
Why, my heart, so sad.
Why, my heart, so sad, and singing always – on and on – this same sad song.
My heart, please tell me.
My heart, please tell me why.
And then, release me, please; please let me free.
Release; be free.
Release; be free.
Release me, now; now let me free.
And let me go.
Be free.
© Bede Nix, 9 January 2019. All rights reserved.
Not Yourself Today
And I am sorry for your pain and for your suffering; I am sorry for your sadness and your frustration and your despair; I am sorry for your anxiety – your unease.
And here and now – right here, right now – I am sorry that you find yourself thinking and speaking and acting in this way, which is a way that some might find hurtful.
And it’s as if you’re not yourself.
Indeed, I’ve very strongly the feeling that you are not yet fully yourself; or else, it’s as if the part you’re playing now, upon this stage, is not the part for you; the words don’t quite ring true; it simply doesn’t feel right, that’s all; it’s simply not you. And it’s as if you’re not yet fully – or not yet truly – yourself.
In fact, these thoughts, I’m really sure, are not quite you. And these words – this speech, and attitude, and manner – are not you, either; and these reactions are not you; and this behaviour is not you; strange to say it, but you yourself, it seems to me, are not yet you. And it’s as if you yourself are not yourself yet fully and easily and honestly and authentically you, my friend; that’s all. And I’m not better – I no more than you; no matter. And let’s not stress or worry too much, for goodness’ sake. And think not otherwise.
And to grow deeper and more fully into our fullest and most splendid, finest, flourishing selves, let’s try carefully, quite simply, to listen, and when things are quieter – our thoughts becoming quiet, and still – just when we can, that’s all – we can, whenever – listen, then, more carefully, to our hearts – listen – hear – our hearts – hear our hearts – and our hearts will show us the way.
And let’s open, then, our hearts; and relax into ourselves, that’s all.
Listen – hear – your quiet, whispering, heart.
And then, from your open heart, my friend – listening – hearing – speaking – from the heart – your heart – my heart – yours – let’s meet again, sometime, and soon.
Hand on heart, I’ll see you then, I’m sure, that day, as you.
© Bede Nix, 11 January 2020. All rights reserved.
Ray of Light
And flow of energy –
A breeze, and breath, of air – and quiet, whispering, word, I am, to you, as you, in passing, passing as, and passing …
Over, and across you – passing under, passing into, passing through – and passing on, then, too – and then, and then, then passing as,
As this, as I, before you
Here, again, eternal, dwelling, still;
Here still
Here too
Here now, to you, at heart, of life, I am –
I always shall be – there, within
Within my heart, a silence, sounding
Space, and sky, and sun, and light,
A splendid universe, in song
Singing, calling, out, as love … to you … as you, my love …
As you call, singing, out
My love
To me
Greater poet
Greater poetry.
On ray of light,
And flow of energy –
A breath of air – and quiet, whispering, word, I am, to you, in passing, passing as …
And passing over, and across – passing into – passing through – and passing on – then passing as, again,
As this, I was before
And here, eternal, dwelling, still;
Here still
Here too
Here now, to you, at heart, I am
And always shall be there
My heart a splendid universe
Greater poet
Greater poetry.
© Bede Nix, 11 January 2020. All rights reserved.
Beautiful Too
Goodness, such flattery!
Well, thank you for these very kind, and generous words.
And thank you for sharing this thought with me; it’s so very wonderful of you to do so, and to say so.
But so much of life is so subjective, isn’t it; a question of perspective, and eye, taste, and heart; but still, how nice of you to see me in this way, and that YOU think it so.
Thank you.
Oh, and by the way: I see you as so lovely, too!
So beautiful, too.
Magnificent you!
© Bede Nix, 13 January 2020. All rights reserved.
Where the Heart Beats Time
From Heart
With Heart
To Heart
The heartbeat, beating
Heartbeat, beating
(Your — Being — Self — I am)
And now surrender to – and follow, faithfully – your heart’s command – and inspiration – heart’s intention, and direction, aim, and target, destination – heartbeat, beating, pulsating, vibrating, sounding, music, stringed, drawn taut, and shaped, on silent, sculpted, time, and tuned therein, and sounded out, and, sounding, often, lovely – so — and, oh — so — beautiful — heart’s word – in breath, creative, energy, expressed – this body, being, heartbeat, beating, time, to think, as thought, and thought’s vibration, word, on breath, of song, to sing, from you, of you, to you, my love, am I.
(Your — Being — Self)
And to write out, then, these words, and sing this song, as if, I am, to be, unthinkingly, and, intuitively – here, humble, hand – words – written — out – from heart — with heart — upon — the heart – your heart – heart’s memory – and hand to heart – and head, to hand, to heart, bowed – down – earthed — grounded – low, as if, the ground, the earth, itself, to speak, to sing, from silent, sculpted, time, in tongue of breath, my heart, to shelter, solace, serve you, reaching, out, as servant, channel, vessel, tool, and music, song, now, here, to be, as if, your instrument, played, spoken, sung, here, now, by you, from you, of you, to you, as you, and partly yours, perhaps, perhaps as yours entirely — just — as — you — are – here — now — inseparable – perhaps, from me, in me, as me, and mine, in mind, in thought, in breath, in word, in heart, in love, love too — your love — my love.
(Your — Being — Self — I am)
And write, then
From Heart
With Heart
To Heart
The heartbeat, beating
Heartbeat, beating
Heartbeat – poetry – of
(Your — Being — Self)
(My love)
And so, like this, here, now, in ink, from thought, to think, to flow, to find, to form, express, write out
On sigh of breath
A heartbeat’s longing,
Spirit, stirring
Even if , as yet — and maybe, always – seeming, still, still now, unfinished, and imperfect — incomplete —
A restless, searching, silent, sculpted, time, to sound, again
A word, here lifted up, and raised, to music, song, my love, to sing, from you — for you — to you — of you
(My soul)
(Heart hearing this)
(Your — Being — Self — I am)
(My love)
(Heart hearing)
And — here — deepening, heightening, broadening – to learn, heart warm, and generous, loving, kind, to gently open – arms — outstretched – to reach out, try, relaxing — heart, to heart, and hand, in hand — to be a little warmer, somehow, still, and kinder, still, and somehow, still, more generous, and growing, grounded, into greater, humanity, from where, to feel, to touch, perhaps, draw near, these far horizons, hoped for, fully, human, if, part flawed, part seeming, perfect, to be, being, shared – in body, grounded, earthed, and rooted, here, heart healed humanity.
(Heart hearing this)
(Heart here)
And then
To follow, there, upon the breath, this path – the path where heart beats clear – heart’s inspiration – there, to lead you, being, open — free from fear — in heart, in mind, the spirit, sky
To where
Heart boundless
As the Universe, and I
You are
My love
To me
(Heart hearing)
(Your — Being — Self — I am)
(Heart hearing this)
In eyes now gently closing, gently closed, through this, to see, heartbeat, within, the pulse — heartbeat — but moment, time — in this, like lover’s eye, a perfect, lovely, vision – time’s moment, within, a timeless glimpse – eternity — to love, to you
And this, to be
Or so it seems here now to me,
Heart’s silent prayer,
With you, in bliss,
So near, so close
Here, now
It seems
We are,
As if,
We are,
As if,
As really.
© Bede Nix, 28 February 2020. All rights reserved.
Lawike - Songs
And to listen, here, now, my love, to this, the song of who I am, and where I’m from, my earth, my land, my ground, my home; and this same song I sing now here to you once too my mother sang to me, as I, a child, so many years ago, in past, a far off land, and yet, a place now present, here, again, as this, our people’s eternal, timeless song; song, singing, this, this song, I sing, to you — and this song’s words, inscribed, from birth, upon my heart, were sung once by my father, too, and by his father, too, before him, and by his father’s father, too, and on and on, and back to back – bridegrooms to their brides, brides to their bridegrooms — then mothers — fathers — mothers — children, all, returning, labour, long, in memory’s mists of time, and faded, fading, fast, and yet, this song, now heard again — in voices — these, our ancestors — all our people past — song sung together — all — as one — in voice, my sweetheart, love, of you, to whom now here this song I sing again — in voice this time of mine, of me — in this, our song — singing — you and me — on this, sweet music of our ground, our earth, our home.
And this, my bâglama, my saz, from wood — beech, mulberry, juniper, spruce and walnut tree, entwined, accompanies me — all wood grown, like me, from seeds from here grown close, this ground, this earth, to there, where I myself to my dear mother born, was I, in song sung heartstrings plucked, my beating heart, my mother’s song, my father’s too, now too, their song, my own song, our song, singing, me.
And now this song I sing — in song sung heartstrings plucked — to sound, to call — to you, my sweetheart, lovely – to you, my sweet and lovely bride — beloved — here, in you — sun of my dawn — flower of our mountains — spring’s water lovely clear — flame warming to my wearied heart, like medicine, healing — light of my life — and voice of our land, our earth, our ground — in voices — these, our ancestors — all our people past — song sung together — all — as one — in voice, my sweetheart, love, of you, to whom now here this song I sing again — in voice, now mine — in this, our song — singing — you and me — sweet music of our ground, our land, our earth — once was, is now, shall always be —to us, a home.
Hand on heart.
Hand held high to heavens beyond the sky.
Hand here held out, heart true, my love, to you.
© Bede Nix, 26 January 2020.
Heart Healed
And – remembering – recalling – me – release now all your sadness, trauma, shame, and pain; clear it out, all out, from here — your inner temple – there make way, make space – for quietness, body, breath – from thought, itself, now free – in self, but drop of heaven — selfless – quiet — mind – and quiet, selfless, sanctuary, still, within.
And let’s simply settle, timeless, now, within, in this, the silence, here – to listen – hear – the spirit, breath of inspiration, speak – and – being – there – in quietened mind, from there, the silence, stillness, speaking – to hear, then, speak — hear — and — now — speak – your heart.
And take heart, here, now, from this.
Heart healed, be well.
(c) Bede Nix, 11 February 2020. All rights reserved.
Something from Nothing - Three Times No
And again.
And again.
And again.
A short story, let’s call it; short and sweet — or something like.
Until, one day, from where there once was something, now here nothing.
And never again, I say.
Never again.
Never again.
Never again.
Thank you, and goodbye.
© Bede Nix, 28 February 2020. All rights reserved.
Night Nearing Now
© Bede Nix, 31 May 2020. All rights reserved.
Time's Mirror
So many sights and scents and sounds, so much
Rippling across the surface, mind
To touch, it seems, the subject
I, of time
Time’s mirrored memory
As if, the gaze, of you, within
This eye, my vision, blurred, blinking, shadowed, seeming, somehow, diminished, darkened, dimmed
As if, no longer, fully, you, but
Emptied out, to
Me, in
Moment, passing, fleeting, brief, although
From time to time
Here, now
I see, or think
I see
But why –
Why is the mystery
World so lonely
Cold, and cruel, and strange
I do not know, nor understand it, although
Sometimes, too, too marvellous, still, it seems, to me – it’s true –
And you?
And do you not then think, and thinking, think so, too?
Wonderful – magnificent – sublime
As if, I thought, this moment, time
And you, perhaps, my heart, who knows
© Bede Nix, 5 July 2020. All rights reserved.
The One Awaiting
Then suddenly, while writing up this text
I sensed my father close, so very close to me, so strangely near
And yet I looked up to the sky, as if from habit, quite unthinkingly
To seek him up in heaven, there – and search him out
I don’t know why
And then I cried, and cried, and cried, because
I know he’s somewhere here, in fact, the heaven’s heart within, the truth
The truth set free
This truth, that, then, so terribly
Soon, I thought – at least, I guess – perhaps, I hope – I’ll join him, soon – if there, perhaps, I’ll be, too soon, maybe, but – surely soon enough – and all too soon, again, at any rate, to be
Reunited, there, and
Awaiting, patiently
For you – for you, you too, one day, must
Make your way
There, to find us
© Bede Nix, 30 September 2020. All rights reserved.
My Thoughts of You
Wherever you are
There I am too
My thoughts of you
And why, wherever
Whenever, and
Whatever, there, you are
Feeling, know
Breathing, that
I love you, simply
All is well
And whenever you’re feeling anxious, wary, nervous, doubtful, uncertain, uneasy – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling frustrated, hurt, humiliated, disappointed, resigned, and sad – depressed, defeated – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling too, too much
Excited, confused, embarrassed – maybe envious – guilty, regretful, remorseful, resentful, or ashamed – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, and desperate – too much emotion, and
All the fear and trembling –
All the anger – all the rage –
All the despair – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; the feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling time terrified, and too much alone, and lonely, tired, exhausted, worry wearied – whatever it is
Know that I love you then too – then most of all, perhaps – you’re not alone, and simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling nostalgic, and
Longing, perhaps, for a love once felt before, once lived, one time
Some time ago, together
Happy memories, hand, in hand, in
Holding, gazing, sensing, soothing, playing, laughing, talking, walking, reading, writing, seeing
So many new things seeking understanding – mind, expanding – thinking, thoughts
Upon the road
Set sail, the sea, the sky
To fly, and travel, there, and here
Our world one great adventure of discovery, where
Wherever, you, and I, we go – which is everywhere we are – we are – we go – together, there
Knowing that
I love you, simply
All will be well
And this feeling, too, will some day pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathing easily, again, and knowing, that
Your heart holds all these happy days, and
Space for more, still more – the happiness, as yet, a gift – a mystery
To come again, perhaps still greater happiness, and future happy days – to find their place, your heart
Be patient, then, and know, that, still
I love you
Always will
And I’ll tell you something else
A light in darkness, if you like – it’s true!
From all these happy together memories, you see
My heart laughs loud, delights, sings on, lives still
My calling voice resounding out – eternities
For you
For wherever, there, you are
There I am too
My thoughts of you
© Bede Nix, 30 September 2020. All rights reserved.
Love Gloriously
You are to me a stranger, yet
Spontaneously I stop and stare
As one in rapture, taken, momentarily, ecstatically
By this, the lovely sight of you
Such beauty brilliant bright appearing suddenly, so
Within my sparkling, lit up, eye, aflame
Heart, too, on fire, and mind at once alight
Absorbed, resolved, dissolved, in glittering star-struck galaxies, far, far away, such that
I stand here, smiling, lovesick, lost
Gazing into mysteries, and
Thought suspended – emotion embodied
Breathing deeply time divine, as if
I am –
The once was wide-eyed youth, once more, and seeming innocent, again, and then
Untutored lover, for a while, until
These lips in longing
Open and Bohemian, subtly
Somewhat cynical, I suspect – and just a little too urbane, and then
Too soon to mellow, and mature
The passion pale, and waning – so I’d lately thought, at least
Until, this moment here and now, in which
Heart-tender, smiling fool it seems I am again
In timeless love’s eternities within
My gaze averting, lowering
Eyes dropped, spiralling, heartbeat startled, blinking, and
Like trembling leaf, am I
Or feather, falling
Tension letting go and so
Surrendering, breathless, all, I am
Here, now, before you, bowing down upon
This earth that you yourself are walking on
The spring of flowering life
Excitement, sudden, dizzying, bewildering, and
You are happiness, I see, and you are joy
And nectar, sweet, it seems to me, your kiss must be – in whispering bliss
And humming honeybees, and birds to sing
This perfect moment now, without, within, in passing
Thinking, only –
All that is, is you
And how in you I see a long-lost friend again, somehow
A kindred spirit – soulmate, mirrored, maybe
Nearly – could be – almost – if not now too late
Although I often lose my way, it’s true – and float sometimes on dreams, a bed of poetry
As if these words are woven into songs for other lovers – not for me
The answer to time’s prayer
In calling out to –
See you, here, again, once more
In loveliness, heartbeat, divine
And you are to me a stranger, yet
I love you, simply, stranger
Love you gloriously
This present moment now
The whispered words of poetry
And love you gloriously
Love gloriously
© Bede Nix, 1 March 2021. All rights reserved.
Heart Healed
In the beginning there was, perhaps, no word; as if the words were all, in stillness, still, mysterious – and in the darkness – unsounded, unsaid, unheard, unseen — and dwelling, as if, in absence, emptiness, invisible – and only possibility, or expectation, perhaps, or perhaps a promise, pregnant – in time’s mirror – mind – when – who – asks — why — of this, the unsayable – the unsaid – the silence – seeking — sound – and all, imagination, alone — that which — human, fully, once, one day – to be.
And – remembering – recalling – me – release now all your sadness, trauma, shame, and pain; clear it out, all out, from here — your inner temple – there make way, make space – for quietness, body, breath – from thought, itself, now free – in self, but drop of heaven — selfless – quiet — mind – and quiet, selfless, sanctuary, still, within.
And let’s simply settle, timeless, now, within, in this, the silence, here – to listen – hear – the spirit, breath of inspiration, speak – and – being – there – in quietened mind, from there, the silence, stillness, speaking – to hear, then, speak — hear — and — now — speak – your heart.
And take heart, here, now, from this.
Heart healed, be well.
(c) Bede Nix, 11 February 2020. All rights reserved.
Out There and Here Within
I strain my ears, and yet
My ears fail to hear you
I open my mouth, too, as if to speak to you
A spirit on the breeze of thought
And yet, no words are there
No words will come, but only
Words, once voiced, and spoken
Now departed, soon long gone, and only
Memories, then
Eyes closed for darkness in the silence, I
( … )
I reach out, still, my hands, as if
To touch you, trembling, take you
In my arms, again
And hold you, always
Near, close by
And yet, here too
My hands still fail me, fail
To find you there, as if
I cannot reach you
Quite simply
No longer breathing
Breathing, now, be calm
The breath of you; your smile; your laughing eyes; your words, and language; touch, and tenderness
Delight, and joy, in being so alive, and
Still so simply, modestly, just, your lovely self, just simply you, that too
No more
No more
No more
For only memories live on now for me
Forever lost, this perfect past
My broken heart, and I
I strain my eyes from looking
Falling tears that shall
One day, perhaps
Wash clean away the pain
And even then
You’ll not be there
You’ll not be here
And yet I sense, I know, I feel, you, all the time
As if, now here, now there, and all around
You are in everything
Out there and here within, and in
My thoughts, my heart, my mind, my body, soul
I find you always
© Bede Nix, 11 February 2021. All rights reserved.
Let's Close Our Eyes Now, Meet Within
© Bede Nix, 10 February 2021. All rights reserved.
Words Whispering, Asking Anyway
Words whispering
Briefly upon the breeze, along the way, and
Across the woodland path, parts overgrown
And through the company of trees
Birds singing – song
Sounds, too, of
Step, by step
In search of peace of mind, and quietness
Some little happiness, perhaps
Some questions, simply stated, understood
And answers, too, maybe
Such that, in movement, seeming stillness
Finds a dwelling, rests in mystery
A place of prayer, perhaps – and yet
Not asking for the sky, exactly
Sun, and moon
And not the stars and back
But only, being
I am
In being you, in
Each, and every, moment, now
Surrendering, simply – simply
Stopping, here, and there
And now, and then, from time, to time
The blue, the beautiful
Clear mind looking up, as if
From beautiful clear blue empty sky, to
Heavens above –
And asking anyhow
And asking anyway
And why
(Thoughts to Robert Lax)
© Bede Nix, 5 February 2021. All rights reserved.
This Moment Now
I hold these words within my heart
These words hold me
And think then not of time, but
Still, the hour, from
Minutes – seconds – separated, seemingly
Suspended – hanging
Upon the air, as if
Time slipping silently away
Time sleeping
Small steps, somehow
Small steps
Small steps
And walking, slowly, slowly
Falls the snow
Snow falling
White, the empty page
I, wide-eyed, and wild, lean in
Embrace the wind
Stand scarecrow straight, or try, if
Not succeeding
Back and branches, bent, and crooked, creaking
Too tight-lipped, unspeaking
Silent cries, in tears, on
Frozen cheeks
And fingers, numb
The icy cold
Falling slowly still the snow
Snow slowly falling
And I am slowing, too, somehow, yet
Small steps, not quite
Walking, now
A stop, a slip
A slip, and stop again
Small steps, stop walking
Stop, and
Last silver light
The close of day
The start of night, so
White, the snow, so
Brilliant, blinding, bright
A wall of white, as if
Some strange, enchanted boundary line, some other
Wonder world, apart
And then, small steps
Slipping, slipping
Time, asleep, and dreaming
Falls the snow
The snow still falling
Slowly, slowly
Small steps, then
Small steps
And stop, again
Breathe in the quietness
Breathe in the seeming stillness, peaceful, calm
Breathe in the clarity – the completeness
Breathe in the beauty, and delight – breathe in the happiness
Breathe in the energy – all the life that’s all around you
You are, too – breathe in
Earth breathing, listening, here
Heart, hearing
Creativity, imagination, empathy, compassion, love
Each word, and every word, a word of magic, word of mystery –
Who knows?
And small steps, slowly, white
Falls the snow
The snow still falling
Falling, slowly
And please, I pray you
Hold me peaceful in your arms, this night
Accepting, and
Forgiving – healing
Me, for in all honesty, all
Simplicity, my spirit, weak
Doubting, and despairing
Needs that now – and then
Held close, and near, too dear
Each word, each name
Each hand
Each face, my love
I loved once, falling
Turning back
To turn away
Be parted, letting go
This moment, too
This me, and you, must pass
This moment now
As heaven knows
I’ve come to see, to understand, at least
To some extent, to trust, believe
To be, at last – my life experience, perhaps, perfected, more or less
The sentence ended
And the snow falls still
Snow falling
Slowly, now
Small steps, walking
Small steps, still walking
Breathe in the air, the sky
Exhale, as emptiness, this
Brilliant, blinding, bright
And music, breath, but thought, but breeze
The drifting cloud
The swaying trees, that
Split, perhaps, that break, that fall beneath the weight, to startle
Hiding deer, and darting mouse
Owl taking flight
The timeless watching wisdom’s smile, unseen, unless
Perhaps, as mirrored, mind’s
Reflection, now, recalling, recollection, now
There the tiny sparkle, twinkling, like
A star, from far, in moonlit eye
This night
And night beyond
While I, adrift, beneath
The blizzard, white
The snow, too much, too
Heavy, now
The word, a word of magic, word of mystery
Small steps, somehow
Somehow, small steps
Small steps
And slowly falls the snow, and still
Snow falling
Words, too, falling
Falling words
The gift this night has given me
This night, a night, of poetry
Breathe in, inhale this moment now, and simply be
A silent fading memory, feather-like upon the breath, divine
These words, this song, and I, ephemeral
And soon forgotten, somehow
Footsteps in the snow
And then
All quiet – all at rest
At last
I hold these words within my heart
These words hold me
© Bede Nix, 27-28 January 2021. All rights reserved.
Beauty, You Are
Beauty, you are, to me
Beauty, you are, to me, irresistible, quite simply
And I, as one, to you, in simple hope, and naked offering, at once devoted, and enslaved
I cannot help but offer, give you – gift – all that I am
An eye of beauty, heart of love
My hand, a touch
A word to write
A song that sings of you
To sound, my lips, your beauty, naked, tender, upon my tongue
In this, my body’s breath, passed through me, moving me
Brief touch of heartbeat, fleeting, time
From you, to you, this
Taste of
Taste of beauty, blissful, moment’s mine
Beauty, you are, to me, my love
Beauty, you are, to me
Beauty, you are
A mystery, our love, to me, divine
Beauty, You Are
Fragment – draft; (c) Bede Nix, 1 November 2020
The Moon, My Love, To You, This Night, I Sing
And now I ask you,
Day turned night, the
Naked moon, unveiled, revealed, full white
I gaze my upturned eye upon
Is – she – too, now
Gazing, down
On me
The darkness – starlit skies
In moonlit eyes, reflecting, lonely
Light, of
Reaching – circling – back
Connecting, future, possibilities
Past, present, now, all
Different, somehow
All, the
Same, my love
You see
I seek, but cannot find
You, Hear
You, Hold
You, quietly
Searching, reaching out, and
Listening, such, that
Here, then, from, my
Want, alone, my
Heart, instead, the
Moon, my love
To you, this night
I sing
The Moon, My Love, To You, This Night, I Sing
Fragment – Draft, (c) Bede Nix, 1 November 2020
My Thoughts of You
Wherever you are
There I am too
My thoughts of you
And why, wherever
Whenever, and
Whatever, there, you are
Feeling, know
Breathing, that
I love you, simply
All is well
And whenever you’re feeling anxious, wary, nervous, doubtful, uncertain, uneasy – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling frustrated, hurt, humiliated, disappointed, resigned, and sad – depressed, defeated – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling too, too much
Excited, confused, embarrassed – maybe envious – guilty, regretful, remorseful, resentful, or ashamed – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, and desperate – too much emotion, and
All the fear and trembling –
All the anger – all the rage –
All the despair – whatever it is
Know that I love you, simply
Trust that all will be well; the feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling time terrified, and too much alone, and lonely, tired, exhausted, worry wearied – whatever it is
Know that I love you then too – then most of all, perhaps – you’re not alone, and simply
Trust that all will be well; this feeling will pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathe easily, again, knowing
I love you anyway
And whenever you’re feeling nostalgic, and
Longing, perhaps, for a love once felt before, once lived, one time
Some time ago, together
Happy memories, hand, in hand, in
Holding, gazing, sensing, soothing, playing, laughing, talking, walking, reading, writing, seeing
So many new things seeking understanding – mind, expanding – thinking, thoughts
Upon the road
Set sail, the sea, the sky
To fly, and travel, there, and here
Our world one great adventure of discovery, where
Wherever, you, and I, we go – which is everywhere we are – we are – we go – together, there
Knowing that
I love you, simply
All will be well
And this feeling, too, will some day pass, and all will be okay, then
Breathing easily, again, and knowing, that
Your heart holds all these happy days, and
Space for more, still more – the happiness, as yet, a gift – a mystery
To come again, perhaps still greater happiness, and future happy days – to find their place, your heart
Be patient, then, and know, that, still
I love you
Always will
And I’ll tell you something else
A light in darkness, if you like – it’s true!
From all these happy together memories, you see
My heart laughs loud, delights, sings on, lives still
My calling voice resounding out – eternities
For you
For wherever, there, you are
There I am too
My thoughts of you
© Bede Nix, 30 September 2020. All rights reserved.
The One Awaiting
Then suddenly, while writing up this text
I sensed my father close, so very close to me, so strangely near
And yet I looked up to the sky, as if from habit, quite unthinkingly
To seek him up in heaven, there – and search him out
I don’t know why
And then I cried, and cried, and cried, because
I know he’s somewhere here, in fact, the heaven’s heart within, the truth
The truth set free
This truth, that, then, so terribly
Soon, I thought – at least, I guess – perhaps, I hope – I’ll join him, soon – if there, perhaps, I’ll be, too soon, maybe, but – surely soon enough – and all too soon, again, at any rate, to be
Reunited, there, and
Awaiting, patiently
For you – for you, you too, one day, must
Make your way
There, to find us
© Bede Nix, 30 September 2020. All rights reserved.
The Loneliness of Time
I walk as one
Beyond all words, all names,
All change, transition, questioning
Eyes closed, and blind
The flow of time
Time passing, dreamlike, all the same
Awakening, ask, now, again
Who, here, then, shall come to know me?
I pass you unrecognized, and
You know me not, and yet
Here, silent, still, and all around, in matter, spirit, mind, am I, in
Time, becoming, movement, sound
The breath, the breeze
The whisper on the wind, barely heard
The heartbeat
Opening eye
The question why
As if each thought a bird in flight
To seek the sky
Your sun-soaked eyes, now raised
To catch the dying day’s last light, the
Night now near approaching; and it’s from there, I think, this
Thought, from thought, each
Thought, far off, arising
Drawing nearer
Bright, and clearer, before
Recalled, again – time past
A lifetime’s memory
And all these fleeting thoughts that flow – flowing on, and on
Reflections, streams, of
Dancing light, in
Diamond mind, on
River time
To sail
The star-filled ocean
Moonlit seas
To starry, timeless, galaxies, from
Where you’ve come so far, in truth
To reach me, although I’m always here, and always now, and near, in
Reaching out to you – your gentle touch – of light, in
Mirror, mirrored, mirroring, as if
Thought, turning, now, in time – reflected, bouncing back
To travel, refracted
Scattered, separated, sometimes divided
Here, and there
Past, present, future
Light – so many days, and nights, spent looking
Seeking, searching
The singular, the unique, the
One, who is, in fact
Another, always
Elusive, and
Mysterious, and
Unreachable, and
– You –
Who are, it seems
Eye blink, out of reach, just missed, and gone
Gone, going, on
– Alone –
The lonely stranger, still unknown
A total mystery, this
Our time, together
(Together, theoretically, that is)
Past, present, future
Light, so many days – and darkness, nights – spent looking
You, spent looking
– … –
Nothing, seemingly, and
No one
No one knows me, then, and
– When –
– Why –
– Who –
Stands, timeless, still
Eyes closed, courageous, in the
Dimming, darkening, light, as if
In coming close of day, and coming depth of night
Embrace of death, at last
To listen – hear
The silence
Sound, to be
Foundation, ground, below, beneath, throughout, within, and
There, perhaps, to recognize, and
Know you, finally, then
The first, the last
The rumour – rustling leaves
The sound of evening
Song of trees
And am I, too, the woman
I, the man
And I, who walks, mysterious, unseen, between
Beyond all words, all names,
All change, transition, questioning
Eyes closed, and blind
The flow of time
Time passing, dreamlike, all the same
And I am, then, as one
– Who –
Reaches – breathing – out
To you, my inspiration, breathing in
To seek, and form
Find, touch you, here, my heart
Sound, the
Music – song
Attuned, through cry, response
The loneliness, and the heartache, and the pain, the
Sadness, and the suffering
Surrendering to that which is, and finding
Forgiveness, eventually
Some understanding
And each a key
In turning, which, within, a secret door, a secret portal, secret entrance, opens, there, to ecstasies, where
All is creative, all so beautiful, and ripe, and full
Fruit of mind – and mind’s imagination, enchanting
Garden paradise, so fertile, rich, in walking which, wondering, who, now, am
– I –
Once was Adam
Once was Eve
And now, as he, as she
As you, as me, as I
As we
A dream for us to walk, there, too, as if, in trance
With you, in paradise – a dance, a line of poetry, a song, a music
Sound, and blissful taste
Light rippling through, this time
And the song sings on, for
All eternity, my love
For you
While I live, still, the loneliness of time
(c) Bede Nix, 3 August 2020. All rights reserved.
Time's Mirror
All these perceptions and appearances –
So many sights and scents and sounds, so much
Rippling across the surface, mind
To touch, it seems, the subject
I, of time
Time’s mirrored memory
As if, the gaze, of you, within
This eye, my vision, blurred, blinking, shadowed, seeming, somehow, diminished, darkened, dimmed
As if, no longer, fully, you, but
Emptied out, to
Me, in
Moment, passing, fleeting, brief, although
From time to time
Here, now
I see, or think
I see
But why –
Why is the mystery
World so lonely
Cold, and cruel, and strange
I do not know, nor understand it, although
Sometimes, too, too marvellous, still, it seems, to me – it’s true –
And you?
And do you not then think, and thinking, think so, too?
Wonderful – magnificent – sublime
As if, I thought, this moment, time
And you, perhaps, my heart, who knows
© Bede Nix, 5 July 2020. All rights reserved.
Once Upon A Time
some long, long time ago
I’m sure that once I’d heard – I must have heard – recalled, most certainly – on whisper’s breeze of heaven’s breath
that sound of silence, sounding out – sound of silence, sounding me
yet still I don’t recall quite when that was, as if it was
pre-conscious memory, perhaps
and just a feeling, then
like sound of distant seas, maybe
as if I knew you
yet left to sound my own way
i would
i think,
sound, so, and, be, so, sounding, still
and sounding, silence, somehow
to this day
and sounding
well, and
for you
but no, this was not to be, because, at birth
that sounding quietness lost
as others swiftly gathered round
to smell, to sense
skin close, and
tender warm
formed, and
one heartbeat’s breath into another born
to be
for me
too tired and troubled, often
nervous, noisy, anxious, agitated
sometimes aggressive, and confused
sad – angry – jealous – frightened
foolish – often fooled
and seeking, always, restless, change, in blink of eye, and screaming cry
for it’s exactly as they say, or something like
it takes a village, after all, to kill a child – child’s creative spirit – joy in life
takes a village, after all, to murder me
smothering quietness, stillness, contentment, calm
in so much human bonding, human grouping
blind human groping around, like
blind men in the dark
dark human quibbling, human squabbling
so many human hierarchies and societies
sacrificing all
upon the altar of the centre
on the sacred middle ground
the curled up calming stupidity, so seeming safe
from where
huddled up and hid within – the herd immunity
to worship – tinny din –
the endless tedium
tiresome tyranny of the normal – and the standard – the acceptable
the drumbeat all together now
step up, then – shout – for one, for all – it’s all the same – the same, no difference –
don’t stand up, stand out
sit down, shut up
in other words
and fake it
take it
total idiocy
hammering down the heaviness
any quiet residual human dignity, quiet nobility
abandoned, now, and lost
on ocean torrent, wave, on drowning wave
the beating hearts, so few, to hear the sound
the human heartbeat sound
breath of humanity
(breath recalling you)
such life, at any rate, I know, is not for me, for
i seek the silence – and the songs not sung, or heard, before
for which,
leave me please alone now
in the solitude, and the company
of the woods and forest
birds, the
of trees
imagine my surprise, then
lost, as I was
in wild and windswept word
and howling thought, upon
that solitary, stormy, evening walk
all thunder, lightning, pouring rain
when sudden stillness, equilibrium at the crossroads
rose suddenly, and fell
reached out, from left, and right
to meet me, to embrace, and hold me there
in sound of rustling leaves
soft, evening light
between the branches
and the trees
and there, in that one wild embrace, in time, I, rooted, stood
stood sudden straight back tall
as if,
at last, to recognize, myself, like
some solid, splendid tree, somehow
grown up, from here
the earth
the ground, of memory
sky of mind
and sudden clearing ray of light
and forest thoughts at once like birdsong taking flight
I did not see a soul, you see – felt free
just you and me
and walking on, again
in evening woods, alone
a quietening, calming, restful, stillness, silence, seemed, once more, to sound, from me,
like distant church or temple bell
stone dropping quietly
mind of rippling memory
as if, just then, deep down, I could, somehow
recall, myself, to me
not only ancient, archaic, ancestral memory
someone – who knows – from sometime way back when
but here, now, too, as me
and, as really
I was, or could, or should be – there – for no one – or for all to see
in calling you
recalling you
i find
i see and hear
i understand
i am
as in a dream, perhaps
perhaps a wish, perhaps desire
perhaps a destiny, or fate
or prayer, perhaps
a prayer
and songs not ever heard before, quite simply
or not, at least, by you, and me
together, here, alone
together, here, as we, and
always all together in our thoughts; and in our thoughts always alone
all sing together then, my love; for
change contagion’s coming soon, somehow
change contagion’s coming anyhow
right here, it’s coming
it’s coming now
© Bede Nix, 13 June 2020. All rights reserved.
This Being You
Such as it is, or seems to be, that’s all
You are
You see
This moment, here, and now
Life’s pain, and sadness – traces – surely, true
Yet, too, the steady, pulse of simple happiness, as – in
Hidden stream to surface flowing, sounding, sometimes
Such delight, and joy – sometimes
The laughter, and the tears
The many years, maybe
Recalling – maybe
Remaining, or
Greater heart, and greater mind, and
Well, so
Why – for – love –
Will you, not, now, for
Once, be still, one second, then
And then, in passing, fleeting moment, here, look up
Look up to count the stars – warm, gentle, loving eyes
Look up – the stars
And lift your thoughts to me, awhile, towards the sky, from
Where, then, if –
If –
If then
Once more – or – rather – when – you’re
Faltering, falling, failing, yet again, or so you think, alone, just then –
Just then, you see
Look down, and touch – this time, if only – grounded, to the earth, beneath your feet
To rest, relax, remembering
Surrendering, into
All you are
– I am –
But beautiful, to me
Your vulnerability, your infinite complexity, your human frailty, your fragility
Naked, nearing, now
Outstretched, out wide, to you
My body, blood, embracing
Sun, and shadow, moon, and
All, and always, everything, pulsating, then
And vibrant, free, to
Breathe in me, inhaling – yes
Yes – yes, inhaling – into
Me, the music – silence – stillness – dance – to be
At ease
In depths of heart
Heart overflowing
Intuition, inspiration
Faith, and trust
Exhaling, so
Such – that
Closed fists, tense, trembling, frustrated, turn
Twisting, spiralling, into
Flowering, blossoming, tender, open, hands
To hold me, fully present, here, and now
And here, and now
In peace, my heart, to you – a gift, from which
The quiet words write through – in lifelines – me
And yes, it surely is for this, I write
It’s true
I am
This being
(c) Bede Nix, 20 June 2021. All rights reserved.
Sky, Mountains, Forests, Lake
I pause, to breathe it in
I pause, to breathe it in
I pause, to try to breathe it, absorb it, take it – all – in – to comprehend – make sense of – try to understand – it
The enormity – the majesty – the mystery, somehow, all
Reflected in my eye
Each wave of light, the
And I stand now, looking, wondering, literally, under – it – this heaven’s dome
My arms, my hands, my fingers, all
Stretched out, as if to hold within my hand the sun – the moon –
From where to touch the starry sky –
Run, too, my hand, in gentle gesture all along the length of mountaintops, and
Stroke the forests, comb
My fingers through the trees, and through the leaves, and
Bathe my dropping, tired, teary, fallen, eye, within
The water’s blue –
Blue lake of rippling, mirrored, mind – and
See you, there
And see you everywhere, in all, and everything
As if, in prayer, perhaps
Or else the chant you sing, to draw me – so
I pause, to breathe it in
And wide-eyed, blink, thinking
Quiet mind, glad heart
– That –
– That –
– That –
That I am – that, you see –
I am, and
I am, too, alive
This moment, now
This time, this place
This energy, this movement
Movement, still
Into eternity
(To Our Dearest Erika, In Love)
(c) Bede Nix, 19 June 2021. All rights reserved.
The Walk
The Walk
Life’s not a stroll, an easy walk across a field, to quote from Pasternak – or was it, rather, Shakespeare, who wrote that? – a line, perhaps, from Hamlet, asking, basically, well, whether, then, to be, or not to be – and that the question, in a nutshell, simply.
A walk across a field – the ground below, the sky above – the hedgerows and the trees, the woods and forests, all the branches, all the leaves – the mountains in the distance, far-off seas – and fecund, fertile, nature, overflowing, in abundance – birds and bees – and all as if in song, a humming music, sounding, sighing, there, so then – relax, my friend, exhale, let go – to breathe it in, again, and bathe, luxuriate, in all that is, such that – like so – in drawing, deeply, inspiration, in, in making, meaning, sense, of it – you sense a sort of poetry – thirst-quenching, water from a well, within – within – and then, within each step, a spring, a flow, a choice, a change, as if at here a crossroads, now, surrendering – body, mind, the world – now looking up, now looking down – a journey to the west, or to the east – way to the left, or to the right – the right, the wrong – the outwards, in – so many paths – so many paths, in truth, that you could take – from there, to here – in one day, in one life – so many paths to lead you, at the last, to you yourself, the gift of questioning – so many paths to home.
And then, while walking here, with me, I ask: so have you ever thought it so, and noticed this, and felt it just like that? And, then, when walking there, alone, or seeming so, have you ever also felt it just like this, and noticed that, and that this too, quite simply, is – and really thought it through?
And yes, it’s true, I know – or, that’s to say, at least, I’ve noticed it – that, walking – well – that, as you walk, sometimes – sometimes – sometimes, the sun shines warm and bright, the skies are clear, and all feels light and beautiful – and you think to yourself, now what a wonderful time this is to be alive; and sometimes, too, the opposite seems true – the sun now nowhere to be seen – skies dreary, dark, and wild, the mind, and stormy – rain beating down as if on you alone, too cold, too cruelly – and all feels grim and heavy, heartless – all disfigured, all disfiguring – ugly – and – unbearable – intolerable – and unending – lonely – until, at last, in utter desperation, think – you – to – yourself – that, what, a terrible, terrible, time this is to live, to be alive – as if you’d rather not – and thanks, but no thanks – no – no – no – and so, I’d rather wish to …
(Walk off – and walk away, maybe – just go.)
(Like life in mourning for itself, as if for you yourself, good grief, and sighing, deeply sorrowful.)
(The sad songs sounding silence at the end.)
And yet – heartbeat, somehow – you’re moving, still – and keep on walking – walking – walking on, in any case – that is, at least, until – as well you know you must, one day – you’ll stop, at last, to really rest – come to a halt – if incrementally, perhaps, and so, so, so, slow motion, moving, in, infinities – or else in timelessness, maybe, blink of an eye, so suddenly – then, as if in falling into dream, or else awakening – a door to other worlds – you’re gone – and, walking, on, no more – as if your walk – your walk, and you – and you, were all along, but one, and all along, the same, you see – this moment here, and now – and flowing time, the gift, to you – through you – in you – of you.
And now there’s no more walking – no more walking – no more walking, now.
And now, for others, well, this walk through life, you see, it’s only now begun – in the beginning, only, now – our heartbeat born again in body, one.
And now this body spirited again – again alive in you – so soon to walk again, the walk goes on.
And, naturally, life goes on, too – in truth, so much like you – the mind – mind’s rising thoughts, thoughts falling – sometimes failing, too, but – always – changing, unpredictable – and like the weather, so – some days are good days, and some days bad. That’s how it goes.
To be – or not – to be.
Always – changing.
But go beyond all this – beyond embrace, the change – but field, but earth, but ground, perhaps, remain – and sky – the sky – sky, too, perhaps – perhaps – the living word, perhaps, the breeze, the spirit, echo, song, and sound, of those already passed, these, too, now passing, called away, and calling back, recalling us – to this, then, that – while walking on, towards that day – far off, I trust, for now – on which, beneath this self-same sky, you’ll one day die – as well, deep down, you know – that this you sense, you feel, you touch, you hear, you see – you see, that this is it – that this is all of life you’re living now – you’re life itself – you’re it – in breathing quietly, now, again, and then, again, in breathing, quietly, in, in quietly whispering – whispering, yes – and whispering, yes – and whispering, yes, again, while now releasing, letting go, and breathing slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, out – all the tension, all the shame, and all the sadness, all the trauma, all the pain – as if right now released, cast far away – heart bursting open, thoughts now free – in body, mind, to be now fully present – being gentler, kinder, now, and more relaxed, my friend – to walk this walk we’re on this day together now.
And then, while walking here, with me, I ask: so have you ever thought it so, and noticed this, and felt it just like that? And, then, when walking there, alone, or seeming so, have you ever also felt it just like this, and noticed that, and that this too, quite simply, is – and really thought it through?
If so, then what a walk this walk of yours must be, you know – a walk extraordinary – a walk most marvellous – a walk quite simply wonderful, you see – and like a walk in the park, let’s say – such that – that – then – when, here, and now, you’ve noticed all of this, and seen, and felt – experienced – lived – it – all – all to the full – and walking now in ease, not over-thinking, letting all just simply be – you’ll walk now somewhat, subtly, differently – walk simply – walking – differently.
And what a rare and perfect, precious, pearl of thought upon this walk is this to be perceiving and be living through, this eye, this you, this insight, truly beautiful.
A thought, sublime, I almost wish to say.
This thought of yours, divine.
© Bede Nix, 15 July 2021. All rights reserved.
Alone In Time
Alone In Time
I stop and stand as if alone in time
This moment here and now
“Try not to worry” – “Relax”, I say – as if to someone, listening – “just breathe”.
No need now to be anxious or afraid – take it easy
The earth beneath your feet
The sky above your head
Some sense of far horizon, right, and left
And everything everywhere that is happening
To anyone anywhere
Something somewhere
Someone out there, I think
Is happening now
The first time, or again
As I am, standing here still
Alone, this moment
All happening now
Too much, and not much really
So — such, that
Finally, there’s nothing left unsaid, within
The silence, so
And so, again
This moment here and now
I stop and stand as if alone in time
Breathing out, and in
Breeze gently whispering quietly
Listening, as
The spirit sings, somehow
My beating heart
My beating heart
My beating heart
Your name
All will be well
(c) Bede Nix, 22 September 2021. All rights reserved.
It Is What It Is
It is – what? – it is
What is?
It is – what? – it is
What is?
It is – what? – it is
Well, then; what is it?
No one knows, quite honestly – a mystery
Except it could be better
And it could, perhaps, be worse – a little worse, perhaps, could be
If certainly not all it’s cracked up to be
But then again, seen better days, still counting blessings
Here, now; and more or less, all well
And it is what it is
And there we are
(c) Bede Nix, 25 September 2022. All rights reserved.